...Through play children engage and interact with the world around them, which helps allow the children to create and explore a world in their own eyes. As well as physical development, play also has a really positive impact upon a child's social and emotional development, for play can strengthen the bond between a parent and their child, because through play children are able to express their views, experiences and feelings, this particularly can be seen though role play, creative play, language play and exploratory play. Within play, parents are given who have the opportunity to observe or join in with child-driven play are given the unique chance to see the world from their child's point and they learn to communicate more effectively with their...
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...shapes the child's understanding of self in relation to others. The schools and the teachers play a very important role in a child's formative years The child starts to understand her/his identity beyond the family, role that each one in the society assumes, through friends, teachers in school and most importantly books that they read in class room. A child's understanding of gender specific role gets almost fixed when schooling starts and get re-enforced every day by the behaviors towards them by the teachers, staff, member of the school. They start being actor of the patriarchal system and carry it along much after they have left school. School's ideological stance shapes up the stances of the children. The way children would look at gender relation and role, caste, class, history, etc are depended on how the schools look at these issues. The teachers at the school despite of being a separate identity outside school carry the same ideology of the school within the schools premises. So if a teacher is very caste biased then the children tent to see caste very differently, if a certain teacher has strong and traditional notion towards girls then the students' starts learning them and inculcating them in their life. But what is important is to see what influences the teachers to be what she / he are within the school when she/he might be a totally different person outside the school. The teacher is the figure of authority within the classroom. They have the power to create and...
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...educational institutions play a key role in addressing the problems that face these institutions. The learning process in most high schools fails to deliver the expected results due to poor leadership. Today, many educational institutions seek to implement the evaluation process for public school principals based not only on leadership skills, but responsibilities, accountability, and professionalism (Szczesiul and Huizenga 166). The evaluation system seeks to address increasing issues of high school dropout rates, discipline, academic performance, and development of interpersonal skills among students. Appropriate leadership should be based on student growth and development, unlike earlier systems that rated students based on their academic performances. High school principals need to have the right skills required to address emerging issues such as the curriculum and teacher-student relationship evaluations (Katterfeld 344). Strategic high school leaders understand the needs of the students, teachers, and the non-teaching staff. The evaluation process seeks to determine whether high school principals adopt strategic measures to engage in professional dialogs with the teachers concerning teaching and learning process that occurs in classrooms. Transformational leadership remains critical due to changes in technology, globalization, and diversification, which play a crucial role in the success of modern learning processes. Leadership roles play a key role in higher educational...
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...Unit 4 Wider professional practice in education and training. Unit Title: Understand professionalism and the influence of professional values in education and training. Assignment 2 Name: Peijie Zhu Date: 19/03/2024 Word Count: 2566. 3. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Understand the impact of accountability to stakeholders and external bodies in education and training. 3.1 Explain the roles of stakeholders and external bodies in education and training. Students should complete an essay on roles and accountability to stakeholders and external bodies in education and training. (400 words minimum) Education and training are complex systems that involve numerous stakeholders and external bodies working collaboratively to ensure quality,...
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...First and foremost a teacher has the role as a leader, this is a role that should be covered if the teacher wishes for her class to operate productively. “The most important role of a teacher is to get to know each student as an individual in order to comprehend his or her unique needs, learning style, social and cultural background, interests, and abilities”(Redefining the Role of the Teacher: It’s a Multifaceted Profession. (1997, July 1). Teachers should posses a love for working and being around children. It should bring them great joy being a positive role model to a child. It is the teachers role to not just show up to her job and be mediocre, the should go above and beyond to be the best educator to their students. Teachers should be an inspiration to the lives of children. They should aspire to be an educator who shows genuine concern for each and every child that is in their presence. A teacher’s role is to leave a permanent impression on a child, and to do so it would take a lot of patience and dedication. A good educator should establish a healthy relationship with my students, by keeping the lines of communication open so they feel comfortable enough to talk to them about anything. They should...
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...THE ROLE OF THE SCHOOL COUNSELLOR AND HIS FUNCTIONS WITHIN THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY. By Dr. Adeyemi Idowu ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of roles and functions in counselling and in so doing the writer highlights the expected roles of counsellors and their functions in Nigerian Schools. GENERAL BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF STUDY Guidance and Counselling, as an educational service and academic discipline, has received much more public attention in Nigeria than any other field of education in the last one or two decades. Speeches have been made by various public officers in education (both Federal , and State), educationists, and private individuals alike, and all have addressed the need to revamp Nigeria's educational system with a more productive and functional type that incorporates guidance and counselling. In a landmark address delivered at the 1976 launching ceremony of the Counselling Association of Nigeria (CAN), Colonel (Dr.) Ahmadu All, then Federal Commissioner of Education, stated, inter alia: Guidance and counselling is an educational innovation that enjoys my full support. Any educational system will be deficient without educational guidance. Our students' need to be helped by personal counselling, career education and vocational guidance to discover their talents, aptitudes and to make intelligent career decisions, (pp. 1-2) The Federal. Government of Nigeria also endorsed its total commitment and support to the guidance and counselling movement...
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...College 100 American Public University Professor Floyd Maertens The Role Environment Plays On Education The role environment plays on education is remarkably significant, wether in grade school or an adolescent the affects can be life changing. As in adolescent the environmental factors include: how they are cared for by their parents, the neighborhood they live in, and their instruction in schools. Most learning is developed in a physical environment such as: sitting under a tree, in a classroom lecture, or in a home. Although specific targets within the environment attracts students attention like the warmth of fire and the angle of light draws students. Not only are we affected by the environment but also by new experiences, in which we are able to either learn or not learn during these situations. Students may direct their attention to particular targets in the learning environment that they find more interesting, important, or unfamiliar than others. Keen, Meg (2005) For example, a classroom with circular tables and comfortable armchairs may look strange because it deviates from expectations formed through prior experience. Some learning environments are more comfortable and offer fewer distractions than others. In any learning environment, physical characteristics that cause discomfort can be expected to interfere with learning. As for environments that produce positive emotional states can be expected to enable a place of attachment. While technology is...
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...methods of teaching 2.1 The bases of teaching a foreign language 2.2 Effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language 2.2.1 Constructivist teaching strategies 2.2.2 Communicative Teaching Method 2.2.3 Using project method in teaching a foreign language 2.2.4 The method of debates 2.2.5 Games 2.2.6 Role plays as a method of teaching 2.3 Methodological principles of modern methods of teaching 2.4 Practical aspect of ways of teaching 3. Comparative characteristics of modern techniques of teaching English 3.1 Features of techniques 3.1.1 Communicative method 3.1.2 Project methodology 3.1.3 Intensive method 3.1.4 Activity Based method 3.2 Similarities of methods 3.3 Positive and negative aspects of techniques Conclusion Bibliography Appendix Introduction Language teaching came into its own as a profession in the last century. Central to this process was the emergence of the concept of methods of language teaching. The method concept in language teaching—the notion of a systematic set of teaching practices based on a particular theory of language and language learning—is a powerful one, and the quest for better methods preoccupied teachers and applied linguists throughout the 20th century. Howatt (1984) documents the history of changes in language teaching throughout history, up through the Direct Method in the 20th century. One of the most lasting legacies of the Direct Method has been the notion of method itself. Methodology in language teaching...
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...practice of teaching foreign languages there is a problem facing the teacher to address to experience of the colleagues, to innovative ideas, to a science, is that low authority of a subject because of shortages of a present technique of teaching. Aim to investigate the role of contemporary methods in teaching foreign languages, to distinguish the most rational techniques of teaching a foreign language which can be used in school. In this work it is necessary to solve the following primarytasks: 1. To investigate the bases of teaching a foreign language 2. To study effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language 3. To observe ways of teaching English language in contemporary methods 4. To work out exercises for using innovation technologies of teaching English language in contemporary methods The subject of this course paper is variety of methods and ways and their effectiveness of using in teaching a foreign language. The object of research is the process of teaching and pupils who are the subjects of this teaching process. Theoretical value of this course paper is in its results, having received which it will be possible to organize effectively teaching process, using in practice methods and ways of teaching which were offered in this work. Practical value of the work is in given methodical recommendations and great number of tasks and exercises which can be applied by teachers of any subjects in primary and secondary schools. I Theoretical...
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...TEACHING METHODS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS IN THE DISTRICT OF ORANI: AN INVESTIGATION ________________________ A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School Bataan Peninsula State University City of Balanga, Bataan _______________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Education Major in Mathematics ______________________ by FAILLA B. PEPITO 2016 Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Caring classroom communities that are focused on mathematical goals help develop students’ mathematical identities and proficiencies (file:///D:/effective%20pedagogy.pdf). That’s why it is important that the school must have teachers using an appropriate method of transmitting knowledge and skills to the learners. Mathematics is the most international of all curriculum subjects, and mathematical understanding influences decision making in all areas of life either private, social, and civil. Mathematics education is a key to increasing the post-school and citizenship opportunities of young people, but today, as in the past, many students struggle with mathematics and become disaffected as they continually encounter obstacles to engagement. It is imperative, therefore, that we understand what effective mathematics teaching looks like—and what teachers can do to break this pattern (file:///D:/effective%20pedagogy...
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...technology as a part of our everyday curriculum. Technology should be the primary factor in our educational system, and become the focal point of how adult students are educated. Technological tools should be used in various educational settings so that adult students are provided the opportunity to be successful in a learning environment as well as in a career environment. Most adults who make the decision to continue their educational goals do so for career advancement and growth as well as utilizing and enhancing their professional and educational knowledge and skills. Adults should be given the opportunity to be successful in all aspects of their lives; which includes their educational endeavors. The way that this opportunity can occur is for adult students to be properly exposed to the advantages that technology can provide them. This report will discuss and demonstrate the advantages of technology and its connection to educating adult students through my explanation and delivery of an educational lesson. The content of the curriculum of focus will be that of Science Research Projects, which will be introduced as group work for the students. Each group will be given a particular topic to complete a Research Project on, and will be expected to answer various questions related to the topic that should be included in the presentation. Adult students will be given a set amount of points for the completion of the project; which includes bringing in necessary information on...
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...ROLE OF PLAY IN CHLD DEVELOPMENT Play is a very important aspect in children. This is where children’s lives are supported and promoted by plays. Children, families and teachers all over the world are observed one consistent feature of childhood. This is creative play is a central activity in the lives of healthy children. Play helps children weave together all the elements of life as they experience it. It helps them to digest life and make it their own. It is an outlet for the fullness of their creativity and it is an absolutely critical part of their childhood. With creative play children blossom and flourish. Without it, they suffer a serious decline. The demise of play will certainly have serious consequences for children and for the future of childhood itself. Parents, teachers and mental health professionals alike, are expressing concern about children who do not play. Some seem blocked and unable to play. Others long to play, but policies and practices at home and in school have driven open ended, self directed play out of their lives. Children no longer have the freedom to explore wood and fields and find their own special places. Informal neighbourhood games are a thing of the past as children are headed into athletic leagues at increasingly younger ages. Increasingly children find themselves in school settings which feature scripted teachings, computerised learning and standardised assessment. Physical education and recess are being eliminated. New schools are...
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...been introduced, for first teaching from September 2008. Some of the changes include: • The introduction of stretch and challenge (including the new A* grade at A2) – to ensure that every young person has the opportunity to reach their full potential • The reduction or removal of coursework components for many qualifications – to lessen the volume of marking for teachers • A reduction in the number of units for many qualifications – to lessen the amount of assessment for learners • Amendments to the content of specifications – to ensure that content is up-to-date and relevant. OCR has produced an overview document, which summarises the changes to Psychology. This can be found at www.ocr.org.uk, along with the new specification. In order to help you plan effectively for the implementation of the new specification we have produced this Scheme of Work and Sample Lesson Plans for Psychology. These Support Materials are designed for guidance only and play a secondary role to the Specification. Our Ethos All our Support Materials were produced ‘by teachers for teachers’ in order to capture real life current teaching practices and they are based around OCR’s revised specifications. The aim...
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...A classroom teacher wants to face the challenges of the classroom in an easy and effective way. It is possible if the teacher understands the qualities and nature of child and human psychology. The subject Educational Psychology is also a challenging field through which different complex problems of educational system can be solved. The knowledge of Educational Psychology has a great relevance for the teacher, because it helps the teacher to realize his objective of effective teaching and educating the pupils properly. Precisely speaking, the knowledge of Educational Psychology helps the teacher in the following ways: (1) Understanding the child: It has been rightly recognized that the teacher can truly teach the child only when he possesses the knowledge of child psychology individual as well as collective. For example, the teacher must know how children think; what are their interests at various stages of their development; and how their energies can best be utilized for educational purpose. In fact, all modifications in the techniques of teaching are really the growing application of the knowledge of psychology to the process of teaching learning. (2) Understanding individual differences: Previously it was presumes that all children are more or less alike and therefore, almost same speed of progress was expected of them. Moreover, it was also thought that the mind of the child is just like a clean state and therefore, anything could be written on it. Now, from the knowledge...
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...Pupils' Achievement In English And Teacher Competencies Pupils' Achievement In English And Teacher Competencies CHAPTER I The Problem and Its Background Introduction For many years, educators and researchers have debated which school variables influence student achievement. As policy-makers became more involved in school reform, this suggestion takes on new importance since their many initiatives rely on presumed relationships between various education-related factors and learning outcomes. Some researches have suggested that “schools bring little influence to bear upon a child’s achievement test is independent of his background and general social context.” (Coleman et. al. 1966; Jenks et. al. 1972). Other evidence suggests that factors like class size (Glass, et. al. 1982; Mosteller, 1995), teacher qualification (Ferguson, 1991), school size (Holler, 1993), and other school variables may play an important role in influencing learning. As new standard for new learning continues to be introduced in the country, hence, greater attention is given to the role teacher plays in student achievement. While some evidence suggests that better qualified teachers may make a difference in student learning at the school and district levels. There is also increasing inquiry into the exact predictors that affect teacher efficiency vis-à-vis student level of achievement. Teaching competence and teacher impact on students may largely determine whether or not the student will fail or succeed...
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