...aAlthough some people may argue that teaching is not a real profession, there are several factors that prove otherwise. Factors that define teaching as a profession include: • A specialized body of knowledge: Every day teachers teach students a specific subject or subjects, such as Math, Science, History, or Reading. Teachers are also responsible for knowing how to maintain an effective classroom environment and they must have knowledge of how children think and act. • Emphasis on decision making: Teachers are required to make decisions constantly throughout the day. They are responsible for deciding that types of lessons need to be taught and how to teach them. Teachers also have to decide how to react to students, for example teachers must decide how to discipline a student with poor conduct. • Reflection: Teachers have to constantly analyze and self-criticize their own teaching methods to determine their effectiveness. They must go over each lesson that they’ve taught and ask themselves whether or not the students understood it. A teacher can look over test scores or papers to determine if the lesson was taught accurately. • Autonomy: Teachers also have to use their own personal judgment to make decisions every day. Although states and districts set standards for curriculum and assessments, teachers make the direct decisions involved with teaching. Teachers must determine how much time should be spent on each subject and the best way to teach it. • Ethical standards for...
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...Building Blocks of Success for a Career in Education Vicki Davis Grand Canyon University: UNV 501 February 23, 2015 Building Blocks of a Successful Career in Education The following is a bulleted list of important components each teacher candidate must achieve in order to continue on into a successful career in education. This outline will overview each of the following topics: TaskStream, Learner Goals, Professional Dispositions and Where to Start. * Taskstream: Taskstream is an e-portfolio that each student in the college of education is required to have. Throughout the students’ schooling they will be instructed to upload pertinent assignments that are attached to standards; the assignment serves as evidence. When applying for teaching positions, students can use this online collection as their portfolio, showing what they have accomplished throughout their time at Grand Canyon University. The student may even choose to share this e-portfolio on the Web. * Learner Goals: Learner goals are standards that are mandated by “…state and federal departments of education, professional education organizations and accrediting bodies” (GCU, 2012). They include professional dispositions, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and skill, professional pedagogical knowledge and skills, data-informed decision making, performance assessment, technology integration, and field experience/clinical practice. * Professional Dispositions: Values and ethics that will...
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...Checkpoint: Teaching as a Professional Career There are many details that describe teaching as a professional career. To highlight a few I will start with first specialized subject knowledge such as a math teacher for college courses also having a math degree. Teachers must also have general knowledge of other subjects that is not their specialized subject so they meet the demands that may be presented. Teachers must have four general types of specialized knowledge and that is knowledge of content, pedagogical content knowledge which is the ability to illustrate abstract concepts, general pedagogical knowledge which is the knowledge of general principals of teaching and learning, and finally knowledge of learners and learning which is knowledge of theories of development and learning. Second is the emphasis on decision making. Teachers must be able to make decisions about what they will teach and how to construct their lesson plan according to the students learning abilities. Decision making involves goal-oriented problem solving based on professional knowledge. Decision making is influenced by three different things that teachers must incorporate on a daily basis; these three factors are goals, professional knowledge, and context. Third is reflection, which is being able to assess themselves on how they are doing rather than relying on someone else to tell them. Reflecting teachers very conscious of what they are doing throughout the day, they can even be self-critical about...
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...specialize in a certain career, they must be equipped with a professional knowledge and techniques. These essential qualifications are learnt in another or separate department out side the industry in which the individual is employed. This essay will give explanation of a specialized organization, which offers the skilled acquaintance. We will also show how this specific department contributes in providing these professional acquaintance as well as abilities. Lastly we will elaborate how careers successes are affected Every kind of career need proper knowledge and techniques .for instant when starting a career in education one need to be prepared to meet and face all he challenges that might occur in his or her classroom. An educator need to be more equipped with relevant materials to prepare him or herself with behavior management as well as specialized development In addition to the information received all through a college degree in teaching. According to the studies individuals who are well experienced having aspiration and a good set of connections as well as support system are on a pathway to a victorious career. Various scholars conclude that learning-goal course, is the tendency of persons to make every effort for progress and knowledge which is concerned with the career contentment. It is said by many individual that the satisfaction in career brings about success. Profession control is happens when a worker actively practice understanding and teaching to continue being...
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...different points between teaching and business as mentioned below. II/ Body: 1. The first significant difference between business and teaching is personality. 2. The second considerable disparity between business and teaching is subject of operation. 3. The last obvious difference between teaching and business is income. III/ Conclusion When I was young, my mother usually asked me that “what job do you want to do in future?” and my answer is always “I would like to be a good teacher”. However, my enthusiasm for teaching has gradually changed during the passing time because I recognize myself from business. In my opinion, there are three different points between teaching and business as mentioned below. The first significant difference between business and teaching is personality. People say that “teaching is engineer of the soul” so a teacher have to be good at moral standard. If a teacher has a bad personality and ignorance of professional knowledge, he or she will create the number of new generation who are harmful to development of country and society. On the contrary, although businessmen does not need compulsory moral standard, they have responsibility for what they do toward the law. For example, if their company sales product, they have to guarantee its quality. If not, the law will punish them. The second considerable disparity between business and teaching is subject of operation. The major subject of teaching is groups of people...
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...A strong Professional Development Plan is an essential asset to succeeding in any career, especially one as an educator. Such a plan not only improves initial employability but also works as a guide for motivation, direction, and self-improvement throughout one’s career. A well-designed plan includes specific career and education goals as well as an action plan for achieving those goals. For a Professional Development Plan to be effective, continual evaluation needs to be conducted to monitor personally growth and to ensure that the intended goals are met. Ultimately, failing to plan is the same as planning to fail. This paper is written from the viewpoint of a beginning teacher on her ideal vision for the future. Of course such a teacher will need to modify her goals as the circumstances and experiences demand, but the essay will present what her projected plan of action for her upcoming career will be. Setting goals is a critical aspect of creating a professional development plan. The writer of this paper has set many educational and professional long-term and short-term goals for herself. In the next five years, the writer aims to complete both her Associate’s degree and Bachelor’s degree in the field of Elementary Education. More long-term goals, which may take 10 years or more, include continuing education all the way up to a Doctorate’s degree, teaching a variety of grades from kindergarten to 12th grade, and eventually becoming a school principle, or possibly even a superintendent...
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...early-adulthood. A significant number of organizations, such as commercial ones, are adopting mentoring programs as a vital part of their professional development plans. Mentoring is an effective tool to foster professional development to both the mentor and mentee. The practice of mentoring beginning teachers emerged in the 1980s as a professional development strategy for achieving a variety of goals. Teacher mentoring programs are now perceived as an effective staff development approach for beginning teachers. Cooper and Miller (1998) state that the benefits of mentoring include :faster, more effective integration of new teachers, retention of quality professionals, increased transfer of skills from one generation to another; gains in productivity and performance; increased learning from professional development activities; enhanced communication, commitment, and motivation; and a stabilizing factor in times of change. Zimbabwe introduced the attachment model for the first time in 1995. Shumbayawonda (2001) says “In 1995 Zimbabwe introduced the attachment model where student teachers were placed under the charge of experienced qualified teachers”. Definition of terms Mentor Furlong and Maynard (1995) in Shumbayawonda (2011) defines a mentor as one who acts as a coach, helping the student teacher to gain skills, to reflect on their practical teaching experiences. Zey (1984, in Shumbayawonda (2011) says that a mentor is a person who over-sees...
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...I stated m caee in an The Challenges Facing Beginning Teachers New teachers bring varying backgrounds, motivations, experiences, and preparation levels to their initial teaching experience. Their view of the profession and their role in it is shaped by these motivations, as well as by the context in which they begin their work. This chapter explores the commitments that new teachers bring to their roles and the challenges they face. It sets forth the need for the development of a comprehensive induction program to help all new teachers become fully committed and more effective in the classroom. A CASE OF BEGINNING TEACHING Anna was a first-year teacher in an urban school. Although Business was her undergraduate major, she found her initial foray into the business world to be very unsatisfying. She wanted a career that would allow her to make a contribution to society. She heard about the need for teachers— particularly for math teachers—in her area. Not being quite sure what she needed to do to become eligible to work in a teaching capacity, she attended a recruitment fair put on by the local school district. There she heard about the program that would allow her to begin teaching while she completed work on a teaching credential through a district-led or a university-led alternative certification program. 1 Bartell 01.qxd 7/21/04 5:45 PM Page 1 After taking a test that measured her “basic skills” (reading, math, and writing), she was sent on some interviews at several middle...
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...serve as a starting point for creating or improving your teaching resume. Included in this packet are best practices that the Career Center have researched and found to be true. Information and sample resumes within this packet are not intended to be taken verbatim. Constructing a teaching resume is an art, not a science. Make your personal resume unique and stand out by making it represent you. The resources this packet highlights are available to all students; take advantage of the Career Center and the services it provides you. What to Expect Teaching Resume Aesthetics, Content & Editing…………..………………………..Page 3 Three necessary components of a great teaching resume are detailed Key Elements of a Successful Teacher Resume……………………………………...Page 4 Mandatory vs. optional elements in a successful teaching resume Poor Teaching Resume Example……………………………………………………..Page 5 Details common mistakes of a teaching resume Transferable Skills & Action Verbs…………………………………………………....Page 6 A comprehensive list of transferable skills and action verbs that have potential in a teaching resume Constructing a Proper Achievement Statement (bullet point)………………………Page 7 Creating a bullet point stress you out? Here is a fool proof way to construct a proper achievement statement. Buzz Words……………………………………………………………………………..Page 7 Answer the question, “What are buzz words and how should they be used in a resume” Teaching Resume Samples...………………………………………………………Pages 8-11 These...
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...Professional Resources: Assistance to Teaching Professional Resources: Assistance to Teaching Cheryl Madison Grand Canyon University: EDU 313-Educational Psychology September 12, 2012 Introduction When instructors teach on a daily basis it is essential that they have materials in which they can refer back to for needed information which is known as professional resources. When teachers are unsure or give the wrong information it hurts the students. With many resources one can have ways of learning information, a guide to decision making in the classroom and a reference to solving everyday situations. Students are different in many ways, whether it is based on their learning styles, disabilities or past assessments; teachers need to have the needed materials in order to make the lesson in the classroom a fulfilling one. Professional resources can include books, volunteering services, the World Wide Web, CDs or even professional testimonies from other educators. Volunteering as a Professional Resource When an educator volunteers, he or she is giving their services free of charge and getting a firsthand experience of the teaching profession. In an environment of learning, it is imperative that educators get the knowledge they need in order to know how to work with children; volunteering helps with learning these techniques. Volunteering helps one become more comfortable with the area as well. Studies have shown that participating as...
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...DON HONORIO VENTURA TECHNOLOGICAL STATE UNIVERSITY Bacolor, Pampanga Career Decisions, Experience, Work Traits and Productivity of Public Elementary School Teachers in the Coastal Schools of South Sector in the Division of Pampanga By Amor Chino De Mesa Lopez Ed. D Student Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction In the country's present educational situation, we need teachers who are effective, dynamic and ceaselessly exert efforts to ca carry out sound pedagogical objectives of the nation. One question that is often raised is: what makes an effective teacher? Merely wanting to be a teacher is not a manifestation of one's fitness to handle the demands, rigors and pressures of effective instruction. The teacher must be cognizant of effective classroom management coupled with commendatory work traits of various trends and innovations in teaching. The learners are the central point of observation and concern especially when the quality of education is being assessed. For these reason, professionals or individuals who specializes in education are hired for their service and expertise. Educators take part in the noble task in uplifting the academic performance of each child. It is their sole responsibility to nurture and develop the minds of the future leaders and work force of our nation. The personality of the teachers has great influence in the development of desirable attitudes and values of learners. The teacher must be a good model...
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...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory JoinSearchBrowseSaved Papers Home Page » Social Issues Teaching as a Professional Career In: Social Issues Teaching as a Professional Career Teaching as a Professional Career Listra Long AED/201 02/09/2012 Terry Houlton The factors that define teaching as a professional career begins here being the most important roles; Caring professional of which teachers are most caring people who cares about the students and their environment on a daily basis, they make themselves available to the students showing empathy to their situation. Caring teachers shows their ability and help the students with their behavior and to obtain better grades, guide their emotions and help them to improve intellectually. More so students who receive support from their teachers improve achieve better in the classroom and school work and becomes more responsible and comfortable with their social environment which is both valued by teachers and students. When a teacher does not care about a student it affects their mind and makes them want to leave school. Creator of productive learning environment is an environment that is orderly and focuses on learning. Students feel safe in the schools and classrooms where learning is productive. The students feel safe emotionally and physically with the everyday routine of the school. Being an Ambassador is when the teachers represent the school...
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...Continuing Personal and Professional Development 2 CONTINUING PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AT UCL Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The CPD Context 3. UCL Support 4. Feedback and Appraisal 5. The CPD Cycle and Where to Start 6. Evaluation and Impact 7. Recording Your Learning and Development 8. A CPD Portfolio 9. Conclusion Appendix 1 Approaches to Learning and Development Appendix 2 Tools to Help With Portfolio Development Appendix 3 A Change of Career Appendix 4 Learning Styles Appendix 5 Definitions Appendix 6 Continuing Professional Development Record Appendix 7 Basic Principles of CVs And Applications Appendix 8 Resources 3 CONTINUING PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AT UCL 1. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE: This document is intended to provide staff at UCL with a clear understanding of continuing professional development (CPD), and its importance, within the context of UCL. It is also intended to encourage equality of opportunity by encouraging everyone to plan their development and record their skills. The guide will act as a transportable toolkit to help with the planning and recording of your personal and professional development. It should be used in conjunction with any continuing professional development (CPD) related specifically to your profession or professional registration. The guide also explains why you should record your learning and development, and how to do it. WHAT IS CPD? The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development...
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...Co-Teaching Teacher Benefits Walther-Thomas, C. (1997). Co-teaching experiences: The benefits and problems that teachers and principals report over time. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 30(4), 395-407. The benefits for general and special education teachers that were reported by both teacher participants and administrator participants included increased professional satisfaction, opportunities for professional growth, personal support, and increased opportunities for collaboration. Professional Satisfaction. Consistently, co-teachers reported high levels of professional satisfaction as a result of their students' success in these classrooms. They reported that their students' academic and social progress told them that they were "on the right path." Many indicated that they felt good about their participation in this effort because they saw that their programs were getting better over time; they were seeing more benefits and fewer problems and believed that their efforts were paying off. Professional Growth. Many coteachers reported that the experience of working so closely with other professional educators had been the best professional growth opportunity of their careers. Ongoing opportunities to share their unique knowledge bases and professional skills had allowed many to explore new ideas and content areas, and to expand their professional skill repertoires. It is important to note that many also believed that they had never worked harder in their professional careers...
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...Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2011, 3(2), 411-423 www.iojes.net Pedagogical Competences – The Key to Efficient Education Andreia Irina SUCIU1 and Liliana MÂŢĂ21 Abstract The aim of our study is to provide a holistic representation of pedagogical skills closely related with current approaches in the field of professional competence for the teaching career. The paper covers three dimensions from the perspective of pedagogical competences. The first dimension is on the definition of pedagogical competence. The concept of pedagogical competence tends to be used with the meaning of minimum professional standard, often specified by law, which should raise a person in fulfilling a particular role of the teaching profession. The second dimension is based on representative taxonomies and highlights current pedagogical competences. The taxonomic classification, which we provide below only refers to the basic competences involved in the based role of a teacher to lead one of the educational activities with students. The third dimension is represented by a proposal in a narrow framework of a holistic representation of pedagogical competences for the teaching career. In the holistic view, we delineate two broad categories of pedagogical competences in accord with current approaches: general pedagogical competence and special pedagogical competence. After analyzing the pedagogical competences taxonomies, we obtained a comprehensive and actual representation. This representation allows...
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