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Teaching To Transgress: Chapter Analysis

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For my project I decided to read chapter 8 in Teaching to Transgress. I felt that this chapter was out of place from the other chapters I had read in her book. From the title of the chapter “Feminist Thinking”, I thought the section would be more about the actions and thoughts we needed to take in the classroom. Instead, the chapter was more about the personal experiences that Hooks had while teaching a class on feminism. Throughout the previous chapters, Hooks was voicing concerns in our education while in this chapter she was stating issues that are prevalent in different cultures and races of people. Hooks begins the chapter talking about how many students feel about feminism before taking her class and how many students do not join because of their lack of understanding. I agree with Bell Hooks about the lack of understanding of feminism in our culture today. Hooks quotes one of the questions her students normally ask her in a feminist classroom, she quotes “‘Isn’t the women’s movement really for …show more content…
Feminism has turned into a black and white issue. It seems if you are not an independent working woman then you are not just for the cause. My mother is a stay at home mom and I had always loved her being so. Through my childhood she was always there to help me through multiple issues and to provide a clean and caring household. In grade school my mother was part of the PTA and she was constantly ridiculed from some of the other mothers for being the epitome of a traditional obedient housewife, though she was not. I feel that this lack of acceptance polarized many people into thinking that feminism isn’t for them or that the issues do not include them. I agree with Hooks in that feminism should include anyone and everyone and it should promote equality for all people regardless of race, class, or

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