...Team Personality Traits Personalities can vary in groups of people from different areas of the country. University of Phoenix Learning Team A reflects similar personalities in which may not be a common aspect in most team environments. The ladies in team A truthfully assessed the Big Five Personality test to understand strengths and weaknesses within the team. However, each member has displayed a high regard for team goals and participation. According to each team member the results of the test would prove complete accuracy in the Big Five Personality test. The Big Five Assessment Summary There has been much research on how people describe others, and five major dimensions of human personality (Out of Service Home). Two different Big Five Personality tests have been taken by Diane Elizabeth, Tracy, and Mary to research how each team member’s personality fits into the five different dimensions of human personality. The results for the first dimension Openness to experience and Intellect display that high scores tend to be original, creative curious, complex, whereas low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interest, and uncreative. The first results reflect that when concerning team A, team members enjoy developing novel experiences and seeing thinks in new ways scoring from 96 to 80. The second dimension of Conscientiousness and responsibility reflects team A’s score ranging from 95 to 83 and that each team member is very well-organized and can be relied...
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...TEAM PERSONALITY TRAITS Effective communication is important in various area of life whether it be at work, school, church, or just at a social gathering. It helps to avoid misunderstandings because one will never know what someone else is thinking or why they think that way. Effective communication helps to interconnect people in different social organizations and this fulfills the human need for socializing. Keeping in mind you cannot have the same conversation to a group and always expect everyone to know what you’re saying, and the meaning behind your words. That’s why being able to communicate with people on their levels is important, one cannot convey the same information to different individuals without different interpretations. One must know their audience and be a great listener. Members’ of team ‘D’ have taken the personality traits test based on individual findings from the Big Five assessment tool and have summarized each team member’s results than have proposed solutions for working together using the information from the Big Five assessments and the underlying principles of trait theories, they also include a synopsis of the reliability and validity of personality measurements and finally whether they agreed with the conclusions drawn therefrom. Tasha’s Big Five Results the test concluded that she is somewhat conventional. Tasha’s big five results also stated she is well organized and reliable. She also found herself to be neither particularly social nor...
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...study that tried to find the relation between people’s pet preference and their personality trait of social dominance, as in “social dominance orientation”, “interpersonal dominance”, “competitiveness”, and “narcissism”. The study has put an emphasis on the idea of “social dominance orientation”, which is a belief for a structured social relationship, based on the social rank or status, and believe that is appropriate to the society. The result of the study showed that dog people stay high on this category, which explained their preference of dogs as dogs are more submissive to them, “at least to the degree that they obey their commands”. Moreover, the level of competitiveness, or the desire to outperforming others, is also higher among dog owners than cat owners. However, the result didn’t show a decisive difference between dog people and cat people with regards to the tendency to have an aggressive interpersonal behavior, nor a strong feeling of self-importance over their pets or other people. The first thing I’m interested about from this article is the relations between the personality traits of pet owners associated with their pet preference and the generally conceived temperament, or “personalities”, of dogs and cats. The study mentioned in the article has demonstrated that, unlike what people might believe in the first instance in which people choose pets that have the similar personality...
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...Susan Peláez Business 204 – Organizational Behavior Chapter 5 October 6, 2014 Case Incident 1 On the Costs of Being Nice 5-16. Yes, I believe that employers must choose between agreeable employees and top performers. In an ideal world, employees would have both these qualities: agreeability and great performance. However, for the most part – as the case states – agreeable employees tend to be good-natured, cooperative, trusting and accommodating, whereas top performers tend to focus on being leaders, or doing what is needed to do the job right, without caring for others. If an employer find amongst its possible future employees who have both these qualities, he or she should definitely be hired. If both qualities are not present in a single candidate for employment, then the employer must decide which is more important for the company: agreeability or top performance. 5-17. Agreeability is always important if you want your firm to have a good working environment and not a hostile one. However, there are instances in which being agreeable is more important. Such cases may be when dealing with others. For instance, people who work in the customer service sector must be agreeable, as customer satisfaction is very important. Another job situation could be working with patients or students – especially young ones. Being too agreeable could be harmful, for instance, in the real estate sector, where every employee wants to get more commissions by selling more properties. Being...
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...make rather then actually enjoying her job. 3) Openness to experiences refers to someone’s curiosity and willingness to try new things. People who are open to experiences are usually artistic and have active imaginations. According to this definition, Subria would score high in this dimension because of her willingness to try new foods and her style of dress. Subria enjoys going to Greenwich village and people watching because she gains insights into characters she might one day play. She also incorporates many different cultures into her outfits. Subria also stimulates her creativity by going to acting workshops and seminars. 4) Agreeableness refers to a person’s compliance, modesty, straightforwardness and trustworthiness. Due to these traits I believe Subria would score high on this dimension. Subria’s friends say Subria is a loyal and caring, and that she goes with the flow. This would mean Subria is compliant and easy to please. Subria is also very compassionate because she is willing to pick up other waitresses shifts at the restaurant she works at even if it is an inconvenience to her. Sometimes she forgets to show up, but her ability to be trusted by her friends is still there. 5) Conscientiousness is the tendency to be organized and dependable, a person who is conscientious is usually self-disciplined, deliberate and dutiful. Conscientiousness is the desire to show competence and strive for achievement in a meaningful way. Subria would score low on this dimension because...
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...Someday in the future, I hope to have a significant other. So I came up with five traits that i hope for this person to have. One trait that I hope for my partner to have is that they are a kind person. I like people who are nice to everyone, and a big turn off is someone who is rude to others. The next trait that I wish for them to have is someone who is respectful, because even if they aren't ok with something I like, they should be ok with it. I’d like if someone respected my choices or beliefs. Another thing that would benefit me and my significant others relationship is if they are good with kids. I want to have kids one day. I’d also like my partner to be patient, because I don’t like when people are impatient with other people, or just impatient in general. Finally, the last trait I’d want my partner to have is to be organized, because I’m not a very messy person, and I don't really want to be cleaning up someone else's mess....
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...+ Individual Characteristics and Differences Class 2 The Individual and Group Dynamics + Overview of Individual Characteristics and Differences n Personality Dimensions n The “Big 5” Dimensions n Narcissism n Linguistic Style and Gender Rapport vs. Status in social dynamics n Conversational rituals n Negotiating Authority n + Personality Dimensions n Take short online test: http://psychcentral.com/quizzes/personality.htm + Personality Dimensions – Clicker Poll n A. Openness to experience n B. Conscientiousness n C. Extroversion n D. Agreeableness n E. Emotional Stability + Personality Differences n The “Big 5” Personality Dimensions n Openness to experience – (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious). Appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, curiosity, and variety of experience. Openness reflects the degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity and a preference for novelty and variety. Some disagreement remains about how to interpret the openness factor, which is sometimes called "intellect" rather than openness to experience. n Conscientiousness – (efficient/organized vs. easy-going/careless). A tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement; planned rather than spontaneous behavior; organized, and dependable. n Extroversion – (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved). Energy...
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...Swan case , does Swan 's team display the characteristics of high-performance teams ? If so , describe the way in which her team resembles a high-performance team Taran Swan 's team displays the characteristics of high-performance teams such as trust , effective organizational culture , and the management of relationships According to Katzenbach and Smith (1993 , a team 's performance .calls for both individual and mutual accountability (pg . 1 . In other words , trust between team members is essential to a team 's overall performance . This particular trait improves communication between team members and eases the tension of teamwork Taran Swan 's delegation of work required a profound degree of trust in her employees Swan appointed Friedman and McCarty as co-vice-presidents of marketing Even though the two of them had little or no experience in marketing Swan trusted in their own inherent talents to accomplish the marketing campaign . Friedman said , I kept telling Taran we needed to hire someone , but she said we were doing a fine job . I told her I 'd never done this before , but she said `It 's okay , you 'll figure it out ' Taran had faith in us that we could learn to do it and work together (pg 8 . Because of the strong belief in the individual , efficiency heightened in the situation , they were poised to give their best and deliver excellent service that would be in the best interest of the team . It worked In Managing Your Team by Linda A . Hill (1994 ,...
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...Surgency) This trait reflects preference for, and behavior in, social situations. People high in extraversion are energetic and seek out the company of others. Low scorers (introverts) tend to be more quiet and reserved. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (35) is relatively high. Factor II : Agreeableness (AKA Friendliness) This trait reflects how we tend to interact with others. People high in agreeableness tend to be trusting, friendly and cooperative. Low scorers tend to be more aggressive and less cooperative. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (30) is relatively high. Factor III : Conscientiousness (AKA Will or Dependability) This trait reflects how organized and persistent we are in pursuing our goals. High scorers are methodical, well organized and dutiful. Low scorers are less careful, less focussed and more likely to be distracted from tasks. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (38) is relatively high. Factor IV : Neuroticism This trait reflects the tendency to experience negative thoughts and feelings. High scorers are prone to insecurity and emotional distress. Low scorers tend to be more relaxed, less emotional and less prone to distress. Compared to other people who have taken this test, your score on this dimension (20) is about average. Factor V : Openness (AKA Culture or Intellect) This trait reflects 'open-mindedness'...
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...Individual Behavior Assignment After completing the big 5 personality questionnaire, my scores were determined as the following: |Dimension |My Percentile % | |Openness to Experience/Intellect |65 | |Conscientiousness |79 | |Extraversion |83 | |Agreeableness |38 | |Neuroticism |66 | Openness to Experience/Intellect Given my scores above, I will discuss my personality type and whether or not it fits well with my current role as a Senior Policy Aide for a Minneapolis City Council Member. The first dimension I will discuss is Openness to Experience/Intellect. Openness to Experience/ Intellect is linked with active imagination, artistic warmth, attentiveness to inner feelings, complexity and independent judgment (Matzler, Bidmon, Grabner-Kräuter, 2006)....
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...friend to stay at my house and observe me. I informed her about my hypothesis and the importance for her to remain as objective as possible. To evaluate my hypothesis I used an experiment. I simply changed one of the variables (took a day off work) and had my friend observe any changes in my demeanor. As I had hypothesized, I am most angry and irritated in the late afternoon, after a long day of work. Therefore, by using the scientific process I now understand the cause and effect of my anger. References McAdams, D. (2006). The person: A new introduction to personality psychology. (4th ed.).Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Character Evaluation Top Gun is a movie that presents a young and ambitious man, Pete Mitchell, call sign Maverick, who is accepted into one of the most prestigious flight schools that the Navy has to offer. Extraversion Extraversion describes one of the traits of Maverick’s character...
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...James Potris December 17, 2013 CO2520 Unit 1 Project Part 1: Brand You After taking the self-assessments from the library these are the results of ME. What’s my basic personality? Items 1, 6, and 11. I scored a 7 in extraversion. This score puts me in the middle of an extravert and an introvert. I agree with this, I am social, but not that talkative, there are times I will be assertive. Items 2, 7, and 12. I scored a 12 in agreeableness. This at the high end of the range. This part of the assessment is right on target. I am good-natured, cooperative and trusting. Items 3, 8, and 13. I scored a 12 in conscientiousness. I would have to agree on this category. I am someone who is responsible very dependable and persistent on my goals. Items 4, 9, and 14. I scored a 13 in emotional stability. I am always calm, collective, and secure in my life. Items 5, 10 and 15. I scored a 6 in openness to experience. This does sound like me, I am more conventional and I do like the things I familiar with. The next assessment taken was, “What’s my locus of control”? My score in the category was an 8.This indicated I have a high internal locus of control. I believe I control my life. It is not by luck or chance that gets things done. I am well structured and enjoy the same routine. The next assessment was, “How good are my listening skills”? My score was a 49. I do need to make a better effort to listen better, and not try to answer before the speaker is...
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...Personality is an aspect of a person or an individuals’ character as to how he or she reacts to and interact with other people. In psychology, an individuals personality are the sum total of the mental, emotional, physical and social characteristics. For this assignment, we are required to take the personality test and write a comprehensive analysis of ourselves and match our personality to the most suitable job based on the big five-personality model, which are extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and conscientiousness. I took the test and it shows that the highest score is 4 out of 5 for agreeableness, and openness comes second with a score of 3.4 out of 5. According to resources, agreeableness describes people who are fond of working with other people. In general, individuals who have this trait are trustworthy, cooperative, considerate, friendly, and helpful. These people are easily liked and they can easily interact or communicate well with others because they have a positive view of human nature. In a career test, social harmony is one of the most important goals for individuals who grades high on this particular personality trait. And usually, women are more incline to score higher in agreeableness than men. Agreeable individuals are keen on compromising their interest for others. These individuals find that it is vital to get along with the society. Individuals who scores low on agreeableness trait or are disagreeable tend to put their...
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...Traits of Character Character Traits; the direction of the libidinous or passionate strivings of a man which makes it possible to describe his character structure uniformly. Character traits (e.g. miserliness, pedantry and intolerance) get together to an orientation and are part of the basic orientation of the character. (http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Character+traits) According to Laua King’s The Science of Psychology “trait theories are theoretical views stressing that personality consists of broad, enduring dispositions (traits) that tend to lead to characteristic response. She also defines the “big five factors of personality as the broad traits that are thought to describe the main dimensions of personality.” She gives an acronym; “OCEAN. Openness; imaginative and practical; Conscientiousness; organized or disorganized, Extraversion; energetic or somber, Agreeableness; trusting or suspicious, and Neuroticism; calm or anxious.” As we can see, King’s examples for her acronym are complete opposites of each other. These are the different range of emotions that one can show during each of these stages. I see character traits as being the building blocks of one’s personality. The way one has developed their speech, style, eating habits, peer groups, and core values. I have been told that I am bossy, independent, unorganized, and scatter brained. I obviously have pick up these traits at different points of my life. Yes, most of them I did retain from my mother...
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...Personality traits are describes person’s stable patterns of how they think, feel, or behave. They were useful for the description, prediction and explanation about person’s typical behavior. Big Five Factor Test and Catell’s 16 Personality Factor Test are the most common tests that used to measure personality traits. I took two of them to see my personality traits. Firstly, I took the Big Five Factor Test that was measure (O) Openness, (C) Conscientiousness, (E) Extraversion, (A) Agreeableness, and (N) Neuroticism and each traits includes more specific traits. The language of the test was very easy, it doesn’t include any scientific word but there are some sentences that are not clear and I’m hesitated about what does it means. For example, “I often feel blue” because the test doesn’t explain what does it mean by saying feel blue....
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