...Abstract Teamwork is about several people doing different parts of a project and having it come together effectively and on time, like a puzzle of sorts. Directed by a motivated leader who guides the team by training and developing his or her team to perform at the highest level possible to reach the goals that were set to achieve. By setting clear roles and responsibilities for the team, having a team dynamic that works and is organized, as well as open communication, teamwork in the workplace can be an effective means of reaching desired goals. In order for a team to work best together they must forgo the four stages of team development. These four stages are Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. Some of the best teams in the workplace are the more diverse. Diversity in teams is also an important concept in challenging collaboration for more diverse “out-of-the-box” thinking. Although these teams may be hard to come together in the beginning, these are the teams that usually end up thriving in the end. In some cases, teamwork can be infective in the workplace. Depending on the team dynamic, not all teams are going to get along. Change also happens which in some cases pushes teams apart. Having a strong leader is most important in making sure you team will function properly. Also, rewarding members of the team for successes is a good way to keep morale up and keep team members positive. Keywords: communication, motivation, leadership, change management, diversity, team...
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...and teamwork in the workplace. What is job satisfaction? Job satisfaction is the extent of which people hopes, desires, expectation about the employment he or she is engaged in fulfilled. If I had a choice of either less money but interesting work or higher pay but boring job, then I would choose less money but interesting work. This is because I will feel happy working, confident and I will also fell safe as I will have met new people who are confident, hardworking they will give me confidence and feel safe. They will also make me feel like I don’t have to leave as I won’t be working in an unsafe working environment. However, if I was to work in a highly paid with a boring job then I would feel very unhappy as the job would have anything interesting to do. I would also feel like I would be forced to do work, bored, feel agitated to leave as I could be feeling like I would be pushed around because of the amount of money that I get paid. Explain teamwork and the benefits of team working. A team is a group of people who are working towards then same goal that is a combined of a group, especially when efficient. Teamwork in the workplace involves co-operation among employers. This co-operation is usually for the sake of a common goal that the entire team is working towards. It also involves relationships. The relationships that can develop between employee and employer. Teamwork can’t exist unless there is relational components even if it’s small component. Teamwork also...
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...Running head: Teamwork and Cultural Differences 1 Teamwork and Culture Differences Diversity with Sensitivity Argosy University July 29, 2013 Com 105 Teamwork and Cultural Differences 2 Introduction Teamwork involves people working together in groups in order to achieve a goal. Teamwork and effective communication is extremely important when it comes to a business and the success to a company. When working in teams, people are able to share ideas and work together to accomplish more than they could by themselves. However, culture differences and personality differences can often cause a challenge. When working together, a person may not have an understanding of another person’s culture, which can have a negative impact on a business. Since companies are more global today, diversity and multicultural communication has become a crucial part of business success. Teamwork and Team Building Teamwork and team building is vitally important in any multicultural and global society. In today’s day, the workforce is becoming more diverse, meaning that people from different cultures are required to come together to work as a team. Teamwork in the workplace often contributes to success in a company. Teamwork enables people to come together to accomplish tasks faster than finishing projects individually. Also, when cooperating with each other, employees are able to share ideas and responsibilities with one another, which usually reduces...
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...Teamwork Speech Carmen Starks HCS/131 11/23/15 David Rodvien Thank you for giving me this opportunity to play a role in leadership. I want to talk about teamwork today. How important is teamwork in the workplace? What are some strategies we can use to communicate effectively as a team? What are some strategies we can use to collaborate better as a team? These are the questions I will be addressing today. The reason why teamwork is important in the workplace is to accomplish the goals that we set. One individual can’t take on the responsibility of achieving the goal. Teamwork is the process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a common goal. (www.businessdictionary.com) Forming a team at work is fairly simple. Just get a few people together and there you have a formed team. If the team doesn’t work together, accomplishing goals will be impossible. Teamwork should be considered a bond. Teamwork promotes strength, reliability, trust, and support. What makes teamwork so important? Being a part of a team helps to achieve a goal faster. Even if there is a problem, all members are in it together, and finding a resolution would be done in a decent amount of time. (www.ibuzzle.com) Creativity is important in teamwork because each individual thinks differently and comes up with ideas on their own. Several heads are better than one. Encouraging teamwork in the workplace is recommended often because it allows one to see a better learning curve. This...
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...Teamwork Speech Danaja Chambers HCS/131 October 19th, 2015 Cheryl Gates Teamwork Speech As leadership has decided, they have chosen me to be the manager of this team. I would like to express that all of our roles are equally as important to being in a successful team. With that being said, I will discuss the following, the importance of teamwork in the workplace, strategies to help our team effective in communication, and also strategies to help our team effective in collaboration. The Importance of Teamwork in the Workplace As stated in Communicating in the Workplace, Chapter 8, “Teamwork is Important”. With teamwork, you are able to realize the same knowledge you may know but from several different perspectives, combining what you know to what you have learned. In the workplace, this is beneficial because it gives us workers new ideas and thoughts that contribute to our work. Participating in a team at work can result in several benefits. For instance, when we work together, we come up with new ideas and solutions to better our services provided. Since there are several groups working on different areas with multiple people assigned to improving that area, this can lead to an increase in customer satisfaction. Along with customer satisfaction comes satisfaction from the boss, which I know is very beneficial to us all. Strategies for Effective Team Communication Communication, to me, is the root of success. You have to conversate in order to cooperate. Since there...
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...Teamwork is the process of collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal. It is important to have teamwork when it comes to business or anything that could benefit from other’s helping each other. Teamwork also means that people will try to cooperate using their individual skills and providing constructive feedback despite any personal conflict between individuals. In the case of the differences between the employee’s causing negative production within the company, I would try and create away to put people together within certain groups based on their skills and job performance. I would try to make sure people are in groups where they are able to benefit from one another rather than cause conflict. It is important for co-workers to feel important in the workplace, they have to feel comfortable to freely input and make suggestions. In my opinion, when a employee feels that they are an important part of a business and their contributions are valued, they are more willing to work and perform. There has to be a clear understanding of what teamwork is and that there is no “I” in team. I have a strong leadership background and to make the company run smoother it will have to start with me and the decisions I make or put into place, to be put into effect and enforced so that it can continue to provide a great workplace. Teamwork allows for so much more to be achieved in terms of goals and in improving the efficiency and productivity of the employees. ...
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...Today I am going to tell you the importance of teamwork in the workplace, some strategies for effective team communication, and strategies for effective team collaboration. All of these aspects are very important in being successful in the workplace. Who does not want to be successful? If you use these guidelines while at work you will be sure to succeed. Teamwork in the workplace is a very vital thing to use in your everyday work life. Teamwork is important for many reasons but I will tell you just a few. One reason teamwork is important is because you can be more productive. If you listen to everyone with an open mind and take consideration to everyone’s ideas then things will run a lot smoother for everyone involved. Take for instance unloading a freight truck at Walmart. If only one person were to try and do that it would seriously take forever. Instead, if a group of people work as a team, you can get a freight truck of 2000 pieces unloaded in less than 3 hours. Teamwork all in all makes for a better day at work. When everyone works together instead of against each other the day will go by much faster. Team communication is also very important in the workplace. If a team never spoke to one another do you really think anything would actually get done? Of course not. Being in a team means you must communicate. One strategy of team communication in the workplace is being direct and straightforward with one another. You cannot assume that your team members with understand...
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...Teamwork Arq6426 Organizational Behavior October 10th, 2011 Table of Contents Introduction pg. 3 Discussion pg. 5 Organizational Design and Team Structure pg. 5 Why Teams? pg. 6 Team Roles pg. 8 Teamwork Model pg.10 Collaboration; Advantages and Disadvantages pg.12 Conclusion pg.14 References pg.15 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork Introduction A recent study performed by the Department of Trade and Industry in the UK determined that people are a fundamental building block within any organization and the only point at which true responsibility for quality can lie is with the person or group actually doing a job or carrying out the process (Department of Trade and Industry, 2011). Managers must determine how to group people together in order to perform the work needed done by the organization (Kates & Galbraith, 2007). The five most common approaches managers may take to do so include: * Functional * Divisional * Matrix * Team * Networking The importance of recognizing the structure of an organization may have a direct impact upon the end results of collaboration and the teamwork model and why the organization may well choose teamwork as an approach to meeting its needs. Indeed, workplace collaboration may be an instrumental part of the decision making process within organizations; at the same time, the very act of collaborating and the process of team building...
Words: 3601 - Pages: 15
...Teamwork There are two ways of spreading light : to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it GOOSE - G is for GOAL The sense of a goose! The sense of a goose! People who are part of a team and share a common direction get there quicker and easier because they are traveling on trust of one another and they support each other all the way. GOOSE - O is for ORGANISED If we have as much sense as a goose we will stay in formation and share information with those who are headed the same way we are going. The sense of a goose! The sense of a goose! GOOSE - O is for OPTIMUM The sense of a goose! The sense of a goose! It pays to share leadership and take turns during hard jobs GOOSE - S is for SUPPORT The sense of a goose! The sense of a goose! If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other when things get rough The sense of a goose! The sense of a goose! GOOSE - E is for ENCOURAGE Words of support and inspiration help energize those in the front line through the day to day pressures Message from a Goose It is a reward, a challenge, and a privilege to be a contributing member of a TEAM The sense of a goose! The sense of a goose! What is the difference between A Team Committed to shared goals Contributes to procedures Climate of cooperation Open and honest with each other Conflict is constructive and A Group Committed to individual goals Waits for procedures Climate of competition Careful and cautious...
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...Department of Management Sciences – The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (Pakistan) 1 Abstract: The main objective of this research report is to find the crucial problems, faced by the employees while working in organizations and find the ways how we make our employees loyal with their organization. The purpose of this research is to elaborate the key factors which are useful for the satisfaction of the employees i.e. workplace environment, reward and recognition, training and development and team work. These factors help to make the policies effective and through this effectiveness, efficiency takes place in the management process. This research paper is based on theoretical considerations, a model was proposed linking the employee job satisfaction (EJS) constructs. The survey was conducted in 2012 and covered 200 employees within the territory of Punjab in Pakistan. Through this survey we find a strong positive relationship between team work and all other factors.. Keywords: Employee job satisfaction, workplace environment, Reward and Recognition, Teamwork, Training and development I. Introduction: Organizations are frequently difficult latest running trends and statement, fast change of technology, new policy, environment and public aspects. Attitude affects behavior and attitudes of employees mostly concerned with job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment. Many researchers found that Job...
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...Importance of Teams Anne-Monette L. Aquino HCS/325 May 06, 2013 Professor Joan Ralph Webber Sunbeam Healthcare A Business Proposal to Improve Efficiency and Customer Service by Focusing on Teamwork Prepared for Mary Ivyland Senior Vice President, Business Development Sunbeam Healthcare Prepared by Anne Aquino Manager, Call Center Operations Sunbeam Healthcare May 06, 2013 Sunbeam Healthcare A Business Proposal to Improve Efficiency and Customer Service by Focusing on Teamwork Executive Summary Background Sunbeam Healthcare is a not-for-profit health care delivery system with a mission to improve the health of those they serve with a commitment to quality in all that they do. Sunbeam Healthcare’s goal is to provide quality care and programs that set community standards, surpass patients’ expectations and are provided in a caring, convenient, economical, and accessible manner. Objective Sunbeam Healthcare is aiming to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction in the Call Center department through teamwork and a widespread collaboration of everyone involved. The organization has to think about teamwork when it comes to customer service. The customer does not categorize individuals in the organization based on their business unit, department or position. They see them as one entity. Due to the budget constraints, the hiring of additional staff is not possible. Sunbeam Healthcare must find other ways to enhance and develop department productivity...
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...It is an obvious observation that different personalities within the workplace make a difference in the environment. We spend the majority of our waking hours with the people that we work with and the different personalities within the workplace can make it enjoyable or unbearable. The articles that I will discuss in the essay focus on the types of personalities and the cultural fit of those personalities in the workplace. The first article titled Why Personality Matters in the Workplace by Michael Woody focuses on the types of personalities and refers to them as the Big Five. The Big Five include Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion/Introversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. Openness to Experience describes personalities that are open to experiencing new things and are flexible on how they approach situations and new ideas. Conscientiousness are the personalities that are meticulous in the way they approach situations as well as work; people that are on the other end of this spectrum see the big picture and do not get lost in the details. Extraversion is someone that is social and enjoys being around others; introversion is just the opposite of extraversion and tends to work best alone and prefers to work alone or in a small group. Agreeableness easily interacts with others and are generally more trusting of others. Finally, Neuroticism tend are the types of personalities that tend to be negative and are more frequently stressed making them difficult...
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...that the social environment of a business is integral aspect as to whether that business is a failure or a success because of a positive environment with positive reinforcement and teamwork which helps to inspire and encourage employees to work together and collaborate on projects. Body What is to be included in this presentation is mainly social environment aspects of a business environment that are also considered internal environment. Pujari stated (2015) "Internal environment also includes all those factors which tend to influence business and which are present within the business itself." Employees tend to be influenced by context in which they work and that can have positive and negative impacts on productivity. Most employers take the necessary steps to instill and maintain a harmonious and positive social environment in the workplace which also tends to instill future success. "Some key aspects of creating and fostering positive social environments include building trust, team spirit, teamwork, job satisfaction, customers, and leadership, specific details, explanations or descriptions of those." (2013, Janaury). Retrieved from http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-image-positive-work-environment-image27087191 Teamwork Social environment affects the workplace in many ways but teamwork is one of the main ways and it happens to either inspire or discourage employee cooperation. Typically businesses with positive social environment where employees get along and are in...
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...Workplace Diversity and Team Dynamics Mary Martin University of Phoenix MGT307-Organizational Behavior and Group Dynamics Joey Martin, MBA April 25, 2011 Workplace Diversity and Team Dynamics Teamwork is the mantra of the business world for the new millennium. Organizations are realizing that collective problem-solving, in a team setting, enhances creative and critical thinking skills, thus elevating productivity. This paper will explore the characteristics of and differences between groups and teams. Additionally, workplace diversity relevance to team dynamics will be explored in an effort to better understand this phenomenon called teamwork. Groups Groups consist of two or more individuals who come together to achieve particular objectives. Work groups share information and make decisions that help members perform within each individual's area of responsibility. The group focuses on improving individual results. Work groups do not work together to achieve a communal goal, the result being that no positive synergy exists among members. Each member’s performance is the entirety of his or her contribution (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Teams Teams consist of a small grouping of people with complementary skills, working together to achieve a common purpose for which they hold themselves collectively accountable (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2009). Work team goals are focused on the collective performance of the members’, the result of which is mutual...
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...records” Martocchio, J. J. (2015). P86. For CircleWorks specifically, gain sharing implemented on multiple levels, beginning with teamwork bonuses. Having a strong team will not only increase productivity for CircleWorks but it will increase ideas coming from employees themselves. Since CircleWorks already has multiple teams that work well together, the teams will need to be mixed up. CircleWorks will select a few individuals from each team and integrating them with a team that may not work as well, forcing new teams to be created. Teams with the most productivity can be put into a raffle for a free group lunch or a bonus created by management. Increasing teamwork at CircleWorks will implement the leadership component of gain sharing, as teams will also be encouraged to discuss options for the company and bring them to management. Root III, Demand Media, G. N. (n.d.). The second component of gain sharing is employee involvement, which has already begun in the leadership component. In addition to creating teams and encouraging them to bring ideas to the team, team meetings will be held monthly to discuss options. “Regular staff meetings can serve to remind employees that there is more going on than their own issues and deadlines and may see opportunities for mutual support and collaboration, let alone obtain vital information from each other.” Workplaces that Work - Effective Meetings. (n.d.). Meetings can be...
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