...By Dee Bizz Technology and Health Care Paper Athena Health ABC consultants have been assigned the task to introduce a solution to make health care delivery easier and user-friendlier for this organization. Health care delivery is in a constant state of flux and is ever changing. Technological advancements continue to push the industry and the demand from consumers for a faster, smarter, and economical product. The request for uncomplicated and more complete health care delivery can be at your fingertips with the introduction of Athena Health. This product is software is a solution that encompasses every aspect of health care delivery for this organization. The software can address every area of the organization from health care to human resources. Components coming all together to deliver the best care that can be given to patients while maintaining the focus on the patient. Patient Encounter The initial patient encounter for an admission to this organization ranges from forty-five minutes to an hour and a half. We believe that we can cut this patient encountered time in half while still maintaining the quality of the encounter. This software utilized on a tablet or notebook will automatically make the admission process stream lined. The medical assistant will be able to take all of the patient’s insurance information and vitals while accessing the prior health history of the patient. The medical assistant will be able to have all consents signed and gather all pertinent...
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...Technology and Health Care Paper Healthcare and transportation have been growing and evolving almost simultaneously. Although on individual tracks, they are both moving towards a goal. When trying to accomplish a goal, there are some barriers that may challenge the progress towards the mission. As a new member of Sentara Healthcare, one of the largest non-for profit healthcare organizations in Virginia and North Carolina, I was able to see firsthand some areas in the Nursing Centers that needed improvement. One area of opportunity is improvement in transporting patients to needed services. In fact, “transportation is often cited as a major barrier to health care access” (Syed, Gerber, & Sharp, 2014, p. 976). I will like to team up with medical transport to provide an option for wrap around services to improve the gap by providing a bridge between transportation and access to medical and other social activities. This paper will explain the potential impact the transportation service will have on quality care, quality of life, cost of care, and access. Background Medical transport is a well known transportation company in the Virginia area and other states. They provide emergency and non emergency transportation services to individuals with conditions that are disabling or who need extra assistance with mobility. All drivers are trained through the Critical Care Emergency Medical Transport Program (CCEMTP). The CCEMTP is an educational program for people who will be transporting...
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...Miller Health Informaion Systems Journal Article Critique #2 Marschollek, Michael (2009). Recent progress in sensor-enhanced health information systems – slowly but sustainably. Informatics for Health & Social Care, 34(4): 225-230 Introduction With an aging society and life expectancy rising there is great need for the integration of health enabling technologies into health information systems. The use of health enabling technologies is thought to help in the mission of improving the need for care and quality through the enhancement of sensor-enhanced health information systems. The greatest areas of importance for health enabling technologies are data security, patient centered care, diagnostic analysis, and system connectivity standards which will help focus on improving care, quality, and disease research. The transition from a system that is institutional focused to patient focus will not be immediate, for health enabling technologies is still fairly new and growing so it will be a slow process before patients and organizations reap the benefits of this new technology. Creating self-sufficiency is an important capability for patients and care givers especially for those living with chronic illnesses. Health enabling technologies will aid in managing illnesses through relevant information and communication, which is key for individuals to actively participate and have some control over their healthcare needs. The health enabling...
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...Economics in Health Care Business Proposal Project Paper ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Macroeconomic Policy & its Implications to Healthcare Providers ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care International Paper ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Cost & Consumerism ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Technology Proposal Presentation ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Week 1 DQs ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Week 2 DQs ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Week 3 DQs ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Week 4 DQs ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Week 5 DQs ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Week 6 DQs Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ECO/HC 561 COMPLETE CLASS in order to ace their studies. ECO/HC 561 COMPLETE CLASS To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/ecohc-561-complete-class/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ECO/HC 561 COMPLETE CLASS ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Business Proposal Project Paper ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Macroeconomic Policy & its Implications to Healthcare Providers ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care International Paper ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Cost & Consumerism ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Technology Proposal Presentation ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Week 1 DQs ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Week 2 DQs ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Week 3 DQs ECO/HC 561 Economics in Health Care Week 4 DQs ...
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...EVOLUTION OF HEALTH CARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS PAPER EVOLUTION OF HEALTH CARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS PAPER 2 THE PATIENT RELATIONSHIPS WITH HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY My grandfather would often share stories of the neighborhood Doctor coming to visit the family home and providing medical care or just stopping in to say hello. They were extremely thorough, knew the entire family's history and actually became a part of the family. Over the years, the Doctor's relationship has evolved from the family member/neighborhood doctor to the world of physicians make diagnosis based on the available CPT code and patient visits are conducted via tele-medical devices. Medical relationships first transitioned from the family physician to neighborhood Doctor offices, then to company doctors and now Insurance Companies who act as puppet masters for physicians. I spoke with a friend whom is a physician over the weekend and she said, Medical care is very different than what she pictured it to be. As a doctor, she is as concerned about the times outlined by insurance companies and CPT codes as she about the patient’s health. I am sure my grandfather could have never imagined this type of relationship with his family doctor. To bridge the gap between the physician patient relationship of yesterday and today, technology savvy healthcare providers are using personal digital assistants (PDA) to act as the provider memory bank. The advancement of PDAs is just one of the many revolutionary advances that...
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...Electronic Health and Medical Record in Home Health Nathaniel J. Reid University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee HCA: 700 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the electronic health record (EHR) and electronic medical record (EMR) in the home health setting in the United States. “EHR” and “EMR” are often used interchangeably. However, this paper will discuss the differences between an EHR and an EMR. It will cover the benefits and disadvantages of the EMR in the home health setting. This paper will also cover the potential costs associated with the use of the EMR in the home health setting. Finally, the paper will discuss the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) of an EMR in home health. Outline I. Introduction a. Purpose b. Explanation of terms II. Background a. Home Health Care i. What is it ii. History iii. How it is changing b. Health Informatics in Home Healthcare i. History of informatics in HHC ii. Current use of informatics in HHC iii. Benefits of informatics in HHC III. Comparison of EMR/EHR a. Definitions b. Settings used c. Differences d. Similarities IV. Implementation of the EMR in Home Health a. Feasibility b. Cost c. Equipment d. Staff Acceptance V. Conclusion a. Summary of...
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...The Evolution of Health Care Paper Abdallah Muqedi, Ashall Smith, Brandi Bevely, Karla Hopkins, Kendrick Bogan, Latasha Cormier HCS/531 June 9, 2014 Dr. Rachael Kehoe Abstract The Evolution of Health Care Paper The health care industry has changed dramatically as the years have passed. One major way that health care has evolved is the use of technology. Technology has helped health care expand in a major way. It has changed simply from the way people can be seen by a doctor to the technology doctors use to diagnose and treat the patients. One way in particular has changed the health care system is Health information technology. The United States Department of Health and Human Services defines Health information technology as “the exchange of health information in an electronic environment. Widespread use of health IT within the health care industry will improve the quality of health care, prevent medical errors, reduce health care costs, increase administrative efficiencies, decrease paperwork, and expand access to affordable health care. It is imperative that the privacy and security of electronic health information be ensured as this information is maintained and transmitted electronically” (Health Information Technology, 2014). With this improvement it is easier for the patients, nurses, physicians, insurance companies, billing departments and health care administrators to look at a patient’s information and access their needs, diagnose and treat, bill the insurance...
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...Communication and Information Technology Paper: Electronic Medical Records Yashira Burns 4/2/2012 HCS/320 Jeffrey Johnson Abstract The purpose of this paper is to Communication and Information Technology Paper: Electronic Medical Records A new communication technology that has been slowly taking over health care businesses is EMR’s (Electronic medical records). For centuries most health care business worked with paper based records and it is still the most common method used to record patient information. The development of computer based records has slowly started developing over the twenty years in the health care system. This new communication technology was invented to provide health care businesses with easy access to their patient records and to save paper. Do to the amount of paper and storage that paper based records need, electronic medical records has proven to be the more efficient way to store patient information. Switching to electronic medical records will provide health care business with more opportunity like more employment availability. There are several hundred EMR systems available for health care business. The purpose of the electronic medical record is to allow the doctor or physician to record each encounter they have with their patients. The information that physicians or doctors are able to record with EMR’s are patient demographics, progress notes, medications prescribed, problems, past medical history, vitals taken by the nurse, laboratory...
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...HCS/531 Version 3 Health Care Organizations and Delivery Systems Copyright © 2012, 2011, 2007 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course is a comprehensive approach to health care delivery systems that provides the student with an in-depth understanding of health systems and organizations. Students will examine historical evolutions of the health care industry and recent impacts that influence the delivery of health care. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2012). Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Assignment Breakdown Week One Individual Assignment: Significant Health Care Event Paper 10 Week Two Learning Team Assignment: The Evolution of Health Care Paper and Timeline 10 Week...
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...Evolution of Health Care Information Systems HCS/531 Organizations are always looking to become more successful and use resources more efficiently to meet the organizational goals. Information technology has helped develop many different industries by providing them with increased and new capabilities; the health care industry is the same. Health care has made vast improvements in the use of technology in the clinics to provide better more efficient patient care. The improvements have been seen both on the clinical medical systems and the administration of health care delivery. Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center has seen many changes of the past 20 years and has integrated technology to all areas of the information technology. Two major technological events in this facility over the past 20 years that have led to advancements of the organization were the implementation of the Composite Health Care System (CHCS) and the implementation of the EHR with the evolution of AHLTA. History of Health Care Information Systems Wilford Hall in the late 1980’s and the early 1990’s was the largest hospital in the United States Air Force and the one of only two trauma centers in the San Antonio regional area. With 9 floors of clinical space and providing all medical services from family practice to specialized services along with long term care, the mission was very fast paced. At this point technology had entered the organization but was in the very early stages and paper documentation...
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...Health Care System Health Services Organization Health Care System In this paper there will be a brief discussion of three forces that have affected the development of the U.S healthcare system. It will observe whether or not these forces will continue to have an effect on the U.S healthcare system over the next decade. This paper will also include an additional force, which may be lead to believe to have an impact on the health care system of the nation. And lastly this paper will evaluate the importance of technology in healthcare. There are three major forces that have affected the development of the health care system within the U.S. and these forces include social, political and economic. The first force is defined as a social force, and during this time in the year of “1850 was the development of the first hos-pitals within the United States, which marked the beginning of formal organization in the U.S” (Williams & Torrens, 2010, p.3). “This particular force concentrated its efforts on public health problems, such as epidemics and various acute infections that affected large amounts of those individuals as a result of poor living conditions, such as unclean foods, contaminated water and housing. After most of the epidemic problems started getting under control, hospitals had to now solve other major problems such as trauma and diseases which were in critical need of surgical intervention” (Williams & Torrens, 2010, p. 3). The second force that affected the...
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...Future Trends in Health Care Future Trends in Health Care Health care industry have experienced and still experiencing increase in advancement of technology, there have been advancement in patients’ treatment, deliver of quality care, and hospital equipment. Through advanced technologies, health care boundaries have been push to enhanced integration of health care information. Health care information integration has been critical to the effectiveness of fragmentation of health care system. How Internet or any new forms of electronic communication can be used as an external delivery source in communicating patient-specific information and the impact of distance delivery on health care will be evaluate in this paper. Also consideration will be given to the use of e-mail, telemedicine, and electronic transfer of records and assessment of how these issues affect health care today and how they may impact health care five years from now will be discusses in this paper. Assessment of Internet and how it may be used in communicating patient specific information externally Internet service was used by U.S. Defense Department and researchers initially, but presently, Internet is available also to health care providers and patients enabling them to have access to worldwide library health care resources and patient specific health information. There have been an increases in the popularity in utilizing Internet and other forms of electronic communication...
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...Health care is an information-intensive service. Automation and the use of technology provide an effective and efficient means to manage the large volumes of data and information with knowledge and wisdom (Englebardt & Nelson, 2002). With access to patient information electronically patient care has improved. Health care workers can retrieve information faster, thus reducing the risk of medication errors such as overmedicating, drug-to-drug interaction, or missed drug allergies. Another benefit of electronic documentation is legible documentation from physicians. The nurses no longer need to huddle to interpret written orders by physicians. Electronic documentation provides better storage of medical records and reduces the use of paper, thus improving the ecosystem. Electronic charting allows multiple health care workers to document, access, or enter orders on the patient at the same time. Unlike the times of old when paper charting existed, only one person could have access to the medical document. A look back at the advancement of modern medicine over the past 20 years is breathtaking. Who could have foreseen the introduction of computerized axial tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, laparoscopic surgery with fiber optics, Teflon arterial graphs, or the numerous pharmaceutical treatments for previously incurable diseases (Chaiken, 1994)? Technology creates more proficient and effective health care delivery system through reducing time and effort required by health care...
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...Health care Industry Paper Shantelle Price HCS/449 Health Care Administration Capstone May 5, 2013 Tionna Jenkins Abstract The health care industry has evolved to increase the quality of health care and to increase patient satisfaction. Also the performance of health care facilities will be a vital aspect of the health care industry as well as the design of health care facilities. This paper will show how health care has changed within the last 10 years, what changes the health care industry is expected to see within the next ten years, and what role will I play as a consumer in the health care industry and how I will adapt my health care skills to evolve with the health care industry’s needs. This paper will explain my perception of health care changes over the course of this program, what has had the most significant impact, what role will technology play in health care organizations in the coming decade and what financial and economic issues will affect the health care industry within the next 10 years? Health care Industry Paper How has health care changed in the last 10 years? The health care industry has evolved drastically over the last 10 years; health care is more patient-centered and patient friendly (Harrington & Voehl, 2010, p. 15). The goal of the health care industry over the last 10 years was to embrace consumerism and encourage consumerism to allow patients to be responsible for their own health care decisions (Harrington & Voehl...
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...Health Care Spending Paper Mary Guzewicz HSC/440 May 14, 2010 Bruce Nave Health Care Spending Paper With in the United States the health care cost for individuals has increased and will continue to increase. This is in a major way due to the fact that equipment, research and technology are always increasing. This paper will discuss what healthcare spending has increased and in which state has a high amount of healthcare spending. The paper will also discuss possible changes that may help lower the cost of three part of our major health care spending. There is wide variation in health care spending across the United States. Health care spending has been on the rise for years. According to (Cuckler, 2011) “In 2009, the 10 states that had the highest levels of total personal health care spending per capita were Massachusetts, Mas Alaska, Connecticut, Maine, Delaware, New York, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania. The per capita spending for these 10 states ranged from 13 to 36 percent higher than the average U.S. per capita spending level and ranged from $7,730 for Pennsylvania to $9,278 for Massachusetts.” These ten states have the highest health care spending and they share a number of demographic and economical characteristics. Table 1. Real per capita spending and spending growth for select provider types, 1970–2008 Average annual growth rate (%) Total Public Private Total 8.5 9.1 7.9 Hospital...
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