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Technology Review


Submitted By glenzy
Words 806
Pages 4
Section Five: Technology Review In creating a list and constructing a plan of how these pieces of technology could be integrated into a classroom, and how they would be more effective and efficient or would increase student learning can be a very challenging effort to complete. During my research I found a lot of games and websites that were very interesting for classroom technology. * Math games: You are able to purchase math board games from the educational learning games website. Also in researching the math games there are some particular games that you might observe that are cost effective and cheap since it does not take that much to play them, and it is a test for some creativity level of individuals. * Educational songs and videos games: It is definitely known that kids of today love to sing and love watching videos. This makes it easier for teachers to teach small kids and this is a learning process for all kids to enjoy. Even sometimes this can relate to eating healthy, the sounds they make, numbers, and letters. This is certainly what some teachers want for their children in the classroom which incorporates fun for them. These are games that are in demand to rehabilitate and are also criticized for violent content and a Childs free time, but also in a sense it is becoming known for and defended as harmless entertainment... * Art and Music games: These games are fun online as well, which the children can learn all different types of music in such an interesting way such as music memory games and art games. In playing flash games all children can benefit from them and we as future teachers can incorporate this into our curriculum, which will end up in very good results for what we as teachers want in the classroom,. Our students from this diverse society can learn as well from these games when they enjoy doing it. Our kids can enjoy

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