...I plan to do my paper on is teenagers and drugs. Drug use and abuse is bad for all parties involved (adults and teenagers). But it is really destroying our teens. Today it is so easy for teenagers to obtain just about any type of drug that they would want. These drugs include marijuana(also known as weed, pot, kush, loud, etc..), methamphetamine (also known as meth, crystal, christine, christina, speed, ice, etc…), cocaine, crack, herion, PCP, sherm, ecstasy or molly’s, and lastly a very long list of prescription drugs. Anything that has a way in causing addiction in my opinion is a problem and needs to be at the front of the line to be addressed especially when it comes to our children. Teens use to have to go out into the streets and search for the drug of choice, but today many of use parents are bringing the drugs right to them and into our homes and giving our children an in home supply without even knowing it. Yes the drugs are right there in our bathroom medicine cabinets, on our dressers, and even in our purses. They are also readily available at just about any store that sells cold medicine. Something needs to be done soon before even more children/teens become addicted and even worse lose their lives due to your common cold medicines and pain killers. After marijuana, prescription drugs are the drugs most commonly abused by teenagers, the federal agency says (Los Angeles Times, 2005). Prescription drug use among teens continues to be...
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...Damien Thomas 08/08/2013 EN1320 Composition 1 Unit 10 Research Paper Part 6: Final Draft of Research Paper The war on drugs isn’t necessary; the amount of money tax payers are wasting is reason alone to consider other options. There is talk that decriminalizing drugs will not help, and that legalizing them will cause more trouble than what is already around, while legalizing marijuana and educating the teens about drugs may guide them to make better choices as they grow older. Not only does the war on drugs take money out of the hard-working hands of Americans, but it also forces drug users to look for alternative ways to get high. Because of unfair laws on drugs such as marijuana, users move toward the legal “spices” that cause more death than marijuana itself. There are a few states that have legalized marijuana for medical purposes, although it’s still difficult to grow and use in those states because of federal laws. The legalization of medical marijuana; brings money to that state, helps the sick, opens jobs and rises the tax revenue; a few of the things to look forward to when Uncle Sam starts treating us like adults. “In the 1980s and ‘90s the U.S. beat back the cocaine and heroin epidemics, but not by legalization or decriminalization, but by tough law enforcement, strong prevention and education programs and public outcry.” (Bennett, 2013) The truth is the War on Drugs is something like the War on Terrorism. To end terrorism is to end hate; a great idea, but is it...
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...Drugs and technology While it is almost impossible to get an actual percentage of people affected by drug addiction, the use continues to grow. Most people will admit to trying some form of illegal drug, but addicts have a hard time even coming to grasp that they are addicted. Our society has been struggling with addiction for hundreds of years. Those affected vary in age, and are not limited to adults. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2011), there are approximately 27 million Americans today that either use illicit drugs regularly or are “heavy drinkers”. Sixteen million of these are in need of immediate treatment for their addiction problem. By the age of 18 almost 12 percent of young people in America are addicted to drugs. Statistics also show that about 70 percent of users who are employed contribute significantly to absenteeism in the work place, workplace accidents, workplace injuries, decreased productivity, increased insurance premiums, and large employee turnover and violence in the workplace. The total estimated cost to our society in America for substance abuse exceeds 250 billion dollars per year. Addiction has become prominent as one of the worst health and social problems in the United States today. (coachinginternational.com) Through the last two decades, addiction rates in the United States have increased significantly because of the advancements in Information Technology. Social networking, internet access...
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...Analysis Paper 3: Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Belinda D. Hicks Liberty University Abstract This paper offers a perspective on adolescent alcohol and drug abuse by focusing on identifying common predictors of adolescent drug, and alcohol. Alcohol and other drug use among adolescents has been a public problem for decades. However, it seems that the problem is increasing more every year. Although, some adolescents make it through these years with, on balance, more positive experiences, but as the writer indicated more negative experiences of alcohol and drugs are on the rise. Substance abuse can lead to serious problems such as poor schoolwork, loss of friends, problems at home, and lasting legal problems. Alcohol and drug abuse is a leading cause of teen death or injury related to car crashes, suicides, violence, and drowning. Adolescences experience tragic consequences and others develop chronic problems of abuse and dependence. The broad developmental themes during adolescence and the transition to young adulthood, heavy drinking and drug use increases during the transition from junior high to high school and has to potential to extend to college. The majority of young people make it through. There will also be a discussion on how the family- peers and individual characteristics/variables are correlated with drug and alcohol abuse in adolescence. There will also be review connections between each system risk factor and...
Words: 1907 - Pages: 8
...Media Rules Recommendations Name Institution Media Rules Recommendations Children use the digital media in a different way from the adults. Understanding what your child does online is important because the parent can advise them in making sensible choices about media use. The parents have to know media has integrated into the normal life of adolescents. The adolescent uses the media for various reasons,example, learning, communication, and entertainment among others. Teenagers are early adopters of new technologies and devices.Also, they are creators of digital contents that their way in the media. Some of the teens play a role in uploading most of the videos on youtube. The media plays an important part in the lives of the adolescent.The media enables the teens to learn different communication skills, be creative and get peer support (Spengler, Mess&Woll, 2015). However, statistics indicate that a good number of the youths do not use the media in a productive way. This paper discusses the need for the parents to control their teens’ media use.The media if full of sexual content, the abuse of drugs and violent content, which can be harmful to an adolescent. Although the sexual content in the press is detrimental for any age group, the adolescents are the most vulnerable. Researchers have written about the prevalence of the sexual content in the media and the effect it has to the audience. The adolescents are susceptible because they are at a developmental period when sexual...
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...Methods Paper PSY/335 Professor Corey Vigdor June 15, 2015 Methods Paper The average American is addicted to something, drinking, smoking, drug abuse, sex, porn, etc. Our proposal is the effect of underage drinking. To start it off people drink to socialize, celebrate and even relax. Alcohol is a big consumer in the United States and it has a different effect on different people varying throughout history. In high school, the vast majority of the teenagers are always looking to try new things. Among the new things has come alcohol, after all they always want to do something that they can’t or aren’t supposed to do. Taking a deeper look into the effect alcohol has on underage teenagers in high school, it has changed their academic achievement, as well as an increased teen dropout rate. Sampling is an important component to any piece of research because it has a significant impact on the quality of the results. The type of sampling being used is population; this is different in research then compared to how we consider the population under normal circumstances. In sampling, population signifies the units that are being studied. The units can be people, cases, and pieces of data, so for our proposal the unit being studied is the underage teenagers who drink while in high school. During this proposal the uses of descriptive statistics have been used. Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of the data that ultimately helps explain, or summarize the...
Words: 1100 - Pages: 5
...pressure is a part of growing up that some teenagers more likely to give in. Peer pressure is the only thing that all teens have in common and some of them can't escape it because it’s almost everywhere. Peer pressure is the way that people influence another individual to take an action or adopt certain values to be one of their social groups. Teenagers are very quick in making their own decisions and judgements. When communication is lacking at home, teens may seek it among their peers instead to their parents for them they know that their peers are always right because they're feeling what you also feel. You think all of you have a lot in common. This outcome indicates that teens may find it more difficult to control their behaviors when their friends are around. They are visible and expressive when it comes to their peers but when it comes to their own parents they are invisible. They always keep in their minds that their parents will never understand them as their peers do. In the bright side, it can also have a positive effect. Peer influence is not necessarily bad at all times. Fellowship with other youths can also sharpen our personality and make us a better person. They can also be a good instrument for us teenagers if those peers have mature and healthy attitudes. They often encourage each other, encourage others to do well. A teen might get good outcome when it comes to his/her academics because the social group he or she belongs to thinks getting...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix F Research Plan As part of your Research Plan, you must draft a research question for your research paper. A research question, which is more specific and focused than a general topic, is the question that you will answer in your paper. For example, if your general area of interest is Social Security, a potential research question might ask, “How might low-income families save more money under a reformed Social Security plan that includes personal retirement accounts?” As you develop a research question, keep in mind that you will research sources with both supporting and differing viewpoints. Do not select a narrow or one-sided issue that will limit your research; instead, develop a research question that lends itself to further exploration and debate. |What is your topic or area of interest? |My topic of interest is Drugs. | | | | | | | | | | |In what ways is this topic appropriate for a persuasive essay? |The way in which this topic is appropriate for a persuasive | | ...
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...(Santrock, 2001). Adolescents are a very special population because these are often the years in which childhood and adulthood become blurred, roles, expectations and needs change, as well as significant physical and psychological growth. As we also know, experimentation is often characteristic of adolescence and this experimentation can be physical, sexual or philosophical; all of which may possibly lead to drug use. This paper seeks to examine the question of whether or not drug abuse is related to psychosis in adolescents. Literature Review Adolescent Drug Use According to a national study in 2006, over 60 percent of reported that drugs were used, kept and sold on their school campuses on a regular basis. These drugs included popular illicit drugs such as marijuana and Ecstasy as well cocaine and prescription drugs (Eaton, 2006). While many people appear hopeful at the minor decrease in use of illicit drugs by adolescents in recent years, many fail to recognize the corresponding increase in teens using and abusing prescription drugs. Prescription drugs have become increasingly popular with...
Words: 2009 - Pages: 9
...of today’s world such as, the media, education, drugs, and alcohol are growing steadily negative and poorer in quality. Social networking, the media, music, education, various drugs, and alcohol affect today’s youth in negative ways. Youth and the Media Some of the most influential vectors affecting teenagers are social networks, the media, and music. Social networking sites dominate the time of many teenagers. Paired with the entertainment industry, and things being said on television or the radio, social media can definitely change people's mindsets and emotions. Think about it. Very often, you see children posting statuses on Facebook or tweeting on twitter. And when these kids are watching television, listening to the radio, or reading magazines, often times the wrong messages are being projected to the ears of teens. The result is a changed teenager. The result is a teenager whose mind is being corrupted by the face of a few people. Nowadays, many teens have a Facebook account. The website is simple. You upload some statuses, you like somebody's pictures, you see what your friends like and update. Even though Facebook was meant to promote interaction, it's facilitating much more. Studies have shown that teens become depressed when they compare their lives to the lives of other teens over what they see on Facebook. Facebook causes teens to overestimate the happy feelings of its patrons. The self-esteem of these teens is lowered. Other studies have shown that cyber-bullying...
Words: 3076 - Pages: 13
...January 14, 2013 Terry Kapfhammer Community Health Advocacy More than ever, thousands of young people experiment prohibited drugs. Whereas numerous of young teenagers by no means take their drug usage farther than the experimentation level, far too many will persist to absorb in this treacherous behavior until their drug abuse interrupts their lives. The most prevalent drugs of abuse among teenagers include alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs as well as common over-the-counter medications such as cough syrups containing pseudoephedrine and inhalants. This paper focuses on the drug abuse of prescription medications among teenagers from age 13 to 18 that has emerged as a public health concern and one that has evolved into epidemic levels. This seeks to elevate the visibility of the elapsed challenges, and problems associated with this epidemic. Prescription Medication Abuse: A Public Health Threat There is a compelling rationale that prescription medications are intentionally to be taken under the direction of a physician because if improperly consume these can be hazardous. Subsequently, teens are crafting decision to abuse prescription medications based on lack of information. In fact, numerous teens assumed that prescription medication abuse is safer than abusing illicit medications. Unfortunately, drug abuse pertaining to medication prescription is on the rise. This is the primary reason why this is relevant to me, more over because...
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...WHAT ARE THE LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA USE? WHAT DOES MARIJUANA DO TO THE BRAIN? CAN MARIJUANA BE USED AS MEDICINE? ARE THERE TREATMENTS TO HELP MARIJUANA USERS? REACTION? HOW MANY PEOPLE SMOKE MARIJUANA? CAN A USER HAVE A BAD OF OTHER DRUGS? LEAD TO THE USE DOES MARIJUANA AFFECT DRIVING? DO MARIJUANA USERS WHAT ARE THE SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA USE? HOW DOES MARIJUANA National Institute on Drug Abuse I National Institutes of Health II A Letter to Parents We at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) are pleased to offer these two short booklets for parents and children to review the scientific facts about marijuana: (1) Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know and (2) Marijuana: Facts for Teens. Although it is best to talk about drugs when children are young—since that is when drug use often begins—it is never too late to start the conversation. Marijuana remains the most abused illegal substance among youth. By the time they graduate high school, about 46 percent of U.S. teens will have tried marijuana at least once in their lifetime. Although use among teens dropped dramatically in the previous decade (to a prevalence of about 12.4 percent for past-month use in 2007), adolescent marijuana use is again on the upswing. In 2013, nearly 23 percent of high school seniors were current marijuana users, and 6.5 percent used marijuana daily. The annual Monitoring the Future survey, which has been tracking teen attitudes and...
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...Teen Suicide Research Paper People need to be informed on why teens commit suicide and what signs to look for. Teens are slowly slipping away because of this deadly subject and people need to start noticing. Sometimes people can get caught up in their own personal lives and not even notice when a loved one is considering suicide. In the seven articles read, there were a variety of things that people seem to overlook often. Why teens are committing suicide and what people can do to help victims who are considering, are two main points that are important for people to know. In a Kids Health article about teen suicide, it talks about teen suicide and different things people need to know about it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year-olds. Most of the time, people don’t realize that they could have helped a victim because they didn’t know any of the warning signs. The article goes on to talk about the risks of suicide, that 60% of all suicide in America are used with a gun. This is why no one should ever have a gun unlocked or kept in a place where it is easily out of reach. In 1996, more teenagers and young adults died of suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia and influenza, and chronic lung disease combined .In 1996, suicide was the second-leading cause of death among college students, the third-leading cause of death among those aged 15 to 24 years,...
Words: 3883 - Pages: 16
...passed away from a heroin overdose. Almost exactly a year ago, this friend of mine passed away from a heroin overdose and none of his close friends or family even knew the problem had escalated so greatly. It had all started with a pill addiction to xanax that slowly grew more severe but with a few interventions and a couple of trips to rehab, most of us thought that he was doing well and had kicked the habit. Little did we know that he had kicked the xanax habit only to graduate to something as intense as heroin. The frightening thing about this drug is that my friend was a small, upper class, Jewish boy from the suburbs of St. Louis and would not typically be the image you think of when a person might think of a heroin addict. He was the furthest thing from an underprivileged, poor, inner city adult. But addict hew was, and it is still somewhat of a mystery to those who were closest to him as to how he was able to access his drugs. For every person that believes they know the true meaning of the word “addiction,” there is another person right beside them to argue a different point of view. In this day and age, one would think that doctors or scientists or psychologists would have narrowed it down to a universal description but this is not the case. There are many different aspects to understanding what makes an addict who they are, and why they do the things that they do. Because every person has a different story and a different way to handle certain situations, it...
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...in the military have special benefits when it comes to drinking. In the year of 2011, the legal drinking age in the United States for all non-military people is 21 years of age. There is research for both sides of the spectrum. Some believe that the age should be lowered from 21, while others believe 21 is the perfect age. Then there are the people who say that the drinking age should be taken even higher than 21. Some want the drinking age to be as high as 25. Will lowering the drinking age stop teens from binge drinking? If we take the drinking age higher, will it simply cause rebellion in the teen world? Many feel as though the law of 21 before drinking saves 1,000 deaths per year. The numbers of teens killed in alcohol related accidents have dropped somewhere from 11-16 percent since the 21 law have been implemented. Taking on higher drinking ages allows for a low intoxication level. For instance, in Georgia, where 21 is the legal drinking age, the blood alcohol level to be considered intoxicated is sitting at 0.08 percent. In places such as New Hampshire, where Arizona is the legal drinking age, blood alcohol content level is listed as high as 0.15 (Carter). These levels start to become dangerous when one realizes that one drink can cause a person’s blood alcohol content to be 0.02. If teen blows even 0.01 into a breathalyzer, it is a crime of underage drinking. The punishment of underage...
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