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Teenage Curfew Laws In America

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Imagine a group of teens on the streets at night and all of a sudden the cops are chasing them. Then they were taken to the police station and fined for being past their curfews. In 1955 Chicago was the first city to pass a curfew law. In July 2009, at least 500 cities in the US have passed a law for teenage curfew. Even though gang activity could be controlled, cities should prohibit teenage curfews because police are targeting black neighborhoods, not all teenagers commit crimes, and curfews take away teenagers' rights.
Many cities that have curfews for teenagers are discriminating against black neighborhoods or other ethnic groups. According to the 2011 Current Events, people against curfews state “…they also worry that the laws could be unfairly used to discriminate against certain racial or ethnic groups"(Night Fight). Police or city government are trying to get curfews in bad neighborhoods where their is more teenage crime, but the curfew would only target black or other ethnic groups because that's where they think that their is a lot of crime going on. In a Chicago Tribune article, Phil Gutis, a spokesman from the …show more content…
Curfews are basically and slowly taking away teenagers rights away. Ron Dearman, lawyer for a curfew case says, “ ‘Curfews go beyond a municipality’s legal jurisdiction and pose unreasonable limits on children's right’ “ (qtd. in Henheffer). Curfews are trying to take away teens rights by not letting them be out at night. They could only be out to watch a movie or probably sent by their parents to get groceries at night but they can't always be with them when they have other things to do. According to a 1998 Current Event article, people who are against the curfew says, “the curfews allow police officers to hassle and fine teens”(Town Curfews). Some police officers are simply arresting teens that are out at night, but the teens haven't done a crime and that takes away some of teenagers

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