...Teenage Girls and Alcohol In the United States the average age for girls to start drinking is 13 years old. To begin drinking at such a young age greatly impacts the choices one makes and their health; both short term and long term. When you start to abuse alcohol at a young age it can have destructive effects on your health. Before alcohol reaches one's brain stem, it has already been absorbed by some of the major organs. Alcoholism is known for causing many health problems in one's body here are some of the major ones; high chances of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. An increased risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx and oesophagus. Irritation of the stomach lining leading to ulcers. Inflammation of the liver leading to cirrhosis. These are only some of the long time affects of drinking alcohol. Drinking for teenage girls can also delay puberty, and abusing alcohol can cause endocrine disorders during puberty. Drinking underage undoubtedly has lasting affects on teenage girls’ mental health. At this moment of their lives, teenages girl’s brains are still developing, it is crucial that nothing goes into their bodies that harm the developing ways of the brain. When heavy alcohol drinking is prevalent in a teenage girl's body, it may cause lasting impairments in brain functions such as memory, coordination, and motor skills. Teenage drinking for girls not only affects their body and mental health it also plays a big role in the way they behave under the influence...
Words: 397 - Pages: 2
...teenagers and binge drinking has lead to many horrible consequences because they do not know their limits and having to reply on text and social media to remember what happened the night before has became ridiculous. They end up raped and this article mainly emphasizes binge drinking with teenage girls. They are the main targets because they are more defenseless than guys. She uses the evidence that one in every five teenage girls ages 15, 16, and 17, have four or more drinks in a single session. In occasional binge drinking, about half of 10th grade teenage girls drink more than 60% of seniors. Unfortunately, there have been many cases where girls have been raped due to their exceeding limit of drinking. This related to Hennikans article because it argues that having the drinking age to 21 has given opposite responses by causing and influencing more underage drinking. In college there are always going to be parties and of course drinking as well therefore it is an easier access for teens to drink. It has become something normal to them because now it just seems like everyone is doing it, which is bad. After reading both articles I have reasons for lowering it to 18 and keeping it to 21, but I feel like keeping it would be the best option. By lowering the drinking age to 18, there will be an even higher rate of underage drinking because most people who are 18 are still in high school. For this being, they will throw parties and of course many underage teens will attend and...
Words: 314 - Pages: 2
...Underage drinking is an acute problem to most societies in the world. Today, teenage drinking has become a norm among young people, who in several occasions tend comply with this antisocial culture. The question is, “what is the general cause to this severe trend?”. It is unfortunate that a child, as young as 11 years is indulged to heavy drinking. The aftermath effects of such indulgence are so severe to the social and ethical set up of the society. Based on empirical research analysis, most children who engage in heavy abuse of drugs tend to be irresponsible in their social life. In addition, the menace risk subjecting the society to other forms consequences (Howard, 2010). Teenage drinking is a real problem to most societies, and necessary measures must be applied to contain its high prevalence. Consequences of teenage drinking are so instantaneous to the society, more so to the families where such children resides, and this promotes swifter actions by caregivers. Literature Review Underage drinking has attained lethal dose in most American societies, and this raises the eyebrows on the American social institutions. There are numerous research elements that have been conducted among young children, which significantly reveal to the onset of this vice. American society is the powerhouse to many antisocial behaviors among teenagers. Irresponsible act of teenage drinking has sunken the social behaviors of young people, who later become inactive citizens. Teenage drinking...
Words: 880 - Pages: 4
...Underage drinking has become an increasing prevalent social problem among youths in the United States. The article, 1 in 6 high school students binge drink, CDC says, discuss the growing problem of underage drinking and efforts to curb this concern. Despite high rates of teenage drinking, there is a significant decrease in drinking among high school students from 1991 through 2015 (Jimison, 2017). Increased efforts of alcohol prevention are being implemented, such as tougher ID laws and restriction on drunk driving, which contributed to the decrease in drinking. In addition, education about the effects of drinking, especially at a young age, has deterred underage youths from drinking. Drinking can increase the risk of alcohol poisoning, serious injury, or death as students are still developing (Jimison, 2017). Furthermore, 1 in 6 high school students binge drink, CDC says mentioned that a potential cause for underage drinking is parental influence and the...
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...lower the drinking age? This ongoing question has some on the fence. For me this is an easy question to answer. No, my opinion is that the age limit remains the same or increased not lowered. Thru out the course of this paper I will be attempting to show you my reasoning behind my thoughts. I will introduce you to information statistics, and provide you with information about the foolish, senseless acts our young adults have preformed while under intoxication of alcohol. Underage drinking costs the U.S. more than $58 billion per year. Where does all this money go? Health care, law enforcement, rehabilitation, education, traffic safety, court costs… the list goes on. What does all this mean to us? We have to clean up behind the tragedies left behind. If in health care field you must treat, mend, and care for the sick, mangled, and deceased. Law enforcement must detain, arrest, or call for emergency services. Our school systems impacted by, classroom disruptions, and fights. All this amounts to a downfall in our society. The family suffers greatly with communication breakdowns, increased medical expense, and maybe death of a love one. Approximately eight teens die every day in alcohol-related car crashes. Underage drinking is addictive. Adolescents who begin drinking before the age of 15 are four times more likely to become alcoholics than their counterparts who do not begin drinking until the age of 21. It is plain to me as it should be to you that these underage drinking statistics...
Words: 602 - Pages: 3
...Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of twenty-one die as a result of underage drinking; this includes approximately 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, and as well as hundreds from other injuries (NIAA). In today’s society we are presented with a real epidemic, underage drinking. As children grow older they are brought into different environments where they are presented with different obligations. Children bring alcohol into their lives to be cool or to fit in, but dying of alcohol poisoning leaves young people to fit into which group? Teenagers begin drinking as early as middle school or even sooner. (NLM) It is said that teens who drink are more likely to be victims of violent crimes. They are more likely to have serious problems in school. They are more likely to be involved in drinking and driving accidents. Children who start drinking young are also more likely to develop problems with alcohol later in life. With such a huge epidemic in underage drinking, why would law makers want to lower the legal age? Throughout the United States, most seventeen year olds receive their drivers’ license. Seventeen year olds are still in high school and still testing different waters; some of the “water” is alcohol. It is hard to believe, but 70 percent of all teenagers drink alcohol, and 60 percent of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol-related (Eagle). Most parents want to believe that when they...
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...Underage madness Have you ever been to a liquor store and you are on your way to a wonderful evening of relaxation, then out of nowhere you are bombarded by a complete stranger asking you to buy them a beer? I know I have, my initial response to that individual would be “might I ask how old you are?” Then from this point you might hear a series of excuses or lies about the situation until they realize that they are getting nowhere with you and move on to the next target. What did you do in this case? Did you attempt to scare that individual, or did you just mosey on about your business? According to the CDC 11 percent of all alcohol consumed in the United States is consumed by children and young adults between the ages of 12-20. More than 90 percent of this alcohol is consumed in the form of binge drinking. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, about 5,000 kids under 21 die every year as a result of underage drinking – from crashes, homicides, and suicides. Teens that drink also are at risk for a long list of other injuries and potential life-long alcohol abuse. Reducing underage drinking can reduce drinking-related harm This problem is important to not only me as a parent but also to you as a driver on the street. Underage drinking is a rapidly growing problem that causes homicides, suicides and public intoxication. We need to put into play harsher punishments for underage drinking and aiding in underage drinking in order to prevent this problem from spreading. We can...
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...At this time in America, there are teenagers participating in underage binge drinking, because of this they are either dead or in jail. This new media culture has glorified the consumption of alcohol among the youth will ultimately will lead to their deaths. Even though it is illegal to purchase alcohol for anyone under twenty-one. The legal drinking age should not be lowered to eighteen because drunk driving accidents would occur more often, adults are more mature at the age of twenty-one, and students in high school would be able to buy alcohol, resulting in even more underage drinking. If the minimum drinking age is lowered, a substantial amount of drunk driving would occur more often. When the drinking age was lowered, during the...
Words: 980 - Pages: 4
...Underage drinking Underage drinking is a significant problem in our society today. It is astonishing and disturbing that about 5.4 million people aged 12-20 engage in binge drinking each year. These young people do not understand the terrible consequences of this action on their brain, their education and their physical actions. The 2013 Youth Risk Behaviour Survey found that amongst high school students: • 10% drove after drinking alcohol • 21% binge drank • 31% drank some alcohol • 22% rode in a car with a driver who had been drinking alcohol These statistics show that teenagers are completely unaware or stupidly ignoring the devastating effects of this irresponsible action. Underage drinking on the brain Underage drinking has a...
Words: 468 - Pages: 2
...Teenage drivers are known to be some of the most dangerous drivers on the road today, causing an uncanny amount of accidents and deaths each year with the decisions they carelessly make. Premature decisions have caused many preventable deaths. The driving age should be raised to 18 because teenagers today have caused more problems on the road than thought before with their lack of experience and rebellious nature, the influence of drugs or alcohol, and rule breaking. Teenagers are known to be some of the most spontaneous and indecisive of the general population, and that aspect does not change when they step behind the wheel of a car. There are many factors contributing to teenagers making risky decisions. According to the California DMV,...
Words: 1517 - Pages: 7
...Underage Drinking Introduction Alcohol is the most preferred choice of drug abuse among the youth. Many young people developed the habit of taking too much alcohol at an early age. Underage drinking has lead to numerous health problems in many countries. Many families have lost their children due to excess drinking. Adolescent stage comes with an increased independence, which is linked to alcohol abuse. This study will cover the effects of underage drinking and how it is a controversial issue in the country’s development. The Controversial Issue Teenagers are constantly willing to try different things. Drinking alcohol is one of the things teenagers try to do. Underage drinking is a widespread in the contemporary world. Most of the teenagers end up abusing alcohol. Some have lost their lives due to alcohol abuse. Each year, more than 5,000 young people below 21 years of age in the U.S. die due to alcohol abuse and alcohol related cases. This is a great loss to the society. The government is compelled to set aside funds for rehabilitation centers. The U.S. law does not allow anyone below the age of 21 to drink alcohol. Dangers of Underage Drinking Underage drinking is the chief cause of death among teenagers. Many deaths among young people are due to excess drinking. Excess drinking leads to accidents, homicides, suicides, drowning and other injuries. Too much drinking can harm the brain growth. The brain continues to enlarge and mature...
Words: 595 - Pages: 3
...Underage Drinking and Driving Underage drinking and driving is a serious problem in our society today, and occurs all too often. There many dangers and problems that occur with underage drinking and driving that can affect everyone not just the drunk driver. Not only can the drunk driver injure or kill themselves, but they put the lives of other people in danger as well. Underage drinking and driving can ruin a young adults promising future as well as the future of others. There are serious legal ramifications for underage drinking and driving that could land an offender in jail, leave them with fines to pay, and many other penalties. With all of these dangers linked to underage drinking and driving it makes you wonder why anyone would want to attempt to drink and drive. Consumption of alcohol in the United States for any individual under the age of twenty-one is illegal. Even though it is illegal for teenagers to consume alcohol this does not stop teenagers all across the United States from drinking. Even worse is that some of the teenagers will drink alcohol and then will attempt to drive. Driving under the influence of alcohol is dangerous for any one to attempt, and is even more dangerous for teenage drivers. Driving under the influence of alcohol greatly increases the chance of a person being in an accident, and this attempt can be fatal to the driver, passengers, other drivers, and innocent civilians. If someone you know who does get drunk have them call someone they...
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...Teenage Alcohol Abuse Outline Teenage Alcohol Abuse I. Introduction II. Abuse III. Health Risks of Abuse IV. Ways to Prevent Abuse V. Conclusion Chase Wylie Sharma MW 9:25 In some ways, our present laws prohibiting teenage drinking are quite irrational. It is illegal to sell or serve alcoholic beverages to minors, yet we expect young people to take their places suddenly at eighteen or twenty-one in an adult culture where drinking is the norm. Somehow, miraculously, without any practice, they are supposed to know how to drink sensibly and befittingly. Fortunately or unfortunately, all the studies of what teenagers actually do, rather than what they are supposed to, show that teenagers do drink. The percentage of teenage drinkers increases steadily with age, until at eighteen the proportion of drinkers is approximately the same as in the adult population. The percentage of teenage drinkers varies depending on the region of the country. “One study, which showed 86 percent teenage drinkers in Nassau County, New York, and only 44 percent in rural Kansas, was typical of the general trend: teenagers in metropolitan areas are more likely to drink than those in rural regions” (Silverstein and Silverstein 78). Boys, who are traditionally given more freedom than girls, have a higher percentage of drinkers than girls. The difference is especially distinct in rural areas, and it decreases with age. Beer is the most commonly used alcoholic beverage...
Words: 2034 - Pages: 9
...Underage drinking has become a big problem in our society today. Many young teens die daily due to drinking alcohol, because these teens are abusing the age policy of drinking. Underage drinking is a problem today because it is causing teens to act out in a certain way. This is a problem because teens drinking cause not only health problems, but causes rapes and car accidents. More than half of American youths ages 12 to 20 have tried alcohol. Girls are nearly as likely as boys to experiment with drinking. Drinking at a young age greatly increases the risk of developing alcohol problems later in life. Talking to kids early and openly about the risks of drinking can help reduce their chances of becoming problem drinkers. Most teens find it...
Words: 812 - Pages: 4
...Underage Drinking Rebuttal Analysis Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract Most college students in the U.S fall between the 18-21 age bracket. As is custom, the highlight of an active collegiate lifestyle is partying, where binge drinking is the highlight of the day. In retrospect, the legal drinking age still stands at 21. Some proponents for the lowering of the legal drinking age from 18 to 21 contend that at that age, one is appended adult-like responsibilities such as the right to make decisions on their own, joining the military, marrying and starting a family, to mention but a few. In this regard, these proponents argue that if one is considered responsible enough to be trusted with the safety of the country, why not be trusted enough to consume alcohol? This has been the subject of rife debate in recent times, as either side puts arguments and counterarguments forth. Introduction A 2008 article authored by John Cloud headlined “Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered?” published on Friday, June in Time argues that the legal drinking age should remain steady at 21, and should not be lowered to 18 as critics would like to have it. A particular statement that tickles my fancy was “It’s unclear why shifting the venue of drinking from frat houses to bars will help solve the problem of hard-core student drinking” (Cloud, 2008). Although Cloud presents a sound argument, it is more sensible to implement more methodical and all-encompassing alcohol education...
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