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Teeth And Gum Lab Report

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How to Strengthen Your Teeth and Gums
A new discovery throws light on teeth collagen
Collagen is a structural protein that forms the major component of the connective tissue and plays a significant role in forming bones and cartilage. Till now, it was believed that collagen was found only in these tissues, but recent discoveries state that this integral protein is also found in dental papilla, the flesh surrounding the teeth. The two types of collagen predominantly found in the papillae are type 1 and type 3 collagen. Type 1 and 5 collagen is found in the enamel of the teeth with type 3 collagen additionally found in tooth germ, the part that essentially forms into the new tooth material along with dental papilla.
Treating Teeth and Gum problems …show more content…
Tooth pain is perceived to be the worst of pains among the people. The root cause of teeth and gum problems arise due to the accumulation of food particles and the bacteria that feed on these food particles. On digestion of these particles by bacteria, an acid is released into the environment that gradually erodes the bony parts of the teeth. The immune system of our body reacts to this attack by bacteria thereby causing swelling and inflammation of the gum i.e. connective tissue around the teeth. These later progresses to loose tooth pockets and deterioration of alveolar bone, that connects the tooth to the gum, resulting in tooth loss in the last and final stage. Until now, it was believed there was no remedy for this health issue. But the discovery of collagen in the gum and enamel led to the new breakthrough idea of using collagen supplements for …show more content…
In such circumstances, laser is the only option. To avoid such uncomfortable and unfavorable situations, prevention is ten folds better. The prevention regime should be mainly followed by pregnant women and body builders. Precautionary measures are as follows;
• Hydrolyzed collagen: This is the most effective method for reducing stretch marks although there are no definitive studies on the subject. Collagen consumption in addition to improving the skin elasticity aids in the formation of collagen in your body naturally. Collagen broth and collagen peptide powder can largely aid in the process. Hydrolyzed collagen can reduce the depth of the wrinkles of these stretch marks and boost the formation of healthy collagen formation in the body.
• Essential oils: Topical application of essential oils such as coconut oil, shea butter and coco butter provide the structural support of the skin improving its elasticity and thus preventing stretch marks. Fish oils rich in omega 3 fatty acids are other supplements that in addition to promoting a healthy skin aid in the brain development of the fetus in case of pregnant women and improve testosterone secretion in case of body

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