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My Hero Research Paper

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A hero is someone who you can look up to and rely on them in times of need. My hero is my grandmother, Priscilla Nauman, who was very important and inspiring to me and many other people throughout her lifetime. She was loved by many people, from close relatives to strangers she would meet at the store, a restaurant, or around the neighborhood. She was also a very determined person who would do anything she put her mind to. Everyone loved her and she loved everyone. If I had to describe her in three words, it they would be generous, strong, and vivacious. Generosity is the act of showing a gracious act toward others. My grandmother showed this trait by being generous to everyone around her. She would help less fortunate girls get into college by grading their scholarship essays before they gave them to colleges. She would do this just so that the girls could get into the colleges …show more content…
My hero had this trait from the determination and stubbornness that fueled her through a life full of both bad and good times. She showed this when she was divorced and was left with three kids and barely any money. She started from the ground up until she had enough money to buy a house for herself and the four kids that she had. She also showed her strength by holding the entire Letourneau and Nauman family together. She did this by keeping us from getting into big fights during tough times and bonding us even closer through good times. Her physical and mental strength was so great that she even fought three cancer episodes and successfully conquered them all until the fourth one, in which she fought valiantly until the end. Strength is a very important trait to have because it helps people get through times when it seems that all hope is lost. My grandmother was the strongest person I have ever met, and I strive to be as strong as she was throughout her

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