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Whose World Is This Summary

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Most individuals, whom enter a world of education, do so to feel as if they are giving apart back to the community. They feel that it is their duty as being labeled a change agent to do so, but still feel empty and unfulfilled. They pour themselves holistically to conduct routine work to underserved and underrepresented populations without a regard to the culture of the population they are working with. Freire defines conscentization as “The process of developing a critical awareness of one’s social reality through reflection and action. Action is fundamental because it is the process of changing the reality. We all acquire social myths which have a dominant tendency, and so learning is a critical process which depends upon uncovering real problems and actual needs (, 2016).
In the article “Whose World Is This?” by Jayne R. Beilke, she explores Freire definition of conscientization through multicultural education. She does this a creating a partnership with an institution and a non-formal education program, which can be a critical catalyst of change in defining multicultural consciousness and multicultural education. …show more content…
The element of critical consciousness includes dialogue, problem-posing, and the exploration of generative themes such as race, class, and gender ( Beilke, 2005). The article describes an on-going partnership between a University and a local boys and girls club. The students that were secondary education majors at the University kept a journal, writing about their experience as they worked with the youth. The students “illustrated the process of developing critical multicultural consciousness and the potential for praxis (change) ( Beilke,

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