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Why Is Abortion Unethical

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Do you actually have the audacity to kill innocent babies? The killing of an innocent baby is murder, even if the baby has still yet to live it is still murder. What am I talking about you ask? Abortion. Abortion is the process of terminating a human pregnancy. The only reason you are aborting your baby is probably because it was unintended for you to get pregnant. Half of the pregnancies are unintended and most of them end in abortion. Abortion is very unethical considering the way they do the process. There are many risks and complications towards abortion. As you get older, the riskier it gets. You can have a pelvic infection, a pelvic infection is some bacteria from the vagina could enter the uterus and causes you with an infection. Heavy bleeding may occur, although it is normal after the abortion, it is not common for heavy bleeding which is also called Hemorrhaging. Your cervix could tear by stretching it to reach into the uterus. Also, incomplete abortion can happen. The fetal parts or some other products may not have been emptied well from the uterus which might require more medical procedures, also it can lead to an infection and bleeding. …show more content…
There are about 1.2 million abortions in the United States. At least 1 in 4 of all the pregnancies end in of course, abortion. Many do not realize what they are doing. In the United States approximately 3,315 abortions happen per day. Women at the ages of 20-25 or over the age of 40 tend to get abortion. Caucasian women are 60% likely to get abortion but African American women are three times as likely as white women to get abortion while hispanics are two times as likely. Non-married women are most likely to get abortion than married women. Abortion can lead to women having emotional pains such as regret and negative feelings towards

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