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Television And Radio's Influence On American Culture

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Today and even in the mid to late 1900s people living in the United States have been introduced to television and or radio broadcasting. Ranging from visuals, music and or news stories. Today most people living in the United State do not think about how much the television and radio are a privilege due to how common they both are. Almost everyone today has watched something on a television and or listened to something on the radio. Anything from a movie to the news. Thus, when the topic of media such as television and radio having a big impact on countries such as India and Africa, it may be surprising to a lot of people. The fact being that it is true, the television and radio did have a big impact on the cultures in India and Africa. BBC …show more content…
Here we have a British broadcasting company using different types of media having major effects on a country and its culture. On the other hand, in Africa arose an underground radio out of Cairo Egypt in the 1950’s. Radio Cairo had become the voice for the people of South Asia. Today the radio is a very powerful and special weapon even in the United States. It is even more powerful in a place such as South Asia and Africa. The radio played a huge part in the culture of South Asia and Africa. It shaped a lot of the culture broadcasting popular music and propaganda throughout the countries (James R. Brennan page 173). In the article written by James R. Brennan, Radio Cairo and the Decolonization of East Africa, 1953-64, he mentions radio broadcast even gained the attention of illiterate peoples (Brennan 173). He also goes to mention that the radio of people to radios had been roughly 10:1 (Brennan 173). During the Cold War Era, radio played an important role in anticolonial movements. In Africa, radio Cairo became the main broadcaster supporting these types of movements and the voice of the African peoples that pushed for

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