...TAXATION PAPERS WORKING PAPER N.33 - 2012 Serena Fatica Thomas Hemmelgarn Gaëtan Nicodème The Debt-Equity Tax Bias: consequences and solutions Taxation and customs union Taxation Papers are written by the staff of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, or by experts working in association with them. Taxation Papers are intended to increase awareness of the work being done by the staff and to seek comments and suggestions for further analyses. The views expressed in the Taxation Papers are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. Comments and inquiries should be addressed to: TAXUD TAXATION-PAPERS@ec.europa.eu Cover photo made by Milan Pein Despite all our efforts, we have not yet succeeded in identifying the authors and rights holders for some of the images. If you believe that you may be a rights holder, we invite you to contact the Central Audiovisual Library of the European Commission. This paper is available in English only. Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union Freephone number: 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through EUROPA at: http://europa.eu. For information on EU tax policy visit the European Commission's website at: http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/taxation/index_en.htm ...
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...Do Oil Revenues Affect Taxation? Christopher Skutnik Oil is an essential commodity to humans, as it powers many goods and services that give us humans a lot of utility. For oil producing countries, the prospects of exporting barrels of oil can be very exciting for fiscal revenues. The effect of oil production on fiscal revenues is largely due to the world oil price. In the last year and a half the price of oil has plummeted from $104/barrel to about $41/barrel today. This sharp decline in the price of oil has certainly hurt fiscal revenues of oil producing countries. It is also very likely that these countries do not enforce taxation. On the other hand, due to the volatile nature of oil prices, it is also rational to assume that oil-producing countries may enforce stringent tax codes. Stringent tax codes may be enforced to relieve budgetary pressures that may be as a result of lower oil prices. The purpose of this paper is to determine whether oil revenues have an effect on taxation. Understanding the effect of oil revenues on taxation is very important in terms of real world application. The information obtained from the analysis between the two variables will enable large producing oil nations to determine the kind of fiscal policy to undertake. It will help nations in planning budgets accordingly, while also helping governments determine whether there needs to be a change in tax rates to meet budgetary ambitions. For example, if...
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...A Term Paper Report On DIRECT TAXES CODE (DTC): AN OVERVIEW MEANING AND IMPLICATIONS Submitted by Sharath Kumar USN: 1PB11MBA15 4th MBA: F2/’C’ Section Submitted to Prof. GVM Sharma Associate Professor Department of MBA PES IT, Bangalore DEPARTMENT OF MBA PES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BANGALORE-570085 (2011-13 Batch) Abstract The Government of India had released the draft Direct Tax Code (‘DTC’) along with a Discussion Paper in August 2009 for public comments. Various stakeholders have provided their feedback and the Government subsequently released a Revised Discussion Paper in June 2010 addressing some of the key concerns on the DTC. The DTC would replace the existing direct tax legislation constituted by the Income Tax Act, 1961 and the Wealth Tax Act, 1957 with effect from April 1, 2011. It aims to simplify the language with an intention to remove uncertainty in interpretation of the tax law and mitigate undue litigation. While most of the provisions in the DTC meet these objectives, there are certain provisions relating to Minimum Alternate Tax (‘MAT’), General Anti-Avoidance Rules (‘GAAR’) and Determination of Residential Status of Foreign Corporate, which could have adverse and undesirable consequences. This term paper provides an overview of the key proposals in the DTC and their impact on both domestic and international businesses in India. Introduction The compatibility and conduciveness of a taxation system plays an important...
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...marginal tax rate. Two companies that are in the same marginal tax bracket, for example, may end up with different effective tax rates depending on their earnings. This occurs particularly with a progressive, or tiered, tax system, where different levels of income are taxed at different rates. For example, the first $100,000 of income may be taxed at 10%, and income between $100,001 and $500,000 might be taxed at a rate of 15%. The corporation's income is taxed at the various levels, and to determine the effective (or average) tax rate, the total tax is divided by the total taxable income The term effective tax rate has different meanings in different contexts. Generally its calculation attempts to adjust a nominal tax rate to make it more meaningful. It may incorporate econometric, estimated, or assumed adjustments to actual data, or may be based entirely on assumptions or simulations. The term is used in financial reporting to measure the total tax paid as a percentage of the company's accounting income, instead of as a percentage of the taxable income. International Accounting Standard 12,[9] define it as income tax expense or benefit for accounting purposes divided by...
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...DIRECT VERSUS INDIRECT TAXATION* A.B. ATKINSON University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, England J.E. STIGLITZ Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A. Revised version received February 1976 1. Introduction The recent literature on optimal taxation may be seen as attempting to clarify the structure of the arguments advanced to support changes in the tax system, tracing the implications of taxes and quantifying (analytically) the trade-offs between the various objectives of tax policy. This literature has examined the optimal structure for particular types of taxation taken in isolation, such as the optimal rates of excise tax and the optimal income tax schedule. Our purpose, on the other hand, is to provide a broader framework and to consider the interaction between different kinds of taxation. To illustrate this, we reexamine the age-old question of direct versus indirect taxation and the relationship of these taxes to the goals of efficiency, vertical equity and horizontal equity. After describing in section 2 the general framework of the analysis, and arguing that any treatment of the choice of tax structures must be centrally concerned with distributional considerations, we begin in section 3 with the extension of the classic Ramsey formula for optimal excise taxation to include vertical equity objectives. This was considered by Diamond and Mirrlees (1971), but the results *This is a revised and condensed version of the paper given at the ISPE meeting...
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...to the one percent of the people with the highest income. This issue has been debated for decades and has kept the attention of many economists. Since this disparity leads to inequality, the role the Government has been subject of analysis in order to stablish the level of involvement and the mechanism to solve the problem via taxation. The paper starts pointing out an example of disruption of a utopic economy where a new entrepreneurial idea has come up. In this case, everyone wants the new product, but there is only one provider; therefore, the demand exceeds the supply and the entrepreneur ended up being richer that the others. This unequal redistribution of well-being started as a voluntary exchange, so there are two questions the author brings up, related to contribution of the entrepreneurial to the alteration of the public policy and whether or not this policy should remain unchanged. This is a reflection of what has been happening in the United States where the income has grown, but not in a uniform way across the income distribution, which leads to the question for policymakers to make taxation more progressive. The second issue in the paper is related to inefficiency as a result of inequality. Taking as example the Pareto criterion, no-one could possibly object, since there is a way of make people better off without making others worse off. However, the author also refers to Kaldor - Hicks criterion which states that inequality is inefficient in the sense of shrinking...
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...What are the options? pricing and taxation policy reforms to redress excessive alcohol consumption and related harms in australia natacha Carragher & Jenny Chalmers1 nsW Bureau of Crime statistics and research 1 Natacha Carragher, Research Fellow, ATCL, BSc(Hons), PhD. Jenny Chalmers Senior Research Fellow, BEc(Hons), MEc, PhD. Drug Policy Modelling Program, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales. Address for correspondence: Dr Natacha Carragher, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052. Tel: 02 9385 0249. Fax: 02 9385 0222. Email: n.carragher@unsw.edu.au 2011 Published by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research Attorney General’s Department Level 8 St James Centre 111 Elizabeth Street Sydney 2000 Australia Phone: +61 (2) 9231 9190 Fax: +61 (2) 9231 9187 Email: bcsr@agd.nsw.gov.au Website: www.bocsar.nsw.gov.au ISBN 978-1-921824-33-3 This report is available in pdf format on our website and may be provided in alternative formats. Please contact the Bureau on 02 9231 9190 or email us at bcsr@agd.nsw.gov.au © State of New South Wales through the Attorney General’s Department of NSW 2011. You may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely deal with this work for any purpose, provided that you attribute the Attorney General’s Department of NSW as the owner. However, you must obtain permission if you wish to (a) charge others for access to the work (other than...
Words: 5827 - Pages: 24
...Introduction: Partnership According to Rafael M. Lopez Jr. (Partnership and corporations,2012-2013) an association of two or more persons engaged in a business enterprise in which the profits and losses are shared proportionally. The legal definition of a partnership is generally stated as "an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners a business for profit" According to Yaacob, Z., Ismail (The basic aspect of partnership accounting,2009) “A partnership is an association of two or more people who agree to share in the profits and losses of a business venture. The members of a partnership are called partners.”. When discussing partnerships, there are three types of partners that need to be considered, a silent partner, limited liability partner, and a general partner. So when entering into the partnership, it needs to be known upfront exactly which type teach is going to be. There are also three different type of partnerships: a general partnership, limited partnership, or a joint venture partner. These three also need to be considered along with what type of partner each is going to be. When considering a partnership, there are many advantages of partnerships. For example, they are easy to establish and organize, the business benefits, along with many more. Like anything else in this world, there are also disadvantages of entering...
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...What are the options? pricing and taxation policy reforms to redress excessive alcohol consumption and related harms in australia natacha Carragher & Jenny Chalmers1 nsW Bureau of Crime statistics and research 1 Natacha Carragher, Research Fellow, ATCL, BSc(Hons), PhD. Jenny Chalmers Senior Research Fellow, BEc(Hons), MEc, PhD. Drug Policy Modelling Program, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales. Address for correspondence: Dr Natacha Carragher, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052. Tel: 02 9385 0249. Fax: 02 9385 0222. Email: n.carragher@unsw.edu.au 2011 Published by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research Attorney General’s Department Level 8 St James Centre 111 Elizabeth Street Sydney 2000 Australia Phone: +61 (2) 9231 9190 Fax: +61 (2) 9231 9187 Email: bcsr@agd.nsw.gov.au Website: www.bocsar.nsw.gov.au ISBN 978-1-921824-33-3 This report is available in pdf format on our website and may be provided in alternative formats. Please contact the Bureau on 02 9231 9190 or email us at bcsr@agd.nsw.gov.au © State of New South Wales through the Attorney General’s Department of NSW 2011. You may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely deal with this work for any purpose, provided that you attribute the Attorney General’s Department of NSW as the owner. However, you must obtain permission if you wish to (a) charge others for access to the work (other than...
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...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Home Page » Business and Management ‘Pestle’ Analysis for Starbucks Coffee Company In: Business and Management ‘Pestle’ Analysis for Starbucks Coffee Company ‘PESTLE’ Analysis for Starbucks Coffee Company Political: •High taxation imposed on farmers in those countries producing the coffee bean will usually mean Starbucks pay a higher price for the coffee they purchase. Any fluctuations in taxation levels in the industry are almost certainly ultimately passed on to the consumer. •Trade issues will affect Starbucks predominantly when exporting and importing goods. When another country’s government imposes a tariff it not only results in an efficiency loss for Starbucks but large income transfers can become inconsistent with equity. This extra charge can turn a bargain into a rip-off. Also, since 9/11, trade relations have been adversely affected between the USA and some other countries. •Starbucks should thoroughly investigate the political stability of any country they plan to expand to. Changes in government can lead to changes in taxation and legislation. The American elections may have an effect on Starbucks as new legislation or new or existing government may bring in taxes. Also, those countries in political turmoil or civil war (e.g. Zimbabwe at present) should be approached with great caution...
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...Asia-Pacific Development Journal Vol. 8, No. 1, June 2001 ISSUES IN TAX REFORMS Azizul Islam* This paper seeks to describe the principles that have guided recent tax reforms in Asian developing countries. It critically examines the purported rationale underlying these reforms and raises some issues connected with these reforms. The paper first discusses the new direction of the perceived role of taxation as a macroeconomic tool and the principles which have formed the basis of recent tax reforms. It then analyses the implications of the application of these principles for the level and structure of taxes. It concludes with a summary of the key issues raised in the paper. Developing countries implemented an array of major economic reforms during the 1980s and the 1990s. Tax reforms formed an integral part of these reforms. The impetus for tax reforms was provided by a number of domestic and external factors (ADB, 1993). The last two decades were marked by a fundamental reassessment in developing countries of the role of the Government in economic development. There was a discernible shift in favour of assigning a greater role to the private sector, including foreign enterprises. This required re-examination of the structure of tax systems. Faced with declining external assistance, many Governments came under pressure to reduce budgetary deficits in the interest of macroeconomic stability. Multilateral development agencies required deficit reduction as a precondition...
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...Business School Course Title: MSc Academic Year: 2010/2011 Deadline Date: August 31, 2011 Module Code: BMS0013 Module Title: Postgraduate Dissertation Dissertation Title ------------------------------------------------- A Study for Implementation of Electronic Government upervisor Name: Stephen Gibbs Student Name: ALMABROK ALHUMRY ID Number: 1072062 Word Count: 17,711 Table of Contents Acknowledgements 5 Abstract 7 1. Chapter One: Introduction 9 1.1 Introduction 9 1.2 Research Title 10 1.3 Research Question 10 1.4 Aims of Research 10 1.5 Research Background 10 1.6 Research Scope and Limitations 11 1.7 Research Objectives 12 1.8 About Libya 13 2. Chapter Two: Literature Review 14 2.2 E-Government Benefits 14 2.3 E-Government for Developing Countries 16 2.4 Characteristics of Electronic government Services 17 2.5 E-Administration___ A part of e-government 18 2.6 Existing Administration System of Libya 19 2.8 E-Government in Libya 26 2.9 ICT Knowledge in Libya 28 2.10 E-Government Problems in Libya 30 2.12 Stages of E government Development 32 2.17.2 Training Public Employees for E-Government 41 2.18 Risks associated with E-government 42 2.19 Summary of Literature Review 42 3. Chapter Three: Research Methodology 48 3.1 Research Design 48 3.2 Research Methodology 49 3.3 Conceptual Framework 50 4. Chapter Four: Research Analysis 63 4.1 Research Limitation 63 4.2 Analysis Plan 64 ...
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...DALIA EL-EDEL ECON 310-02 TERM PAPER - BY: JIHAD MASHAMOUN 900-08-2910 LARA AZZAM 900-09-3033 LUJANE MULLA 900-10-1019 ABSTRACT There is no doubt that the widening income disparities were a major driving force fueling the recent uprisings within the Middle East. One solution that has been put forth for adoption is the progressive income tax. This paper intends to assess the theoretical bases and popular arguments surrounding this very dynamic topic. The first section provides a brief definition of progressive taxation in contrast with other forms of taxation. It also discusses the most dominant for and against arguments both from a theoretical and an empirical point of view. The second section provides a case study of progressive income taxes in a leading industrial and developed country; the US. The third section provides a comparative study from Brazil; an emerging economy that has recently adopted progressive taxation. Based on the theoretical analysis and the two case studies, the paper concludes by providing policy recommendations that should be implemented in order to complement progressive taxation and gain the best and most balanced results in terms of equality, efficiency and revenues. Finally taxation is only part of the economic equation; proper efficient tax system is only one step forward towards creating equal opportunities through proper government support programs. In order to achieve the best results out of progressive taxation, it has to be combined with...
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...Running Head: Legal Forms of Business Paper Legal Forms of Business Paper Yajaira Francisco LAW/531 Business Law Instructor Robert Lewandowski April 8, 2013 Legal Forms of Business Paper Starting a business involves knowledge of the different options for forming an organization. A business owner should research the liability and risks that a business may encounter in the future. Depending on the type of business formation, a business owner needs to protect their personal assets in the event of a possible lawsuit. This paper will provide an explanation and scenarios for the different options of business formation: corporation, S corporation, franchise, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, partnership, and sole proprietorship. Corporation A future business owner is interested in establishing a service company such as a construction company, auto repair, auto detailing, cleaning service or event planning. The risks for lawsuits are very high. Any customer can file suit for a variety of reasons. The future business owner must seek a team that has the knowledge in operating a service company and understand the type of business law involved. The future business owner is working with a team of individuals that are willing to invest in the company and its vision. The first step is to form a business that will protect the personal assets of all parties involved in the company. The business owner has decided to form a corporation. A corporation...
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...specific analysis for the OECD economies: 2.6 Tax and subsidy incidence equivalence theories: experimental evidence from competitive markets 2.7 Tax incidence under oligopoly: a comparison of policy approaches 2.8 The incidence of income tax on wages and labour supply 2.9 The incidence of personal income taxation: evidence from the tax reform act of 1986: 2.10 Tax incidence when individuals are time-inconsistent: the case of cigarette excise tax 3. Conclusion References 1. Introduction: Government generally collect taxes to generate revenue and question arise here is that after imposition of taxation, which group will bear the tax burden. After implementation of tax, there would be the division of tax burden between byres and sellers which is known as tax incidence. Tax incidence is linked to the price elasticity of demand and supply. If supply is more elastic than demand then the tax burden falls upon the buyers and when the demand is more elastic than supply then the producers will bear the cost of the tax. Tax incidence is basically the analysis of the effect of taxation on the distribution of economic welfare. Tax incidence expose that which group either consumer or producer is going to pay the price of new tax and it falls mostly on the group that has the inelastic price quantity or respond least to the price. Tax incidence or the tax burden does not depend on that where the revenue is collected but it...
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