...The Red Reign of Terror Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram; all terrorist groups that have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, and strike fear in the eye of the public, even the world. How far would you go to achieve “success”? The French Revolution lasted approximately eighteen months starting January 1793 until July 1794. During that time, twenty-thousand plus people were killed using the guillotine, including King Louis XVI. The Reign of Terror was not necessary for the French to obtain success, because the French Revolution could have been just as successful without it. The Tribunal was a group of members that was only chosen by the National Convention, which is known as the revolutionary government (Doc E). Their job was to watch for any suspicious foreigners suspected of counterrevolutionary activities and kill them (Doc E). Their power was despotic and above all civilians, which gave them the opportunity to expel any suspected foreigners on the spot (Doc E). This was not justified because if you were thought to be a counter revolutionist and you really weren't one, you probably wouldn't be spared as they would not believe or listen to you. This corrupt power of the Tribunal really kicked off the suppressing of individual rights and unnecessary violence with a bang. In November of 1793 Christian churches were closed by revolutionary government (Doc A). This meant that the government had taken away the civilians religious freedom which did not make religious authority...
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...Terror 1 Nolan Nguyen Mrs. Rich English 1 – TT November 16, 2011 The Reign of Terror The Reign of Terror was a period in history when the Convention established a war dictatorship rather than a democracy. The reason for this choice was due to the fact that other nations were attacking France’s borders from all four sides, there was resistance to the idea of French democracy, and that the people wanted a stronger government that can lead the nation through hard situations were a few reasons why the French revolution started. These causes lead the way for the reign of terror to begin. In response to the turmoil of war and resistance, the government established new laws, which was one of the causes of the Reign of Terror. These laws were designed to strengthen and restore order by using terror, virtue, fear, and force. During this time, the guillotine was used, beheading people, and causing panic throughout the nation. After the Revolution was successful, when King Louis XVI was executed by a guillotine on January 17, 1793 in Place du Reunion, the National Convention established a war dictatorship instead of a democracy. The war dictatorship government was lead by few men to govern the country and wage war during a time of crisis. The Convention created watch committees, which imposed strict regulations on foreigners and citizens. The new government imposed the Levee en Masse. It said that the government can conscript anyone in France and that everyone has a part in the...
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...The Reign of Terror was a chapter in time that lasted from, September 1793 – July 1794; it had many ramifications in political and social changes in France. It was a massive turning point of the horror of the French Revolution. As viewers watched with entertained eyes, the people of France were put to death while the streets were lined in blood. Early in the Revolution countless people still supported the monarchy, which brought on accusations of treason in opposition to the new republic. The Reign of Terror was a portion of time in the French Revolution characterized by murderous suppression and executions intended to demolish counter revolutionaries and conspirators. An innovative stable government was required to end the chaos, and the Committee of Public Safety was created with 12 members in the Committee and overseen by Maximilien Robespierre. His goal was to create a “republic of virtue” in which the government would compel the people to be converted into virtuous republicans through an immense reeducation program. “Terror is nothing else than swift, severe, indomitable justice; it flows, then, from virtue”-Maximilien Robespierre. It resulted in the deaths of around 20 000 to 40 000 people and was viewed by Robespierre as an unavoidable period to stabilize France. It was a time of violence and murder with a direct correlation to the French Revolution with its goal to aid in the survival of the revolution. Even though, the rationale of the reign was to institute...
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...September 5, 1793 was the end of Louis XVI rule and the start of the Reign of Terror where 40,000 people were executed. In France, Louis XVI has just been guillotined and everyone is deranged and confused. This marked the 18-month period of the Reign of Terror. The Reign of Terror was lead by Maximilien Robespierre and the government proceeded to execute a large number of people. The government was targeting individuals that were considered to be enemies of the revolution. One of those targets was the Catholic Church which they saw as outdated. While outside the country there was tension that escalated into war. They were facing problems inside and outside the country. Was this method of execution during the Reign of terror justified. The reign of terror was not justified because the outside threat did not require it, the inside threat did not deserve it, and the the methods were to extreme. External threats did not require it. An example of this is that they closed the churches by revolutionary government and that is wrong because people should always be able to choose what they believe in (Document A). Another example is the government denies legal counsel to accused enemies of the revolution (Document A). It not right to treat people disrespectfully for thinking differently than the...
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...Reign of Terror lasted from September 1793 until the fall of Robespierre in 1794. Its purpose was to purge France of enemies of the Revolution and protect the country from foreign invaders. Phase of the French Revolution. It began with the overthrow of the Girondins and the ascendancy of the Jacobins under Robespierre. Against a background of foreign invasion and civil war, opponents were persecuted and 16000 executed by the guillotine. The reign of terrors methods were used , and losing a lot of their population using forces like the guillotine, as in document F the methods were way too harsh the guillotine was Between June 1793 and the end of July 1794, there were 16,000 death sentences in France . However, the total number of deaths in...
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...Should people go to the extreme and provoke the rights of citizens if that meant they were protecting the country? During the French Revolution in the late 1700’s, France went to extreme measures to protect their country and called for The Reign of Terror. The Reign of Terror killed thousands of people, mainly using a guillotine, to protect their country without actual evidence of why they were an enemy or threat. The Reign of Terror was not justified because of their very extreme measures and killings, not enough or no evidence at all for the killings, and for violating the rights of the people. Under any circumstance, there is no reason a person’s rights should be violated, if they do not have enough evidence. Document A shows us the many...
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...allows us to think and act in a way close to our deepest values. We have an independent will that does not allow genetic influences or the environment to dictate our actions. We have an infinite creative imagination that allows us to create beyond our reality but perhaps the most uniquely human endowment we all possess is self-awareness. Self-awareness is the recognition of how we feel and how we behave. It also allows us to examine why we exist and ultimately, that we are going to die. While self-preservation is a characteristic to both humans and animals, the understanding of one’s own mortality is uniquely human. How do we, as humans, deal with the terror that is associated with this knowledge? According to Terror Management Theory (TMT), developed by Jeff Greenberg, Sheldon Solomon, and Tom Pyszczynski (1989), the need for “terror management” is a fundamental function possessed by humans and cultural systems. Based on the writings of anthropologist Ernest Becker and inspired by Freud’s work on how death provokes belief in mystical transcendence, TMT can provide explanations for a variety of human behaviors and relate them to the basic reason of why humans protect themselves from mortality awareness (Magdalena Smieja et al., 2006). The actuality that we are all going to die, one of the only certainties in life, is an on-going source of existential anguish for humans. This anguish stems from our desire to preserve life and the awareness of this impossibility. Since we...
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...The Reign of Terror was the period of the French revolution from september 5, 1793, to july 27, 1794. The civil War was spreading rapidly through countries, and france was surrounded by hostile amies. The french government decided to take harsh order upon all suspected enemies of the revolution. Executions followed throughout many cities but paris was the main one. When the french military success began in early 1974, very brutal measures at home grew rapidly fast. The Reign of terror answered the need for a strong executive and saved france from anarchy's and military defeating them. This was extremely harmful to the revolutionary cause. The terror wiped enemies out left and right, one problem was some men would get killed by mistake. The...
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...hand in The Reign of Terror. Just like many others before him and after him, Maximilien led a very full life with a variety of accomplishments and downfalls. Maximilien De Robespierre was born on May 6, 1758 in Arras,, France (Maximilien Marie Isidore De Robespierre). He was the oldest child in his family (Maximilien Marie Isidore De Robespierre) but after the demise of his family he and his siblings were raised by their grandparents (Bouloiseau, Marc). After being much of the family role model during his life Robespierre received his law degree in 1781 (Maximilien Marie Isidore De Robespierre). Once he had received his law degree Maximilien worked as a lawyer in Arras, France (Maximilien Marie Isidore De Robespierre)....
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...War on Terror When we think about major threats to our national security, what comes first to our mind? Nuclear Proliferation, Rogue States (a term applied by some international theorists to states considered threatening to the world's peace.), and most importantly Global Terrorism. Terrorism can be defined as attempts to scare people into taking certain actions. By threatening to kill innocent people, terrorists hope national leaders will meet their demands. When they kill or cause destruction, terrorists want people to be afraid of future violence. Terrorists want to use this fear in order to achieve their goals. War on Terror refers to the words used by Former President George W. Bush on September 20 2001 after a deadly terrorist attack on the United States. This attack left a scar on the minds of people around the world. Today, I am going to talk to you about certain things regarding the War on Terrorism that you might not have heard of. We know that a terrorist group called Al-Qaeda caused the attacks on 9/11 and the mastermind behind this event was a person named Osama Bin Laden. But what do we know about this mastermind? Why did he plan the attack on the United States? First I will start by telling you about Osama and certain events that occurred in the Middle East. Osama Bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia and he grew up with hatred towards The United States and Western Culture. He hated the United States for several reasons. In...
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...Short Essay on War and Terror The United States is known as a Super Power in the world today for two particular reasons and they are one, the outcome of World War II and two, how the President at that time, Franklin Delano Roosevelt handled conflicts at home as well as conflicts overseas. During that time the United States was going through some challenges dealing with the Great Depression and the difficulties of Germany beginning to start conflicts in Europe where there was nothing being done about it. World War II was a situation America had stayed out of for about three years, but when the U.S. finally did get involved the balance was then tipped in the favor of the allies due to the U.S. involvement. Also, as it was shown in World War I, when the United States gets involved with conflicts dealing with issues overseas we are very effective and are resolute on becoming triumphant. This resolve continued with a Reaganite point of view, it was president Regan who responded to the Soviet proxies with a proxy war built on the Nixon doctrine of preparing to wage low-intensity conflicts against military nationalist regimes in the Third World. Although by 9/11 the methods changed drastically from low-intensity proxy war to high-intensity direct warfare. [1] No different than the conflict the U.S. has dealt with and continues to deal with today in Iraq and Afghanistan. The era of proxy wars began with America’s defeat in Vietnam and closed with the invasion of Iraq...
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...Terror on the Farm My name is Christine Anne Watson and I like to tell stories. I like to tell suspenseful stories, comedy, tragedy and even romance. I love stretching the truth, that’s one of best things. I can think of anything out of my head. I think that’s a rather cool talent. I’m going to tell you a story. Once upon a time my sister Natalie, myself, and our four friends Lyle, Nathan, Trace and Chris took a drive out to our old farm house. We all rode in my sister Natalie’s truck. We were so close together you could smell the tawdry cologne the person next to you was wearing. The cologne had such a flagrant smell that it gave me a headache. When we finally arrived it was so dark and black that it was hard to delineate what was in front of us. Good thing the house was white or we might have not been able to see it. My sister had to go around to the front of the house and stick her hand through a broken glass in the door where the house had been broken into years before. Walking through the door I had already planned ways to guile the boys. As we walk in the boys noticed some quandary things about the house. The kitchen’s decadence frightened them. It was nasty, dead flies everywhere. Chris was a very ungainly guy. He was also very feminine. He didn’t like nasty things so I tried to admonish him about the dead flies. The house was in such a wreck because, after we moved out of the house some dirty people moved in. They destroyed it. We were trying...
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...War on Terror and its impact on Development in Pakistan Over the years Pakistan has fallen victim to the affects of war on terrorism. Slowly but surely Pakistan’s social structure, economic development and political systems are being eroded. Due to its geo-strategic position, Pakistan has faced adverse affects because of the invasions in Afghanistan by the USSR and U.S. The country also faces internal threats by religious and linguistic groups that help increase terrorism in Pakistan. Terrorism is destroying Pakistan infrastructure by reducing human capital, diverting foreign direct investments and redirecting public investment funds to national security. Terrorism can be defined as “the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political or social goal” (). Terrorism has now become a global problem and Pakistan is among one of the countries that has been highly affected by it. After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Taliban surfaced as a resistance movement aspiring to eject the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The United States and Pakistan provided considerable financial and military support to the Afghan Mujahedeen who were able to impose heavy losses on the Soviet troops. Following the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. declared a war against Afghanistan. at this point the U.S. recognized the seeds they had sown. Taliban was a creation of the Pakistani intelligence agency (the ISI) but was funded by the U.S. The U.S. provided...
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...War has always been evident throughout time exploiting measures and counter measures in order to gain power and fear with no mercy to terror. The fact is terrorist activities have been lingering throughout history, leaving mass amounts of victims to suffer from an imaginable loss. From the destruction of 9/11 and the massive genocide from the Jewish population, the anarchy in which these men of fear exert is beyond reason, which is why this is aimed primarily as a concern for not only Americans but citizens from different and all ethnicities around the world. Many precautions could be taken to prevent an attack on U.S. soil; however it is important that the steps are to be planned out thoroughly. Also, I believe that in order to keep ourselves safe from possible future encounters with terrorists, the government must construct a swift justice among these terrorist sleeper cells to cause of suppress enemy activity. This is the result the government has to improve national security on a global scale, in order to improve aggressively on a military standpoint and obtain reliable intelligence of their activities on a broader spectrum. Despite the fact that basic steps are easier said than done, they convey a vital resource in preserving the idea of our society as a protected and powerful force as much as possible. The general public has the right to feel safe and protected by their country; therefore, the task lays in hand that the powers in hand such as the government should take every...
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...Jean Baudrillard claims that the system put into place in the west is that the cause for this manner of warfare. He quotes a proverb saying “Even God cannot declare war on Himself.” Nevertheless, the west, by positioning itself in the position of God, has imposed this war, and so brought it on itself. To cite Baudrillard, “By seizing all the cards for itself, the west forced the other to alter the principles.” The west asserted ethical, cultural and economic necessity. Viciousness was then left as the sole route for the others to follow. This conflict goes on the far side evolution, and faith. The War on Terror is, rather, according to Baudrillard a delusion that crafts the misrepresentation of a solution based on force. Wars like the Gulf...
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