...INSTITUTO DE EMPRESA 1. Empresa sugerida: Starbucks 2. Industria: restaurantes, café y té, postres y entretenimiento. 3. País: Estados Unidos 4. Contexto: * Starbucks Corporation (cotizada en la bolsa NASDAQ) es la cadena internacional de cafeterías más grande del mundo. La compañía, fundada en Seattle, Washington, en el año 1971 por los profesores Baldwin y Siegel, y por el escritor Bowker, cuenta en la actualidad con más de 17,800 locales distribuidos en 52 países. La respuesta de marketing de la empresa, fundamentada en un alto grado de personalización del producto y en la entrega de atributos sensoriales atípicos, fue la clave de éxito y la principal razón de expansión. * La competencia en el sector de cafeterías ha crecido drásticamente en los últimos años. Dentro del top cinco de cadenas de cafeterías en los Estados Unidos se encuentran, en orden descendente, Starbucks, Caribou Coffee, Tim Horton´s, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf y Coffee Beanery. Asimismo, es importante destacar el auge de Mc Coffe, principalmente, en el continente americano. * Starbucks es considerada una compañía disruptiva en el sector de las cafeterías. El modelo de negocio de Starbucks, basado en la mejora continua de las características y de los atributos del producto, así como en una atención al cliente muy especializada y, además, en la combinación orgánica e inorgánica de elementos estéticos de las tiendas (en suma, la “experiencia de compra”...
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...llenas de semillas de lino orgánicas en un vaso de agua filtrada * Puedes poner una cucharada de las semillas en agua caliente la noche anterior. Bébete el líquido en las mañanas. 8:00am. Desayuno. * Recomendado: Fruta y más fruta. Las aptas: manzana, pera, papaya, piña, cereza, melocotón, ciruela, sandía, albaricoques y bayas. Recuerda: siempre debes tenerla a temperatura ambiente, nada de productos sacados de la nevera. Come hasta que te sientas satisfecha; mastica despacio y muy bien. * ¡No lo hagas!: Naranja o zumo de naranja. Si te inclinas por las uvas, no las mezcles. * Dosis de zumo vegetal: Prepara una infusión con 1 pepino, 1 cuarto de raíz de jengibre (pelada), 4 tallos de apio, 1000g de brotes de alfalfa, 3 ramitas de perejil y 1 zanahoria (pelada) 9:30am: Hora del té. El día de la desintoxicación tiene varias pausas para tomar té. Tiene poder curativo e intensifica la desintoxicación. * Recomendadas: Té de hortiga, de diente de león, de manzanilla, artemisa o de quinácea. * ¡No lo hagas!: Té negro. 10:00am. Onces con fruta. ¡Más fruta! Pero en esta ocasión, exprimida. Todas deben pelarse antes de preparar el zumo. Añade agua hirviendo si el frío está haciendo de las suyas. * Recomendado: ‘Fiesta de papaya’, con dos papayas no muy maduras, 2 peras y media cucharadita de raíz de jengibre. O la deliciosa receta...
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...¿Cuál es tu bebida favorita? Me gustó el café helado caramelo con leche de soja 2. ¿Cómo lo tomas? sola X con azúcar descafeinado con leche descremada con leche entera X con sirope/ jarabes X con hielo 3. ¿Vas a cafés? ¿Qué tomas allí? Sí, voy a cafés con mi amigas mucho y nuestros café favorita se llama Luna y está en Wisconsin. 4. ¿Por qué cuestan más las bebidas en algunos cafés que en otros? Pienso algunas bebidas cuestan más porque algunas tiene la leche o sirope y es necesario que los cafés pagar por los materiales y por eso necesitamos pagar más por nuestros bebidas. 5. ¿Dónde, cómo y cuándo sueles tomar café, té o tu bebida favorita? ¿caminando? - de vez en cuando ¿en el coche? - de vez en cuando ¿en la cafetería de la universidad? - nunca ¿con amigas? - frecuentemente ¿por la mañana? - frecuentemente ¿después de comer? - de vez en cuando ¿mientras estudias? - de vez en cuando ¿solo o con otras personas? -...
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...de Marketing Gonzales Campos, Vicente Alberto Facultad de Economía Rondón Cordano, Bruna Facultad de Marketing Tejada Carranza, Juan Pablo Facultad de Marketing 2. INFORMACION GENERAL DEL PROYECTO * Razón Social y Nombre Comercial: “Bebidas Saludables S.A.C. - “Cool Down” * Ubicación de la Empresa: Mz. D Lote 14 Los Viñedos San Antonio de Huachipa. * Actividad de la Empresa: Elaboración y comercialización de tés relajantes a base de valeriana, manzanilla, pimpinela, esencia de flor de pasión y té verde, comercializados en dos presentaciones de 250ml y 500ml. Dirigido a empresarios y ejecutivos entre 25 a 39 años, de NSE A y B expuestos a altos niveles de estrés. 3. OPORTUNIDAD DE NEGOCIO, FACTORES DE ÉXITO El 60% de los limeños padece de estrés, principalmente los que se encuentran entre las edades de 25 y 50 años, según el diario “La Republica”, masa poblacional que entra en un estado de ansiedad, incertidumbre y en muchos casos desesperación, para estas personas se ha creado “Cool Down”, un té relajante listo para beber hecho a base de insumos naturales, que actúa sobre el sistema nervioso de las personas, mejorando su aprendizaje, concentración y facilita la relajación, sin llegar a adormecer al consumidor. La practicidad, sabor y funcionalidad de “Cool Down” hacen de este un producto que ganará adeptos rápidamente. 4. ESTRATEGIA DE PROYECTO Se utilizara la estrategia de “Nicho”, conformado por personas entre 25 a 39...
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...1. La cocina y cultura Sur-Coreana La cocina coreana forma parte de las cocinas mas variadas del mundo y es diferente de la de sus dos vecinos, Japón y China contrariamente a lo que puede pensar. Los alimentos que se suele utilizar son el arroz blanco, la carne, el pescado, la verdura y sopas acompañados de varios platos como el Kimchi. Las verduras se comen remojadas como en los tiempos de extrema pobreza en Corea del sur, es uno de los platos mas popular pero cuidado a su sabor picante y su fuerte olor. El arroz es omnipresente en la cocina Sur-Coreana como en China o Japón, se come por ejemplo en el plato “bibimbap” , consiste en arroz , verdura, un huevo frito y pasta de chile. La carne se come a la barbacoa y con acompañamiento, el pescado y los mariscos en general se comen a la parilla en brochetas o en el horno. El Kimchi es la comida mas popular de Corea, es un acompañante de otros platos, contiene col, polvo de chile rojo coreano y ajo y existe diversas variedades : de pepino, lechuga o de rábano blanco que se caracteriza sobre todo por su sabor picante. Foto de un plato de Kimchi. En efecto, los coreanos opinan que el sabor y la calidad de los alimentos dependen de las especies y condimentos que agregan a los alimentos básicos como pescado, carne, etc. Una de sus preferidas es el chile rojo picante, la comida Coreana sin el chile rojo equivale a Francia sin la Tour Eiffel, no es posible ! También el Gochujang, es una pasta de chile rojo hecha...
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...LeisureCARD Wellington City Council’s Leisure Card allows people on low incomes and people who meet other criteria discounted entry into a range of recreation and leisure services. Fold in half, seal and return You qualify for the card if you are a Wellington City resident and: • a Community Services Card holder or • on the Invalid’s or Sickness benefit or • a recent migrant within the last six months of entry stamp in passport with a Resident Visa or • on the Green Prescription (GRx) scheme or • a Wellington City Council city housing tenant or CSWCC97914 Freepost 2199 Parks, Sport and Recreation (SECC01) Wellington City Council PO Box 2199 Wellington 6140 • a SuperGold Card holder. If you are not eligible please pass this on to someone who is. Wellington.govt.nz WHAT YOU NEED TO INCLUDE WITH YOUR LEISURE CARD ENROLMENT FORM 1. ONE of the following: a photocopy of both sides of your Community Services (CSC) or SuperGold card (SGC) OR OR OR Green prescription referral form a recent letter from WINZ, that shows your name, address and client number photocopy of entry date stamp in Passport and Resident Visa. Photocopy or tear the top off a bill showing your name and address. ENROLMENT FORM First name Surname Address Suburb Phone number Mobile Email address Date of birth Tear here, fold in half, seal and return Postcode Ethnicity 2. Proof that you live in Wellington 3. Photo Gender M F (please circle one) Please read and sign the following: ...
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...Christianity)? Lao-Tsu (570-490 B.C.) wrote the following on the highest good in his Tao Te Ching: The highest good is like water. Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive. It flows in places men reject and so is like the Tao. In dwelling, be close to the land. In meditation, go deep in the heart. In dealing with others, be gentle and kind. In speech, be true. In ruling, be just. In business, be competent. In action, watch the timing. No fight; no blame." Write an essay of 750-1,000 words discussing this idea. 1. Think about his meaning and how it might be similar or different than key ideas in seeking the highest good in both Confucianism and Christianity. The philosopher, Lao-Tzu, wrote about the highest good in his Tao Te Ching. Lao-Tzu was known as the father of Taoism; a philosophical and religious tradition that origins from China by Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu that emphasizes to live with the Tao in harmony (Taoism, n.d.). Taoism is known to go hand-in-hand with Confucianism which is a mainly characterized as Chinese philosophical and ethical system rather than a religion that was based on the teaching of the Chinese Philosopher known as Confucius (Berling, 1996). This is due to the fact that it was more of a common moral understanding and not having a separate church but rather is known through society, school, state, and family. Lao-Tzu wrote the small book Tao Te Ching which is known to be the most important book in Taoism, much like the Bible...
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...Zhuangzi is the man who incorporated a prose of constantly changing styles, with embedded verse passages. Many of his works were humors. The poems transitions from wise jokes to moments of profound melancholy and then to tight philosophical arguments that turn imperceptibly paradox. Zhuangzi helped create Daoism, which traces as back as the 6th Century. Daoism is about people living without worldly possessions and resting in non-action. On the other hand, there was not a religion of choice and Tao acted as a universal belief. The people of Tao believe that there is no God, but that the universe springs from the Tao. “The One” is the essential energy of life that enables people to be themselves and live in accordance to the Tao. Later on, Taoism became so well established, it became the official religion of the Tang dynasty. However, one story Zhuangzi wrote was about discrimination, in which he talks about discrimination between different animals and creatures in the world. The story states that there is a lot discrimination against different people who live moral lives. The “Discrimination” story by Zhuangzi emphasizes Daoist philosophy of perspective,individualism, and humility. Zhuangzi stories are very entertaining because they are thrilling and suspenseful. His words are so profound that they have to be read again. This gets his audience involved into the story and makes it interesting. In the “Zhuangzi, Perspectives, and Greater Knowledge” article it talks about the perspectives...
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...DJ Nolff Literacy Of Life 9/24/12 The literacy of life in my opinion the most important story for one to pass on to others, not jus tin terms of reading or to draw conclusions to deeper and more detailed meaning, but to learn and understand about the lessons we encounter in everyday life that we at most times look past or ignore. I can see a time in my life living in a small town called Hastings Michigan when I was forced to do something that I would have never imagined doing. I was there my entire life and my parents were going to, with such short notice tell me we were moving to Minnesota. I loved where I Lived, I loved my friends and family being so close, sports, everything where I currently was had enough to offer for me. When they told me this I felt like everything I ever cared for was being taken away from me and that things were falling apart right before my eyes. There were many clues that my parents had said weeks and months prior to the news but I was so caught up in my own little world, too young and immature to even have noticed them. They would ask me little questions all the time like how would I feel about being far away from home? Do I like the Vikings? All kinds of questions relating to Minnesota but I never even thought more about them, I thought they were just questions. I was put in a situation to say goodbye to all the people who ever helped me make it as far as I was at the time. Friends, family, teachers, coaches everybody. I was so confused...
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...The Tao Of Pooh is written differently that many books that you probably have read before. The author Benjamin Hoff uses the characters from winnie the pooh to describe many of the different types of people we see in the world today winnie the pooh being the prime example of being tao. The book begins with the descriptions of the three different people that taste vinegar and get the three different reactions by the men represent Confucianism which thought that the vinegar is sour which represented the sour things in life, Buddhism represented the bitterness in life, and Taoism which focused on the sweetness of the vinegar. Hoff uses these examples to show that even though something may taste sour in the case for confucianism, with the correct outlook, it can be something sweet instead. The book itself is hard to follow with the writing style. From what i understand Benjamin Hoff writes The Tao of Pooh like it is an essay for a class would be written, but what it feels more like is a proverb and explanation style like The Art Of War by Sun Tzu and a discussion form explaining what Taoism is to Pooh. The book also uses different characters like Eeyore, Piglet, Rabbit, Owl, and Tigger the book goes through each character to explain how they all have flaws and are not close to being tao, with the owl being the opposite of pooh and pooh being the closest to being tao, each other character has some major flaw that taoism is not. One strong point and one downfall of this book was the...
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...Dao De Ching My first chapter of the Dao De Ching is chapter 2. The subject is the unity of the opposites in the world. The good and the bad, the ugly and the beautiful, the poor and the rich. No pair can be separated or independent for without one the other could not shine. This is also the moral of the lesson. This chapter is meant for the ones who are not, or want to become, sage-like. Sage people are humble, with much common sense, who have achieved true wisdom. The second chapter I chose is chapter 7. The subject of the chapter is the achievement of eternal life and riches. It is directed towards the sage people. The lesson of the chapter is that to achieve immortality and riches is to become unselfish. To put others before...
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...Daoist is one of the most popular and long-life traditional Chinese religion which can be traced back to the Warring States period. It is a religion that derived from the classic Daoism philosophy which emphasizes the significance of “Dao”, which is the origin who created everything including the universe itself. Long-life is the ultimate goal that Daoist value most and their way to achieve it is through the continuous cultivation of more “Qi”, which is the basic element that sustains the essential human life. Art of bedchamber (“房中术”) in Daoist is one of the many ways that masters use in the religious practices to achieve their goals, as Goldin (2006) in his work “The cultural and religious background of sexual vampirism in ancient China” states that “Proponents of the bedchamber techniques theorized that if one could suck up the genetal fluids of one’s partner during sexual intercourse without releasing any fluids of one’s own, one would emerge from the encounter with an increased store of qi” (2). This principle was concluded by R.H. vanGulik (2003,12) as the “sexual vampirism” and he argues that it is in fact an evidence which shows that Daoist brings nothing but only the very negative impact over the status of Chinese women in the past time because the “sexual vampirism” accentuate the objectification of females and regard them as the “source” for men’s practices (R.H. vanGulik, 1991, 4).However, there is also another group of scholars take the exact opposite position, they...
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...Two-thousand-five-hundred years ago Lao Tzu, a famous Chinese philosopher, said that power is the essence of human nature, one translated version of his book which is called Tao Te Ching wrote “Lao Tzu believed that when people do not have a sense of power they become resentful and uncooperative. Individuals who do not feel personal power feel fear. They fear the unknown because they do not identify with the world outside of themselves; thus their psychic integration is severely damaged and they are a danger to their society. Tyrants do not feel power, they feel frustration and impotency. They wield force, but it is a form of aggression, not authority. On closer inspection, it becomes apparent that individuals who dominate others are, in fact, enslaved by insecurity and are slowly and mysteriously hurt by their own actions. "(Frederick Mann, 1993) Above all, personal power is the ability to achieve what you want in your life. There is a similar definition when it comes to the study of organizational behavior. When a leader is trying to influence others and gain social status, and his motivation towards the decision is that serve this own interest, this is called personalized power. For example, the leader of former Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin, has manifested this by cult personality and dictatorship. Along with the socialism development in Soviet Union, the personal prestige of Stalin was enhancing sharply, he became arrogant and immodest. He encouraged and advocated a cult...
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... The principle of Yin and Yang is a fundamental idea in Chinese philosophy and culture as a rule dating from the third century BCE or considerably prior. This guideline is that all things exist as inseparable and opposing alternate extremes, for instance female-male, dark- light and old-young. The two opposites are drawn toward each other and supplement one another and, as their symbol shows, every side has at its center a component of the other (represented by the little dots). Neither one of the poles is better than the other and, as an increment in one gets a comparing decline in the other, a right harmony between the two posts must be reached in order to accomplish congruity. 2. The main scripture in Daoism is the Daodejing (Tao Te Ching). What is the history and importance of this text for the tradition? The book has been linguistically dated to about 350 BCE, but it seems to have circulated in several earlier forms. In 1972, at the tombs of Mawangdui, archeologists discovered two ancient copies of the text that differ from the arrangement commonly used. Another shorter ancient version was found in a tomb at Guodian in 1993. It contains about one-third of the standard text.1 The version that is commonly known and used is from the third century CE. One theory holds that its overall purpose was political, that it was meant as a handbook for rulers; another sees it primarily as a religious guidebook, meant to lead adherents to spiritual insight; and still another...
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...I Ching is an ancient Chinese text called The Book of changes or The Classic of changes. This book or classic of changes tells us about how Tao is always changing. The way to use I Ching is to throw coins. When the coin the thrown six times it gives a numerical value and gives a hexagram. The hexagram can be six straight lines, six broken lines or the combination. Then in the I Ching there is reading associated with the hexagram and this reading will answer the questions that are being asked. This reading is not only a destiny teller but it also guides people through their own awareness. I Ching is both Confucius and Taoist text. It is Taoist because they believe in letting things happen. For example, when the coin is thrown, we are letting...
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