...Peer’s Critique Feedback COMM/110 Peers Critique Feedback Peer review would refer to the many habits in which peers can share their creativity for constructive feedback then uses that feedback to revise and improve their work. The writing process, the modification is necessary as the draft of presenting, but peers often feel that they could not let go of their original words for introducing. Peers offer productive feedback, accept constructive criticism. Methods on critiques a presentation speech, to critique a speech or a presentation it's necessary to evaluate the presenters abilities in both speech and delivery. On determining whether the presenter is using facts and narratives to make a case. One method will be evaluating the content, by including word choices, references, and sketches should tailor to the audience that will be listening to the speech or presentation. Then it will follow the evaluation the speech or presentation clarity. The presenter should use correct grammar and easy to understanding language, making it pleasant to listen to the speech and follow what it is. Other would be on seeing if the statement is convincing and educational, in a well-written speech or presentation arguments are skillfully put forth to prove high points. The implementation that I would plan on the suggestions that my teammates have mentioned and will be adding to my future presentations. The tone of voice was the critiques that my teammates comment on my tone of voice was...
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...Game Journal 6 The school of criticism that made the most sense to me was by far the biographical critique. In my opinion the vast majority of the other critiques read as though the author was simply trying to find examples for that particular type of critique where there was probably very little intentioned meaning behind it. Some of the meaning behind the game that was analyzed seemed as though it was forced. The biographical critique, however, analyzes the author’s intent behind the game using quotes from the author himself. This lends more authority to the critique and prevented it from feeling as though meaningless aspects of the game were being critiqued. In the biographical critique for Katamari Damacy the critic uses the author’s own words to describe how the author intended the game to affect his audience. This is information straight from the source and thus allows for the game to be looked at in a new light. The author intended the game’s peaceful, fun, game that is almost devoid of conflict to brighten the lives of everyone that played it and thus make the world better. The critic in a more thorough analysis could then have described whether the game is successful in doing that, and if so by how much. The biographical critique provided the author’s motivations behind making the game. This is a strong basis on which to critique the game. Analyze the author’s intent behind making the game along with how well the game imparts the author’s message. By doing this...
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...PLEASE READ THIS FIRST PAGE CAREFULLY. IT SHOULD BE DELETED WHEN YOU SUBMIT YOUR ASSIGNMENT FOR GRADING. General Rationale This document contains the instructions for the Speech Criticism Assignment. It is designed as an opportunity for you to observe and critique a presentation in a formal manner using the canons of rhetoric as a framework. Instructions 1. Carefully listen to and view the assigned presentation for this assignment. Review your professor’s announcements for the specific presentation(s) for this assignment. 2. Write an introductory section that gains the audience’s attention, gives a sense of your overall impression of the presentation, and sets up the rest of your critique. 3. Write a section about the invention canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 4. Write a section about the arrangement canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 5. Write a section about the style canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 6. Write a section about the delivery canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 7. Write a concluding section that summarizes the major critiques of the presentation and ends comfortably. Additional Expectations and Suggestions * This should be three or four double-spaced pages. * Use headings to identify clearly which canon through which you are evaluating. The four middle sections should be relatively equally developed. * Use the Questions for Canons of Rhetoric document in...
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...E. Defintion of Terms Assess - to estimate officially the value of (property, income, etc.) as a basis for taxation. Critique - is an in-depth analysis of a work, where in the end different components of that work are given recommendations for improvement. Critiques are perhaps most popular in the working world. Colleague - is someone you work with at your job. When you are a teacher, the other teachers are your colleagues. When you work as a cashier at 7-11, the guy at the deli counter is your colleague as well. Comprise - to include or contain: The Soviet Union comprised several socialist republics. Phenomenon – a fact, occurrence, or circumstance observed or observable: to study the phenomena of nature. Publication - the act of publishing a book, periodical, map, piece of music, engraving, or the like. Retain - to keep possession of. Social – pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations: a social club. tend - To have the care of; watch over; look after: tend a child. Various - Being more than one; several. CHAPTER III Methodology The researcher gathered data from its respondents by using Analytical method on the data presented.We can use also use Descriptive Method because we have to describe every detail of gathering data. The questionnaires were given to thirty (30) selected students. They were asked to fll-up the survey forms in their most honest way. They were able to answer the ten (10) simple questions...
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...Total Points: 100pts (25 points per critique) Instructions: 1. Each student must review FOUR peer’s ePortfolio sites. Review it carefully for all required items. 2. Score each site using the below Peer Critique Worksheet. Please provide comments justifying the score issued (this is required!). 3. Submit on Blackboard using the assignment link all FOUR critiques by the due date and time. Due Date: • Monday, March 20, 2012 by 11:59 pm. (NO LATE SUBMISSIONS ALLOWED!) Your Name: __________________ Peer Name (Site you Critiqued): ____________________ Skill Exceptional: [20 points] Effective: [15 points] Acceptable: [10 points] Unsatisfactory: [5 points] (Did not turn in an ePortfolio) [0 points] Student Score Response to ePortfolio Assignment (Required Content Areas) Followed all of professor’s directions; completed the assignment; added extra material. Followed most of the professor’s directions; completed the assignment. Did not follow most of the professor’s directions or failed to complete part of the assignment. Disregarded professor’s directions and failed to complete a significant part of the assignment. Did not complete the ePortfolio assignment. Creative Use of Technology Innovative use of graphics, sounds, e-mail, links, additional software and Internet resources: superior presentation. Several creative sounds, graphics, and links used; presentation: keeps readers attention. Some uses of interesting sounds...
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...be wrong but my opinion on “Young people need models not critics” still holds. I do however slightly understand when adults want us to know right from wrong, and know to do the right thing. My problem with this is after or in some occasions before they preach to us about being the best we can be, they demonstrate the total opposite. Being part of the younger generation I’m not sure if I’m speaking for myself when I say we don’t need a how to. What we need are people who understand us and who demonstrate the things that they speak upon, rather than pointing fingers and demonstrating the opposite of which they speak. Adults aren’t perfect but if they’re able to critique the actions of the younger generation, they should be able to perform those same things they advised us to do better. Maybe its even better to not critique us, and once we...
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...3.2 God in the Critique of Pure Reason's Transcendental Dialectic 3.2.1 The Ens Realissimum The Transcendental Dialectic's “Ideal of Reason” contains the best known and most frequently anthologized components of Kant's philosophy of religion. In addition to its portrayal of the ens realissimum, one finds within it Kant's objections to the Ontological, Cosmological and Physico-theological (Design) arguments for God's existence. It is thus the text most central to the negative elements of Kant's philosophy of religion and is integral to the widely held view that Kant is deeply hostile to faith. The general aim of the Transcendental Dialectic is to expose reason's excesses, its drive to move beyond the limits of possible experience, and to bring all concepts into a systematic unity under an “unconditioned condition.” The Transcendental Dialectic begins with a critique of reason's illusions and errors within the sphere of Rational Psychology. It then moves on to a critique of cosmological metaphysics, and then to the “Ideal of Reason” where Kant turns to Rational Theology and its pursuit of religious knowledge. As Kant explains, underlying all the traditional proofs for God's existence is the concept of the ens realissimum, the most real being. Reason comes to the idea of this being through the principle that every individuated object is subject to the “principle of complete determination.” While the generality of concepts allow them to be less than fully determined (e.g...
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...and wrote on philosophy and anthropology during the Enlightenment at the end of the 18th century.[1] Kant's major work, the Critique of Pure Reason (Kritik der reinen Vernunft, 1781),[2] aimed to unite reason with experience to move beyond what he took to be failures of traditional philosophy and metaphysics. He hoped to end an age of speculation where objects outside experience were used to support what he saw as futile theories, while opposing the skepticism of thinkers such as Berkeley and Hume. He stated: "It always remains a scandal of philosophy and universal human reason that the existence of things outside us ... should have to be assumed merely on faith, and that if it occurs to anyone to doubt it, we should be unable to answer him with a satisfactory proof."[3] Kant proposed a "Copernican Revolution-in-reverse", saying that: "Up to now it has been assumed that all our cognition must conform to the objects; but ... let us once try whether we do not get farther with the problems of metaphysics by assuming that the objects must conform to our cognition."[4] Kant published other important works on ethics, religion, law, aesthetics, astronomy, and history. These included the Critique of Practical Reason(Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, 1788) and the Metaphysics of Morals (Die Metaphysik der Sitten, 1797), which dealt with ethics. And the Critique of Judgment (Kritik der Urteilskraft, 1790), which looks at aesthetics and teleology. He aimed to resolve disputes between empirical and rationalistapproaches...
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...Compare Kant’s theory of transcendental idealist space with that if one of the philosophers (Newton/Clarke) that Kant claims have a transcendental realist conception of space. Which conception if space is more true and why? The ontological nature of space is one of the fundamental questions in Kant’s metaphysics and is the foundation around which he constructs his notion of transcendental idealism laid out in his Critique of Pure Reason. Written in response to the previous ‘realist’ conceptions of space Kant challenged strongly the view of its ultimate reality and served to shift the scope of the ontological argument from one of ‘absolutism’ versus ‘relationalism’ to a more developed debate of ‘realism’ against ‘idealism’ as he brought the relationship between space and time, and the mind strongly to the fore. In this essay I am going to contrast this Kantian notion of space as being ‘transcendentally ideal’ against the branded ‘transcendental realism’ of Newton and Clarke. Starting with the latter I’ll go on to bring in the former then proceed to analyse the developments Kant forges past his predecessors. I will then conclude by assessing how and why his view holds more metaphysical depth than that put forward in the Newtonian model by looking at how he accounts for the scope and perspective of human consciousness and the epistemological limits inherent within it. To begin however I will now go to the absolutist models put forward by Newton and Clarke. Prior to Kant,...
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...Idealists believe that we know objects through the way we perceive them, that they are mind-dependent. However, realists, who believe objects are mind-independent, proposed the missing explanation argument in order to disprove idealism. This theory supposes that everything is dependent on the mind; if this is true, then nothing in idealism can explain the regularities in our experiences. Although idealists and realists both provide good reasoning, neither argument by itself completely explains the perception of objects. We need to apply both views. Internalists have made many attempts to answer the consistencies of experiences. One of their answers is that in order to believe that something exists, we must first know it. Therefore, it becomes an internal object which is conditioned by consciousness, and since anything conditioned by consciousness is mind-dependent, the object can only exist if there is a mind-dependent internal object. While this proof seems logical, it is very complicated; in order to fully answer the question, some aspects of realism are required. Immanuel Kant seems to do this despite his rejection of realism. Although Kant is considered an idealist, he uses the senses to explain “noumena,” which defines external objects that are unconditioned by our thinking of them. He begins by making a distinction between these “things-in-themselves” and internal objects, but completely avoids elaborating on actual objects by stating that we can only access things that...
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...[University Name] Metaphysics: The Transcendental Attributes of Being A research paper submitted to [Professor Name] In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements For The course [Course Name] [Seminary Name] By [Student Name] Place Date Introduction While Plato had also covered the notions surrounding the properties of being, Aristotle was the first to bring the term transcendental to the context of the attributes of being. Plato offered valuable insight regarding the four transcendental attributes of being. [1] Aristotle shaped the transcendentals in a specific manner and refined his own perspective. Later philosophers also expanded the discussion surrounding the transcendental attributes of being. These transcendentals become significant in the context of theology because they possess a link with Christian theology and unfold in the form of what man desires. For explicating the four transcendental attributes of being, it becomes significant to first explore the definition of an attribute. An attribute falls under the category of that aspect which does not exist in the form of the embodiment but originates from the same. As regards ‘being’, it can only give rise to what is also being and thus, a ‘being’ cannot spawn attributes or properties while discussing these terminologies in a firm manner. Nevertheless, while approaching the subject in a broader manner, an attribute can be defined for a specific perspective on being as long as it applies to each instance...
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...as one of the recent “innovative” approaches to assessments most pursued by states. CBT is lauded as the answer to having cheaper and speedier test delivery for state and district-wide assessments. It is also seen by some as an avenue toward greater accessibility for students with disabilities. In this report we explore the context of CBT, current state computer-based tests, and considerations for students with disabilities, in part as follow-up to a similar exploration that occurred in the early 2000s when just a few states were beginning to develop and implement CBT for their state assessments. Nine considerations for states and districts are presented: • Consider the assumptions and beliefs of various stakeholders about computer-based instruction and assessments. • Consider the system as a whole, from the computer infrastructure to classroom and instructional experiences with computers before deciding whether and how to use CBT. • Consider the computer or online platform first, with input from individuals who know students with disabilities and their accessibility needs. • Consider a process for bringing in the needed expertise to delineate the specific accessibility features of CBT, and to determine what specific accommodations may still be needed by students with disabilities, as well as to determine whether a computer-based test may create new accessibility issues. • Determine the policies for which accessibility features will be available to all students and which are...
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...acquired abilities (skills) or attitude. The innate nature of aptitude is in contrast to achievement, which represents knowledge or ability that is gained.[1] Contents [hide] 1 Intelligence 2 Combined aptitude and knowledge tests 3 See also 4 References Intelligence[edit] Aptitude and intelligence quotient are related, and in some ways opposite views of human mental ability. Whereas intelligence quotient sees intelligence as being a single measurable characteristic affecting all mental ability, aptitude refers to one of many different characteristics which can be independent of each other, such as aptitude for military flight, air traffic control, or computer programming.[2] This is more similar to the theory of multiple intelligences. Concerning a single measurable characteristic affecting all mental ability, analysis of any group of intelligence test scores will nearly always show them to be highly correlated. The U.S. Department of Labor's General Learning Ability, for instance, is determined by combining Verbal, Numerical and Spatial aptitude subtests. In a given person some are low and others high. In the context of an aptitude test the "high" and "low" scores are usually not far apart, because all ability test scores tend to be correlated. Aptitude is better applied intra-individually to determine what tasks a given individual is more skilled at performing. Inter-individual aptitude differences are typically not very significant due to IQ differences...
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...Case 1-1 A Student’s Dilemma 1. a) Helen bears the responsibility and obligation of following the rules and doing the best she can. I’m pretty sure cheating wouldn’t be considered following the rules. She also has a responsibility to earn her grade point status the right way. b) Helen stealing the exam is really setting an unfair advantage against her fellow students. Everyone should be even the same rights and opportunity to achieve the same grade on the exam. c) Helen has a responsibility to her future employer to give them what they are asking for; a CPA with integrity and knowledge. Cheating shows a lack of strength and ability in both areas. What if a serious problem came up and she didn’t have the correct knowledge on how to handle it and her company ended up being sued? d) She has a responsibility to live up to the standards and rules the professor laid out in their class. e) Helen should encourage her friend to not lie, cheat or steal. She has a responsibility to help her friend become a better person and anyone who doesn’t do that shouldn’t be considered a real friend. f) She is really just cheating herself out of the opportunity to learn, grow and achieve the status on her own. She had a chance to prove to herself that through hard work and discipline she could of accomplished the same grade the right way. Once that line gets blurry, it’s hard to tell when you cross it. 2. Fairness is the first one that comes to mind. It really isn’t fair to the professor...
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...minutes) but I’ve compressed it into two lessons (2 x 50 minutes). This was a request by my mentor explaining that I should cover as much as I possibly can for the exam. Thus, I am thinking that how could I teach this huge and important topic in the time frame given while not sacrificing student’s learning experience. A very difficult task but I’m willing to take the challenge. Most of my classes are weak classes. During my observation class with my mentor, she was doing correction on the test the students had. Only for class 9A, she explained to the students on why the answers were wrong and a short discussion before giving them the correct answer. However, for other classes she just wrote down the answer on the board and let them copy without any explanation or discussion. When I raised the issue, my mentor pointed out that weak students tend to forget what they have learnt in the class, so there is no point to even discuss their mistakes in test and assignments. I was also showed the test score of the weak students and found out that a lot of them failed biology. So, I decided to find out possible reason why the students failed this subject and request my mentor to allow me to mark their assignments. The assignments consist of structured questions. From the students’ answer, I could see that language is one of the problem. For some questions, students copied the definitions off the notes and for others that require their own answer, the words used are not suitable and difficult...
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