...Introduction The purpose of any classification system is to obtain an efficient arrangement of information in a simplified and generalized form. Thus climatic statistics can be organized in order to describe and delimit the major types of climate is quantitative terms. Obviously no single classification can serve more than a limited number of purposes of satisfactory and many different schemes have therefore been developed. Some schemes merely provide a convenient nomenclature system, whereas others are an essential primarily further study. Many climatic classifications, for instance are concerned with the relationship between climate and vegetation or soils but surprisingly few attempts have been made to base a classification on the direct effects of climate on man. General classification related to plant growth / vegetation. Numerous schemes have been suggested d for relating climatic limits to plant growth or vegetation growth rely basically or two basic criteria the degree of aridity and warmth. Aridity is not simply a matter of low precipitation but of the effective precipitation i.e. precipitation minus evaporation. The ratio of rainfall/temperature has been used as such an index of precipitation effectiveness or the ground that higher temperatures in cease evaporation. W. KOPPEN CLASSFICATION A prime example of this type of classification is W. Koppen published between 1900 and 1936. The key features of Koppen’s final classifications are temperature criteria and aridity...
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...RESEARCH REPORT NUMBER RR 99–03 BGS Rock Classification Scheme Volume 3 Classification of sediments and sedimentary rocks C R Hallsworth and R W O’B Knox Subject index Bibliographical Reference Rock classification, sediments and sedimentary rocks Hallsworth, C R, and Knox, R W O’B. 1999 BGS Rock Classification Scheme Volume 3 Classification of sediments and sedimentary rocks. British Geological Survey Research Report, RR 99–03. © NERC Copyright 1999 British Geological Survey Keyworth Nottingham NG12 5GG UK HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS DOCUMENT HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS DOCUMENT u The general pagination is designed for hard copy use and does not correspond to PDF thumbnail pagination. u The main elements of the table of contents are bookmarked enabling direct links to be followed to the principal section headings and sub-headings, figures and tables irrespective of which part of the document the user is viewing. u In addition, the report contains links: 1 from the principal section and sub-section headings back to the contents page, 1 from each reference to a figure or table directly to the corresponding figure or table, 1 from each figure or table caption to the first place that figure or table is mentioned in the text and 1 from each page number back to the contents page. Return to contents page Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Principles of this classification 1.2 Summary of the structure and development of the classification scheme 1.3 Constructing a sediment name 1.4...
Words: 24552 - Pages: 99
...Business Case : Olive Oi Prepared By : Rania Alsh 988 INTRODUC 3 PRODUCTION CONSUMPTION 3 GOVERN 4 ENVERONMENTAL PAC 5 Maintaining and Improving Positive Effect 5 SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT 6 BUSINESS STRATEGY 6 Tree Management Strategy 7 SUSBITANABILITY OF OLIVE OIL 7 Farmers Rights 8 PRICE AND PERFORMANCE 9 WORLD’S TOP OLIVE OIL EXPORTERS 9 The Profile Of Company (Leader): 10 Mario Strategy 10 The Greek Strategy 10 Italian Strategy 11 CONCLUSION 11 REFERENCES 11 INTRODUCTION Consuming and trading Olive Oil is globally linked to the Mediterranean as non-Mediterranean countries account for less than 2.5 per cent of world production. The complex market of olive oil is due to the spread of production over developed and developing countries and is done through varying production systems. Olive oil production has many activities. Bottling has become increasingly intense, with a strong presence of multinational firms. Branding by small bottlers with effective marketing strategies is becoming profitable. Olive oil consumption is growing with varying consumption patterns in quantity and quality. Market segmentation has come to assume an increasingly important role in consumption decisions. The European Union (EU) is the largest producer and consumer of olive oil. EU keeps protecting its domestic market, despite the preferential access it grants to a number of Mediterranean countries. Some countries play the dual role of large...
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...INTRODUCTION Leadership is the ability to evaluate and or forecast a long term plan or policy and influence the followers towards the achievement of the said strategy. Job satisfaction is the level of contentment a person feels regarding his or her job. This feeling is based on an individual's perception of satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a person's ability to complete required tasks, the level of communication in an organization, and the way management treats employees. There are often two different levels of job satisfaction: affective job satisfaction and cognitive job satisfaction. Affective job satisfaction is a person's emotional feeling toward the job as a whole. Cognitive job satisfaction is how satisfied a person feels concerning an aspect of his or her job, such as pay, hours, or benefits. The connection between leadership and job satisfaction is a factor of the business culture that can have far-reaching consequences. In the best of scenarios, managers and other leaders within the company structure inspire employees to take pride in their work and also feel competent in the tasks they are assigned. This goal is pursued using a number of different strategies, helping to create a working situation that enhances employee satisfaction in general, and satisfaction with the job in particular. The end result is that the company enjoys a higher level of productivity, there is a lower amount of employee turnover, and the working environment tends to be...
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...The Corporate Culture at People Express Airlines People Express Airlines begun operating in 1981 and grew into being the fifth largest US carrier by February 1986[1]. However, by the end of 1986 is had been sold to Texas International Airlines due to its financial problems. In my paper I will try to analyze the decline the company from the point of the view of the corporate culture in the company. Most of the data in my paper comes from a case study on People Express published by the Harvard Business School[2]. From when People Express (PE) was founded by Donald Burr, the company established very clear principles and values to drive its staff in all its activities. As it turned out, the 6 so-called precepts and the corporate culture that everyone cherished were instrumental in bringing the company to its rapid and wide-scale success. However, although staff worked hard to offer a quality service until the very end, by 1985 the company was nicknamed “People’s Distress”[3] because of its inability to cope with the scale of its operations. As I will argue, it was management’s decision to continue with the rapid expansion of the company despite the arising problems that lead to the growing instability and decline of the company. Thus, People Express failed because the economic and logistical situation made it impossible to continue fulfilling the goals that were part of its corporate culture, particularly its commitment for quality assurance (PE’s second precept was...
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...Kathryn England Brenna O’Regan John Hudson IKEA’s Global Strategy: Furnishing the World IKEA is a privately-owned international furniture manufacturer known for its low prices and unique style. The company’s vision is to create a better everyday life for its customers by offering a great selection of well-designed, practical home furnishings. Since IKEA has chosen this sort of affordable and distinctive marketing strategy, the company has been very successful in its expansion throughout the world. In 1943, Ingvar Kamprad founded what is now known as IKEA in Almhult, Smaland, Sweden (Johansson, J.K. (2006) p. 85). Initially, the company sold such items as pens, wallets, picture frames, table runners, jewelry, etc., anything that Kamprad thought there was a need for (“IKEA” n.d.). Then, in 1947, furniture was added to their product selection, followed by personally designed pieces in the year of 1955 (“IKEA” n.d.). IKEA is also greatly known for its concept of selling disassembled furniture. Using this sort of strategy, in turn, has considerably reduced costs and their use of packaging, creating another great advantage for the company (“IKEA” n.d.). IKEA continues to use the same warehouse store design and layout as it has in the past. This design consists of “knockdown” inventory kits being stacked on large racks throughout the store, with an assembled version available for display (Johansson, J.K. (2006) p.85). Having their items packaged and stored in...
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...Information . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 15 30 39 46 54 68 81 104 147 3. Laboratory Exercises Microscopy . . . . . . Taxonomy and Classification . Cells – The Basic Units of Life . Asexual & Sexual Reproduction Development & Life Cycles . . Ecosystems of Texas . . . . The Bacterial Kingdoms . . . The Protists . . . . . . The Fungi . . . . . . . The Plant Kingdom . . . . The Animal Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 13 17 22 26 29 . 32 . 42 . 50 . 59 . 89 4. Lab Reports (to be turned in - deadline dates as announced) Taxonomy & Classification . . . . . . Ecosystems of Texas. . . . . . . . . The Bacterial Kingdoms . . . . . . . The Protists . . . . . . . . . . The Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . Leaf Identification Exercise . . . . . . The Plant Kingdom . . . . . . . . Identifying Common Freshwater Invertebrates The Animal Kingdom . . . . . . . Biol 1409: Diversity of Life – Lab Manual, Ziser, 2013.8...
Words: 21204 - Pages: 85
...Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality By the same author Britain – Workshop or Service Centre to the World? The British Hotel and Catering Industry The Business of Hotels (with H. Ingram) Europeans on Holiday Higher Education and Research in Tourism in Western Europe Historical Development of Tourism (with A.J. Burkart) Holiday Surveys Examined The Management of Tourism (with A.J. Burkart eds) Managing Tourism (ed.) A Manual of Hotel Reception (with J.R.S. Beavis) Paying Guests Profile of the Hotel and Catering Industry (with D.W. Airey) Tourism and Hospitality in the 21st Century (with A. Lockwood eds) Tourism and Productivity Tourism Council of the South Pacific Corporate Plan Tourism Employment in Wales Tourism: Past, Present and Future (with A.J. Burkart) Trends in Tourism: World Experience and England’s Prospects Trends in World Tourism Understanding Tourism Your Manpower (with J. Denton) Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality S. Medlik Third edition OXFORD AMSTERDAM BOSTON LONDON NEW YORK PARIS SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO Butterworth-Heinemann An imprint of Elsevier Science Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington MA 01803 First published 1993 Reprinted (with amendments) 1994 Second edition 1996 Third edition 2003 Copyright © 1993, 1996, 2003, S. Medlik. All rights reserved The right of S. Medlik to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted...
Words: 133754 - Pages: 536
...Corporate Carbon Strategies Threats and opportunities arising from the new energy imperative Reference Code: BI00036-019 Publication Date: March 2011 1 About the authors Professor Merlin Stone Merlin is Head of Research at The Customer Framework. He is author or co-author of many articles and thirty books and also on the editorial advisory boards of several academic journals. He has a first class honors degree and doctorate in economics from Sussex University, UK. In parallel to his business career, he has also pursued a full academic career, holding senior posts at various universities. He is now a visiting professor at De Montfort, Oxford Brookes and Portsmouth Universities, teaches economics for the Open University and marketing for Exeter University. Jane Fae Ozimek The author is a writer and researcher in the areas of IT, Business and the Law. Jane is currently editor of the Journal of Database Marketing and has previously published works on the use of statistics in business and Marketing Resource Management. Recent research papers include publications on the misuse of security protocols by major corporations, and a re-evaluation of the Loyalty Ladder concept in marketing theory. Jane was also co-author of the recently published Carbon Trading and the Effect of the Copenhagen Agreement (published by Business Insights, 2010). 2 Disclaimer Copyright © 2011 Business Insights Ltd This report is published by Business Insights (the Publisher). This report...
Words: 48747 - Pages: 195
...Lithology-based sequence-stratigraphic framework of a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession, Lower Cretaceous, Atlantic coastal plain Brian P. Coffey and Richard F. Sunde AUTHORS Brian P. Coffey ∼ Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, present address: Apache Corporation, Houston, 2000 Post Oak Boulevard, Texas 77056; bpcoffey@ gmail.com Brian Coffey received his B.Sc. degree in geology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1995 and his Ph.D. in geology at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1999. He has worked at ExxonMobil, Simon Fraser University, and Maersk Oil and has been a private consultant specializing in carbonate reservoir characterization. He currently works as a carbonate specialist at Apache Corporation in Houston. Richard F. Sunde ∼ EnCana, 500 Centre Street, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2G1A6; richard.sunde@encana.com Richard Sunde earned a D.E.C. degree (Diplôme dietudes Collégiales) at Dawson College, Montreal, in 2000 and a B.Sc. degree in geology at McGill University, Montreal, in 2004. He then completed an M.Sc. degree at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, in 2008; his thesis research focused on the content presented in this article. Richard currently is employed as a Geoscientist at Encana Corporation in Calgary. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT This study presents a lithology-based sequence-stratigraphic framework and depositional model for Lower Cretaceous, mixed siliciclastic-carbonate...
Words: 14261 - Pages: 58
...NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SILCHAR Bachelor of Technology Programmes amï´>r¶ JH$s g§ñWmZ, m¡Úmo{ à VO o pñ Vw dZ m dY r V ‘ ñ Syllabi and Regulations for Undergraduate PROGRAMME OF STUDY (wef 2012 entry batch) Ma {gb Course Structure for B.Tech (4years, 8 Semester Course) Civil Engineering ( to be applicable from 2012 entry batch onwards) Course No CH-1101 /PH-1101 EE-1101 MA-1101 CE-1101 HS-1101 CH-1111 /PH-1111 ME-1111 Course Name Semester-1 Chemistry/Physics Basic Electrical Engineering Mathematics-I Engineering Graphics Communication Skills Chemistry/Physics Laboratory Workshop Physical Training-I NCC/NSO/NSS L 3 3 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 13 T 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 3 0 2 3 2 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 6 0 0 8 2 C 8 6 8 5 6 2 3 0 0 38 8 8 8 8 6 2 0 0 40 8 8 6 6 6 2 2 2 40 6 6 8 2 Course No EC-1101 CS-1101 MA-1102 ME-1101 PH-1101/ CH-1101 CS-1111 EE-1111 PH-1111/ CH-1111 Course Name Semester-2 Basic Electronics Introduction to Computing Mathematics-II Engineering Mechanics Physics/Chemistry Computing Laboratory Electrical Science Laboratory Physics/Chemistry Laboratory Physical Training –II NCC/NSO/NSS Semester-4 Structural Analysis-I Hydraulics Environmental Engg-I Structural Design-I Managerial Economics Engg. Geology Laboratory Hydraulics Laboratory Physical Training-IV NCC/NSO/NSS Semester-6 Structural Design-II Structural Analysis-III Foundation Engineering Transportation Engineering-II Hydrology &Flood...
Words: 126345 - Pages: 506
...Assessment 1 Develop workplace sustainability Questions What are the sustainability issues? Unsustainable activities have led to changes in our environment, or have been identified as having the potential to lead to future changes. The types of changes that are occurring or are predicted to occur form the key issues for sustainability. The following Table 1 provides a summary of the key issues. They are related to changes to the physical and cultural (being the way we live) environments, which in turn relate to the economic environment. What does sustainability mean? Every day we hear the term ‘sustainable’ or ‘sustainability’ being used to describe a large number of issues and news items. There is the ‘sustainable economy’, ‘sustainable agriculture’, ‘economically sustainable’, ‘the need to be sustainable’, ‘sustainable work practices’ and ‘sustainable water supply’ to name a few. The Brundtland Report, Our Common Future, is seen by many as one of the first global reports to address sustainable development. This report defined sustainable development as: “…development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Brundtland (1987) National strategy for ecologically sustainable development Sustainable Development is defined by the Australian Government’s National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development as: “…using, conserving and enhancing the community’s resources...
Words: 16125 - Pages: 65
...Foreword I do not claim to have read the manuscript Of Changes and Transformations: Bangladesh Bank [July 2009-June 2013] highlighting changes the central bank has gone through in the past four years, but certainly had a cursory look at it. The publication of the book is of great significance at a time when the present government has just completed its four years in office. I welcome this initiative by Bangladesh Bank. I would like to thank Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman and others concerned with the project. The effort put in by the editors and their team of script writers to enrich the volume is certainly praiseworthy. I am extremely delighted to have the opportunity to write few words upon the book. Here I would like to touch upon the key aspects of the revolutionary changes that I have witnessed in Bangladesh Bank during the past four years. Firstly, digitization has taken place rapidly in the central bank and the whole banking sector was quick to follow suit. Secondly, mobile banking has been introduced and expanded significantly. This process will come its fruition with the introduction of PayPal payment system. Thirdly, revolutionary changes have taken place in CSR. Fourthly, Bangladesh Bank has achieved commendable success in financial inclusion program. Bangladesh Bank's role in involving the mass people into financial activities is undeniable. Finally, the establishment of Currency Museum is a great initiative of Bangladesh Bank. I would now like to say a few words on the...
Words: 93727 - Pages: 375
...vehicle, or under the remote control of anavigator, or pilot (in military UAVs called a Combat Systems Officer on UCAVs) on the ground or in another vehicle. There are a wide variety of drone shapes, sizes, configurations, and characteristics. Historically, UAVs were simple remotely piloted aircraft, but autonomous control is increasingly being employed.[1] Their largest use is within military applications. UAVs are also used in a small but growing number of civil applications, such as firefighting or nonmilitary security work, such as surveillance of pipelines. UAVs are often preferred for missions that are too "dull, dirty, or dangerous" for manned aircraft. Contents [hide] * 1 History * 2 FAA designation * 3 Classification * 3.1 Classifications by the United States military * 3.1.1 US Air Force tiers * 3.1.2 US Marine Corps tiers * 3.1.3 US Army tiers * 3.1.4 Future Combat Systems (FCS) (US Army) classes * 3.1.5 Unmanned aircraft system * 4 Uses * 4.1 Remote sensing * 4.2 Commercial aerial surveillance * 4.3 Oil, gas and mineral exploration and production * 4.4 Transport * 4.5 Scientific research * 4.6 Armed attacks * 4.7 Search and rescue * 4.8 Conservation * 5 Design and development considerations * 5.1 Degree of autonomy * 5.2 Endurance *...
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...CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION I. Brief History Many theories have been postulated to account for the origin of the people inhabiting the mountain regions of the Philippines. The Land Bridge Theory claims that the Philippines was part of the Southern Asia Mainland and the Northern Luzon maintain tribes that came through these bridges during the last glacial period between 1200 and 1500 B.C. Contradictory to these assumptions is the Wave Migration Theory, which occurred thousands of years after the disappearance of the land bridges in 3,000-4,000 B.C. The theory states that groups of migrants came by boat from the neighboring lands during the Neolithic period. The Neolithic culture, which they brought with them, is still evident in the rice terraces, cloth weaving and the use of iron implements. Scholars differ in their contentions of the mountain people’s ancestors, however, a prominent number supports the contention that the ancestors of the mountain people came from the South East Asia Mainland. In the process of settling down, the early inhabitants became geographically isolated from one another. The long period of isolation and adaptation to the environment gave rise to variations of culture. When the Spaniards came to the Philippines, they were able to set foot in the Cordilleras as early as 1608 but with minimal influence. They were able to establish commandancias in Benguet, Ifugao and Kalinga-Apayao but their stay did not last long enough to pacify...
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