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The 3-Hour Diet Against Fasting

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Dieting: Effectiveness Of The 3-Hour Diet Against Fasting
Emmanuel Frimpong-Williams
University of the People

Dieting has become a very important subject primarily due to the fact that people are now aware of the dangers associated with obesity. This has led to many diets being developed. This paper investigates the claims of one of those diets, The 3-Hour Diet. The 3-Hour Diet encourages people to eat breakfast within an hour after waking up and subsequently after every three hours. It is claimed that the diet help people to burn more calories than fasting because the body’s metabolism rate increases with increased intake of food. In this paper, that claim is tested using two groups made up of 50 volunteers each. The …show more content…
Diet is defined as the” kind and amount of food prescribed for a person or animal for a special reason” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Due to the number of diets that are currently available, it is important to scrutinize some of the claims that they make to determine their accuracy.
One of such diets that claim to help people burn calories quickly is the one developed by diet and fitness guru Jorge Cruise. On the surface, the 3-Hour Diet seems to be the last advice that your doctor will prescribe. The diet requires patrons to eat five times a day under some strict rules starting from breakfast.
Breakfast should be taken within one hour of waking up from the bed. After that, four other meals including sweets and snack should be taken in an interval of three hours each. The total calories to be consumed in the day should be 1,450 calories. The last instruction on the diet is that people should not eat anything 3 hours before going to …show more content…
At the briefing meeting, each group was given their specific instructions and timelines. The weight of the participants will be taken twice daily, just before breakfast and immediately before going to bed. Afterwards, the average weight lost will be measured after the next two weeks. The results will be compared to the expected results and the appropriate conclusions drawn.
After the four week period, the results were tabulated and calculated for each group. The first group lost an average of 8.7 pounds. The control group lost an average of 7.67 pounds over the same period.
The results confirmed the hypothesis that the 3-Hour Diet is more effective to losing weight than fasting. This is attributed to the fact that metabolism increases with increase in food intake (“5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism”, 2012).
The secret to the success of the 3-Hour Diet is the increased in metabolism which is boosted by the early intake of breakfast and eating enough throughout the day.

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Diet.Retrieved June 20, 2016 from

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