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The Band-Personal Narrative

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Standing in crowd that seemed endless, just to watch the performance. The sun kissed our skin as we were waiting for the band. We were ready to pursue towards the stage. The crowd started to inch its way forward as the last band performed, I became restless. As I began to get closer to the stage I focused my gaze onto the stage. What a beautiful sight it was. The stage was the size of an elephant in a dump truck! It had colorful banners hanging from the top of the stage. The banners had little cartoon skeletons with skateboards and flat-bill hats on. On the stage there were more than a dozen people setting up amplifiers and helping set up the equipment. They were scrambling to get the equipment together in time before the crowd started to …show more content…
I could feel the anticipation rising as the seconds ticked by. Suddenly, the crowd began to scream! I violently jerked my head over to see what was on the side of the stage. My eyes were deceiving me as a magician would with an audience. The band was huddling near the entrance of the stage. A rush of emotion flew over me as my eyes met them. With my eyes watering, and my heart accelerating I felt my legs become weak.
The band sprinted out onto the stage and greeted everyone in the crowd. The crowd started going berserk and acting like savages! I was getting shoved forward by the people behind me, all wanting to get closer to the stage. At first I thought I couldn't handle the pushing and shoving, but I got used to it relatively fast. Then the lead singer cued the band to play the first song.
As the band began to play, the crowd sang along with the melody of the music. When they sang I felt a warmth in my heart like I’d never did before. Tears rolled down my face as I sang along with band. The music was so lively and exciting. The band had some fun up on stage, doing flips and crazy guitar tricks. Mesmerized by the performance I didn't notice it was the last

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