...alternative marginal benefits and scarcity resources. Four Basic Principals of Decision Making First principal are trade-offs. A person needs to weigh the want over the means; so this means getting a good or service that the person wants and then needs to give up on or the other. The second principal is opportunity cost. Making a decision based on cost and benefits and possible looking for an alternative conclusion. The third principal is marginal changes. Consumer decision would be based on marginal benefits and comparing with marginal costs of the conclusion. Alternative benefits changes the marginal costs or benefits to motivate people to respond. The fourth principal is called scarcity. Consumers have to make choices because in the economy the goods and services are scarce. People exceed their wants when there are limited services and goods to meet the means of consumers. In my personal experience, I used the four basic principals in the decision making of returning to school. I have been out the school for many years and was afraid of making the final decision of returning to school. I finally looked at many variables that I took into consideration in making a final decision. Variables included time, costs, finding a school that fit my needs, and requirements. I looked at time frame, by this; I mean how much time will take me to get a BA. Cost was a major variable, how much money out of pocket and will I be able to make the commitment. Lastly, finding a school that can accommodate...
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...Would you, as a person be confident enough to interact with people of the opposite sex at your work place or other such important places if you had studied in a segregated school and university? When an individual studies in a university or school that is segregated, they do not know how to interact with the opposite sex, making it much more difficult for them to interact with people in the real world. In today’s generation, one cannot find a job or a workplace that is completely dependent of men or women. It is highly important for the success of a company to have employees of both genders. Coeducation does not only teach students to interact and communicate with people of the opposite gender, but they also learn how others think and hence cover broader aspects of a subject since every individual has a different way of interpreting a topic and subject of discussion. Coeducation has a large number of academic and social benefits, which encourage students to work in groups with members of both genders, learning the skills of team work, interaction and communication (O’Malley, E. 1995, Feb 21). It is not only women who are shy to interact with men, but in universities it has been noticed that men find it easy to deal with women faculty but find it difficult interacting with female students, and this is a skill that needs to be developed (Moussly, R. 2010, Sep 12). Not only does segregation make it difficult for individuals in the real world, but also eventually brings up an awkwardness...
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...aware of the study. The important ideas of research design and approach were applied in developing and performing the research. Data collection methods that are valid and reliable were applied in the study. Research Simulation - How do fostering physical activities in children relate to child outcomes including family attachment, physical fitness level and obesity, social skills and effectiveness overtime? This research study simulation is on the effects of fostering physical activities in children and the effects in outcomes overtime. The overall topic is on enhancing physical opportunities for children at the school, home and the outdoors in a structured manner. Introducing the physical activity habits at early ages will increase the possibility of continued physical activity in all stages of life resulting in increased lifelong health benefits. The goal is to establish the existence of a relationship between physical activity and the overall well being of the child later in all aspects of life. The major question being investigated is - How do fostering physical activities in children relate to child outcomes including family attachment, physical fitness level and obesity, social skills and effectiveness overtime? The study involved procedures of selecting the participants, ensuring all ethical considerations, employing scientific approaches and methods to answer qualitative research...
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...process. While these decisions will affect marginal benefits and costs, there are incentives for the choice as well. The principles of economics relate to the working of the economy in many ways. These attributes assist in the interactions that can affect our current economic system also. Principles of Individual Decision-Making The four different principles of individual decision-making are: * People make tradeoffs * When people choose one thing they give up something else * Rational people think at the margin * And people respond to incentives People make tradeoffs because there are not enough resources and services to go around for everyone. An individual usually gives up one thing to acquire another. This leads us into when people choose one thing they give up something else. This principle means that each person has a limited amount of money and time to give. They are forced into deciding what is more important to their needs or wants at that time. Then the principle of rational people think at the margin comes into play. When a person has to make a decision there usually is a plan or existing action that the person wants to make an adjustment to. These margins are important. If the benefit exceeds the cost then the person will proceed. The last principle is people respond to incentives. When a person makes a change to their cost is could be beneficial. This will lead to an incentive. The better the benefit is the better the incentive for that person. ...
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...makes researchers to be better prepared to understand with deeper insight, the problem under study (Leedey, 1985). One of the most controversial aspects of teaching is dealing with the many differences between students in the classroom (Reynolds, 2011), then (West and Muijs, 2009) observes that there is a need for personalization in order to offer education that is tailored to the learner, within systems responsive to learners’ needs rather than expecting the learner to adapt to the existing systems within the school. In order to address the differences in learning abilities teachers find themselves using the term streaming. There are a number of definitions of streaming. To begin with the Oxford English dictionary defines streaming as the policy of dividing school students into groups of the same level of ability. Daniel Muijs (2011), also defines streaming as a procedure where by students are segregated into different classes according to ability within their school. Likewise, in www.cea.ace.ca/factsoneducation it has been elucidated that streaming or ‘’tracking’’ means that students are placed into groups defined by their ability levels. Streaming policy has been a bone of contention among teachers and policy makers for many years. Carole Faithorn (2003) lists some of the...
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...In Brazil from 1917 to 1945 the country went under a major political reform. This reform was known as the “whitening”. It was the process of converting people of African and mixed descents; physically, culturally, and socially in habits, and in health. This all began in the public school systems that promoted the idea that whites were inherently fit and people of color or mixed ancestry were necessarily in need of remedial attention. One way of physically making Brazil white was to put restrictions on the gene pool and genetically make people more white. They believed that being white was far superior and would make the country more advanced and be more accepted by the rest of the white world. Claims were made that white blood would eventually...
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...Throughout elementary school, middle school, and high school, every child, despite ability or disability, is given the right to earn his or her education. Being a special needs student should not be an excuse to be excluded from mainstream classes, schools must learn to accommodate and work with every individual student. Handicapped children deserve attention and education just like any other child because every child can learn. Special needs kids benefit from being enrolled in mainstream classes with neurotypical students. As children begin their journey of education, they get to experience socializing with a large group of kids their age. Throughout their time together, they pick up on each other's habits. This is crucial for special needs students learning. Ogden Preschool is implementing a new program that allows 30% of the classroom to be special needs (Wright...
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...higher wage given is worth sacrificing the convenience of having paid federal holidays; an incentive that may only be offered by the current employer. The second principle tends to coincide with the first, meaning that whatever choice an individual makes, a sacrifice will be made. This is evident when one makes a purchase considering that hard earned money is surrendered in exchange for a flat screen television. The third principle, intellectual individuals think at the margin, states that those who think rationally will only make a transaction in which the marginal benefits outweigh the marginal cost. The last principle, individuals react to incentives, simply states that people are inclined to take an opportunity that would offer more benefits. These four principles affect individuals which in turn affects the entire economy. For example, when individuals chose to think marginal by carpooling to work, a benefit occurs not only for those individuals but for the environment as well. Simply put, when individuals practice any of these four economic principles, a...
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...Mixed-Use Development In Retail Real Estate Mixed-use developments allow developers to maximise FSI and minimise risks. How are developers making the most of them? Examining the benefits of mixed-use developments, it is surprising that they have not been the norm until now. When jobs, housing and commercial activities are located close together, quality of life improves and the property values also increase. It is an ideal use of FSI and goes a long way in de-risking the development for developers. Internationally, mixed-use has been more popular in the last two decades. An ideal mixed-use town centre uses drivable streets connected to the local street grid and public spaces as anchors. In many parts of the world, retail is a part and parcel of mixed-use developments. Shopping malls such as Skyplaza in Hong Kong are planned within or alongside office, hotel and residential blocks. Modern airports in India and abroad require designers to plan for extensive retail capacity and flexible spaces that appeal to shoppers in transit. Zahir Abbas, AVP Retail, Technopak Advisors, says, “With the dynamics and pressures of the changing economic climate, businesses are constantly looking for new ways to generate revenues and enhance productivities from a land space.” In the US, a decline in retail activity is causing conventional shopping centres to search for new purposes. Medical centres and education are making use of space in defunct malls or office parks. Vacant retail...
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...Children Growing up in Unauthorized Homes Illegal immigration is a topic widely uncomfortable subject that most people really have barely any knowledge about. Yet, it’s one of the major political conflicts today. Stuck in this vicious cycle are the kids of these illegals, who have no say in what happens to them or what they do. There are the children that came here with their parents when they were young, and then there are the children who were born here, but are nonetheless growing up suffering the consequences of their parents’ unauthorized status. There are about 11.5 million illegal immigrants living in the United States today. Illegal immigrants are define as those who live within the country without legal authorization to do so. There are many ways one can became “illegal”, such as overstaying the time period specified on a tourist or student visa, or entering the United States without inspection, like crossing the border (Hoefer et al). Research has shown that, the population of unauthorized migrants is larger now than at any time since the United States began trying to regulate immigration in the early twentieth century; while the United States represents five percent of the world’s population, it has approximately twenty percent of all unauthorized migrants in the world. Although “illegal immigrants” account for about a fourth of the overall U.S. immigrant population, they dominate the immigration debate and are at the heart of the politic debates. As a result...
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...textbook is one of the most important decisions the teachers or school authorities can make. In this way, while almost all claim to offer a communicative approach, some may take a more traditional approach with an emphasis on structure and grammar, others may provide meaningful tasks that are goal-oriented, some may focus on vocabulary using a lexical approach, and still others may claim to use only authentic language of native speakers in real situations. Thus, in formal educational setting, especially for language teaching, the necessity of course books leads the way to the exploration of the course book evaluation by teachers. The aim of this paper is to make a detailed evaluation of a common EFL course book ‘Cambridge English for Schools’ which is taught in a popular Iranian language school, Simin Educational Association, according to certain general principles, based on good language-teaching practice. Course Description Cambridge English for Schools is a course in English for young students aged 10/11 and upwards consisting of five levels, Beginner, False beginner, Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate. The Starter level provides around 40-60 hours of class work while levels 1-4 have 32 units and 80+ hours each. The reason the author has chosen this book for evaluation is twofold-his long familiarity with the course as a result of teaching it at different levels for some time and its claim to benefit from a new approach to English, designed especially for young...
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...apex body leaders and members of mixed SHGs. Some of the members of WOSHGs are known to them as tey are the representatives of apex body. They also mentioned that most of the times, the male member of the groups leads the discussion and negotiations during the meetings or individual contacts with them which makes the women only SHGs a bit invisible and the issues of Women With Disabilities have diluted in the common issues. Analysis and ssignificant observations: More than 70% of the plans are implemented timely in WOSHGs when its almost 70% in the mixed groups that means, despite all the barriers, WOSHGs has proven their efficiency...
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...single-sex schools. It widely believed that single-sex schools are more comfortable and raise more confident, well-rounded students. Although this may seem corrigible, students would lack skills if went to single-sex schools. “Critics say separating boys from girls doesn't reflect reality and that classrooms should welcome a range of abilities and interests.” according to CNN News in “School gives high marks for single-sex classes” In a society where both girls and boys are compelled to live, cooperate, and work together, coeducational schools are definitely better to help students attain their social and academic goals. Coeducational schools manage students of both sexes to enhance their social skills. Coeducational schools provide the atmosphere for boys and girls to interact and mingle with each other although it is claimed that interaction with the opposite sex increases the development of the negative gender stereotypes. If a child is never exposed to a member of the opposite sex, then he hardly build successful relationships that will last. On the other hand, coeducational schools provide the opportunities of activities, clubs, and sports for both boys and girls to take part in. It is fallible what CNN News has claimed that “The girls don't have an opinion when they're mixed.” The mixing of gender allows the friendships and interactions to develop, which allows young people to confidently express their points of view. Moreover, coeducational schools benefit students...
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..."Artificial Sweeteners." School of Public Health. 2015. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-drinks/artificial-sweeteners/. This citation describes the health benefits and concerns surrounding artificial sweeteners. It was written by Harvard University's School of Public Health which is renowned for their research. The article looks at a wide variety of studies surrounding the health benefits and concerns about artificial sweeteners. All of these studies were conducted within the past decade and include the most up-to-date information. The author covers both viewpoints with the cited studies and avoids including their own opinions. They conclude that the health effects of sweeteners are inconclusive as research has produced...
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...become a large corporation. For example, both Comcast and Time Warner cable were competitors until they merged just last year. Usually the larger company, that is the more financially sound of the two buys out the smaller less financially sound company. In that case the smaller company would benefit the most because they won’t have to go out of business or initiate major cut backs in order to stay afloat. Vertical mergers ensue when two non-competing companies that feed off each other in the supply chain come together as one. For instance, if Dairy Queen vertically merged with an ice cream supplier they could receive better deals on wholesale ice cream. This would increase profits thus making Dairy Queen increase their order which would increase profits for the ice cream supplier. Most vertical mergers happen because both businesses involved will benefit from the vertical merger. A conglomerate merger happens when two businesses have nothing to do with one another, meaning they do not engage same kinds of business, merge. Furthermore, there are two kinds of conglomerate mergers, pure and mixed. Pure conglomerate mergers happen when two businesses merge that have nothing in common. Mixed conglomerate mergers happen when businesses are looking to extend their products or markets (MBDA, 2015). A good example of a conglomerate merger is when someone sells their products on the Home Shopping Network and the two companies merged. According to information gathered from Cornell...
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