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The Boy Who Couldn T Die Essay

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Reading, an activity some hate, some love, but at the end of the day, is something everyone does at some point in the day. As a child, I refused to read, like everyone else I assumed it would be boring as my older brother would whine whenever a reading assignment was given to him. My assumptions about reading could not have been more wrong, however, my doubts about the activity stopped me from truly enjoying a book until the fifth grade. There were many books the class read together my fifth grade school year, each of which I just could not get into. This lack of connection furthered my opinions on reading, as i was forced to read a book by myself which I could not connect to. Previous to this, the only way for me to truly …show more content…
I searched for a book I could actually see myself reading, a strenuous task for 11-year old me. When I came across the book The Boy Who Couldn't Die by William Sleator, I was surprised by the interesting synopsis of the story. It was about a boy who, after losing his best friend, went to a psychic and sold his soul for indestructibility. “MOM” I immediately shouted, surprised a book could actually sound interesting. My mom checked it out and we went home, both of us knowing the chances of me actually reading the book were slim to none. Of course I waited till the week before school started again to pick up the book. My younger self was not the most scholastically inclined, but I was determined to read the one book I had seen so far which was actually interesting. I made a reading schedule and started the book.
An indiscernible amount of time passed with me completely engrossed in the story before me, Even the sound of my door opening did not disturb me from the spell I suddenly found myself under. Personally, I read lying down, if I do not I can get a really bad crick in my neck. “Have you even moved?” my mom said, startling me as I had yet to register her presence. Initially, I was confused until my mom pointed to the clock in my room. Three hours had passed and I realized I was way past my reading goal for the

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