Premium Essay

The California Drought

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Using new technology and knowledge relating to the hydrosphere and atmosphere is the key to saving water efficiently. Because technology is becoming a dominant factor of everyday life, it can be used in a positive manner such as reserving the environment efficiently and effectively. The California Drought has been an issue that worsens every year and this year it has become the driest year yet (Dept. of Water Resources, 2014). Having a lack of water greatly impacts the environment as well as California residents. Because many citizens are already experiencing its impact, the California Drought has developed a lot of attention towards efficiently reserving water throughout the state. Although the drought has many impacts on different aspects …show more content…
Hydroponics are a type of farming system of growing plants with nutrient filled water without the need of soil (Sahin, 2014). The purpose of this is to improve agriculture without the control of economic stress along with saving natural resources. The system is environmentally-friendly because it does not require fertilizer, which is a huge contributor of potent chemicals in the atmosphere and geosphere, and it saves a significant amount of water by recycling it (Sahin, 2014). Because hydroponics has a variety of different systems, it can be built from a small to large scale but all serving the same purpose of using water and not soil. Either big or small, hydroponics are managed in a controlled environment therefore making it easy to manage and make changes according to the desired pH, moisture and temperature to sustain plant growth (Sahin, 2014). It also does not take up as much space as the traditional water-and-soil systems, making it an ideal method to grow plants in a smaller or limited space. Although it is an all water-based horticulture, water is used in a reduced amount and recycled around the system. That also has an indirect relation to different habitats interfering with plant growth and carbon emissions due to less food miles. Growing lettuce in a hydroponic system uses only 10% of the regular amount of water needed to grow lettuce in soil (Merrill, 2011). Hydroponics has a potential to save water but also to expand agriculture under harsh conditions such as the California Drought. Its diversity in scale also allows for people to start their own hydroponic systems in their backyards as well as grow crops acres upon acres. Enforcing hydroponics would also develop another use to wastewater by reducing its metal

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