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The Casual Relationship Between Stupid, Liberals And Intelligence

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Defining the causal relationships between the stupid, liberals and intelligence

We separate and divide society constantly; whether it’s grading and streaming in schools, a political left and right, or the poor and the rich, yet to do this requires the concept of an average. Using IQ we could divide a population between the clever and the stupid, using an agreed on number. That means that one half of the country can now be classified as stupid. The term, ‘Common sense’ then becomes a fallacy, as it is not common to all as the term suggests, but applies only to those above the average, which is why it is not understood by the stupid, but leads them to believe that their definition of sense is common to all.

If we then apply democracy in voting it means that half the population will be too stupid to understand what it is they’re voting for, but are needed to vote in the clever. The Founding Fathers understood this and it’s why the US has a constitution. However, the clever also know this and so clever politicians dumb down their rhetoric to appeal to the stupid using small easily digested sound bites run through the media; ‘Change you can believe in’ or ‘Yes, we can’. These terms are specifically designed for the stupid, who wouldn’t understand what was in a Political Manifesto unless it contained pictures of Kim Kardashian, reviews of video games, or was endorsed by their peers on Facebook.

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