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The Cause Of Stereotyping Black People

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The color of skin is not that deep. Whether it is yellow skin, pale, brown, black, blue, purple, it is still just a color of skin. Every day I walk around and see all sorts of different skin colors. Now some questions might start to bubble up: Did their skin color seem threatening? Did the color of their skin attack anyone or give off a shady vibe? Now, yes, these questions do seem very ridiculous, as why would someone’s skin color do any of those things? Let’s ask the same basic question, but in a way we usually ask it: Did that black guy threaten anyone? Did that one black guy who was casually walking down the street behind you make you grab your purse a little tighter and walk with a quicker pace? This type of thinking is simply called stereotyping. Everyone has probably stereotyped something in their life, but black stereotyping still seems to be around even in 2018. The simple question is why? There are many different causes to stereotyping black people, and the effects of it aren’t any better. …show more content…
I can remember so many movies from when I was younger where if there were any black people in it they were broadcasted to the audience as street thugs with all of these tattoos and smoking on all kinds of dope. When I was younger I didn’t realize what they were doing, but looking back at it now I totally realized how much I missed. In recent years, black people have had the main stigma of black people portraying these harsh criminals in every movie and television show decrease, but every now and then you will see a group of black people being the bad guys and the white guy always saving the day somehow. I just think it is crazy that many people probably thought these actors really displayed how black people acted. Do some blacks act this way? Sure, but so does every other skin color out there. However, the cause of showing them this way leads into major

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