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The Conflict Self Assessment

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Knowledge Development Paper #7
a) Which approach do you prefer and which do you use least? With the conflict self-assessment, it helped me understand how I deal with conflict. The approach I usually prefer is the compromising approach. I prefer the compromising approach because usually in that type of situation, everyone will end up being happy with the end result. When compromising, no one gets a better outcome than the other person, everyone and everything is equally balanced in how the conflict is dealt. The approach I use the least is the competing approach. With this approach, no one ends up being happy at the end of the conflict. On may get a better outcome from the conflict that the other person. I would say that when you use the competing approach, there will be bad blood between people. It’s best to meet the needs of everyone instead of no one.
b) List three things that determine if you respond in a particular manner?
1) I speak quickly and stutter when I’m nervous about a …show more content…
By being confident, I would be able to be more comfortable collaborating with other people in a conflict. Having confidence, demonstrates the willingness to work as a team to improve the conflict. 2) Having more eye contact would be important. During a conflict, not making eye contact, may be misinterpreted as not listening or ignoring the other person. Making better eye contact facilitates my ability to gain trust with others. Eye contact during a conflict demonstrates listening, as it’s an important part in resolving a problem.
3) Cooperation and trust with the other person or persons in the conflict is an important behavior. Cooperating with others is an essential part to effectively working with a team or a person. Without cooperation collaboration wouldn’t function in the conflict as there would be disagreements about the situation.
2) Describe a conflict you are encountering at your clinical

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