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Immanuel Kant Art

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Immanuel Kant held that in order to function in the world we classify sensory data by applying labels and concepts to what we sense, often in an unconscious manner . However, Kant’s concepts are simultaneously crucial and problematic aspects of a reflective judgment in our analysis of an artwork. Kant’s critiques about art are based on his previous studies regarding the perception and judgment of beauty in the natural world, and at its core are three major themes of aesthetic judgment; disinterested interest, being purposive without a purpose, and expression of feeling (intuition) rather an a concept. However, by the constant cognitive process of attempting to apply a concept to a work of art, we are engaging with the process of contemplation, …show more content…
Kant asserts that, “no objective rules of taste can be given which would determine what is beautiful through concepts ”, adding that it would be a fruitless endeavor to “seek a principle of taste which would provide a universal criterion of the beautiful through determinate concepts. ” The task of the critic therefore, is not to create a universally applicable formula to determine the success of an artwork, but rather provide an investigation into the facilities of cognition and their function in this judgment by analysing examples of form that constitute the beauty of the object. Criticism investigates the mind and how it functions. The critic can only draw the attention of imagination and understanding and how it functions by illustrating this by way of examples – demonstrating the way you might think about an artwork. For example, art critic Walter Pater’s description of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, “She is older than the rocks among which she sits; like the vampire… ” This statement, utilising concepts in an attempt to provide one facet of understanding about the work, as we all understand the concept of a vampire. Kant says once you have the rule you don’t need examples. However, due to the nature of art criticism, you are more in need of examples, by the way of demonstrate how these judgments can be made, and demonstrate ways of

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