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Outline Two Definitions of the Term ‘Miracle’. Examine Key Reasons for Believing in Miracles


Submitted By brownz
Words 1030
Pages 5
During the the time that the ground-breaking Pathways to Philosophy distance learning program has been running, students from around the world have produced many fine examples of philosophical writing.
Reproduced here are essay portfolios which have received the Associate Award, as well as dissertations successfully submitted for the Fellowship Award.
For shorter essays by students taking the six Pathways to Philosophy programs, follow the links at Pathways to Philosophy: the six programs.
All work is copyright of the original authors. No material may be transmitted or reproduced without permission. For further information, e-mail
Geoffrey Klempner
Director of Studies

Associate Award • Paul Meakin

• Mary Jennings

• Andrew Watson

• Kenneth Head

• Stuart Hopkins

• Tony Bellotti

• Oliver Leech

• Alan Bradnam

• Shirley Hughes

• Terence Kuch

• Fr. Seamus Mulholland

• John Eberts

• Gordon Kennedy

• Justin Woods

• Neil Munro

• John Dudley

• Samuel Thorpe

• Jürgen Lawrenz

Fellowship Award • Tony Fahey

• Martin Jenkins

• Peter Jones

• George Brooks

• Samuel Michaelides

• Mike Finch

• Rachel Browne

• Jürgen Lawrenz

Paul Meakin: Associate Award
Essay One Heidegger, Dasein and the quest for authentic Being-in-the-world
Essay Two 'I am Condemned to be free': Sartre, Freedom and Bad faith
Essay Three 'Hell is other people': Sartre and being-for-others
Essay Four Generating a meaningful existence: A Nietzschean based interpretation back [pic]
Mary Jennings: Associate Award
Essay One Doubt, certainty and knowledge in Descartes and Merleau-Ponty
Essay Two Justice and the Other in Levinas Totality and Infinity
Essay Three Heidegger's Dasein

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