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The Cost of Justice


Submitted By dlbailey2
Words 500
Pages 2
The Cost of Justice

David Bailey
Liberty University CJUS 320
June 23rd, 2014

To determine the cost of justice first one must determine what justice truly is. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines justice as “the process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crime and criminals” (Merriam-Webster, 2014). Given this definition, it would mean that to determine the cost of justice, a person would need the cost to run an effective police force, court system, and correctional system. This paper will look at the average yearly cost of all three of these different levels of justice at both the state and federal level. First off, this paper will cover the cost of running a police force. A police force consists of police officers, dispatchers, and jails that are used for temporary lock up of an alleged criminal. Because there are different size police offices all over the country this paper will just take a look at the average cost of running a state police office in Virginia. The projected 2014 budget for the Virginia Department of State Police is as follows; * $229,200,694 is what has been allocated for the general fund * $72,217,661 is what was allocated for the non-general fund * $220,469,838 is the dollar amount allocated for personnel
All of these costs are paid through state and federal grants, restitution issued by courts, and taxes paid by citizens of the state (Department of State Police, 2014). The next part of the justice system is the courts system. Each state has a different court system, much like police departments. Due to their being so many different courts and different levels of courts from local to federal levels, this student could not find an average budget to run a court system. However, it was noticed that many courts make more revenue for their state than they are allocated in their budget. The federal courts are

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