Premium Essay

The Crucible: John Hale


Submitted By JN2693
Words 1652
Pages 7
Character Progression and Development of Reverend John Hale in The Crucible

The character of Reverend Hale, in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, experiences a profound, dramatic and transformative personal evolution from when he comes to Salem in Act One through the climax in the third act. In the final act, in this progression, his identity by profession is challenged when he is confronted with the realization of an unjust, immoral community, and he responds with integrity and moral truth by abandoning his assigned mission of “witch hunter” in order to truly save others. When Reverend Hale first comes onto the scene, he is a pious and revered minister who was summoned by Reverend Parris because of his expertise on uncovering witchcraft. Reverend Hale presents as a strict and dedicated professional; he is confident, even arrogant as to his education, knowledge and, his authoritative role as expert, and falls back upon the fact that Salem needs him to resolve the unrest and chaos in the community. The hysteria in Salem is clearly exacerbated by Hale’s investigation; but initially, Hale is fueled by his charge to rid Salem of witchcraft and his self-assurance in that role, Hale finds himself, in the end, questioning his own integrity and his moral beliefs when he realizes that the witchcraft accusations were false. He has to battle his own internal guilt and regret for the needless suffering of other accused and persecuted which was prompted by his previous convictions and decisions prior to Salem. These actions, driven by a deep faith and passion that informed them, collide with what he learns in Salem as he comes to know a population of people who have been wrongly accused, and begins to understand the hidden motivation. Throughout the play, Reverend Hale undergoes a significant change in terms of his beliefs, and

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