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The Dangers Of Speeding Research Paper

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Almost everyone who drives a car has done it. Some do it sparingly while others habitually do it every day. This is speeding. You can speed in one of two ways: by exceeding the posted speed limits, or by driving too fast for the conditions. If you're lucky, both types of speeding can get you a speeding ticket. If you're unlucky, they can cause a devastating accident.

People often regard speeding as a minor offense partly because it's so easy to do, and because car design does a good job of isolating drivers from the true danger of their situation. It makes them feel safe even though one small mistake or an unexpected traffic event can be just as fatal as driving their car off a cliff. That is, from a height that results in a ground impact …show more content…
The faster a car travels, the more force required to stop quickly or to turn sharply as is required when making last second maneuvers to avoid an accident.

Unfortunately, the traction provided by the tires and pavement remains the same, whether moving at 5 mph or 80 mph. This is why cars spin out of control when their drivers attempt emergency maneuvers at extreme speeds. There isn't enough traction to do what the driver wants. When driving on wet pavement, there is even less traction available, yet many people continue to drive as they would on dry pavement.

The Destructive Energy of Impact Increases with the Square of Your Speed

Doubling one's speed quadruples the destructive energy that mangles a car when it hits a large tree or some other immovable object. Doubling one's speed quadruples the equivalent falling height that gives the same impact speed with the ground. It also quadruples the braking distance required to stop the car assuming anti-lock brakes are exerting the maximum possible traction between the tires and the

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