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Domestic Violence Intervention Paper

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It is important to remember that domestic violence can occur in various forms and affects a variety of individuals; it is not strictly violence against women in heterosexual relationships. It can occur in lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/queer/intersex (LGBTQI) relationships, and domestic violence can also be oriented towards older adults within families. Just as with any form of domestic violence, there are particular predictors and correlates, as well as intervention strategies and reactions to these specific forms of domestic violence. First of all, in regards to LGBTQI relationship violence, there is not a vast amount of intervention strategies directly aimed at the LGBTQI population. For the female population, shelters and safe houses …show more content…
As with most forms of domestic violence that are not heterosexual couples, advocacy is key. It is important for the prevention of elder abuse, for communities to be aware that the abuse of elders can and does occur. When individuals are uninformed, change will not ensue. As previously mentioned, despite the current programs available for intervention, many have not proved to be significantly effective. It would be best to conduct further research regarding the effectiveness of such programs. Research would allow for reform and a better understanding of what methods work and why. Similarly, it would be wise to use research to reform existing laws that are in place for the protection of elders from abuse. The legal system can be messy and enhancing the laws surrounding the abuse of elders is crucial when prosecuting cases in the future. In the case of individuals who are in a care-taking position, implementing educational programs for those who are new to this role in their family would be constructive. When elder family members seek medical services or financial services, having professionals who are aware of predictors and correlates of elder abuse would only have positive outcomes. The education of specific professionals concerning the abuse of elders can be the link between an elder individual getting help and prosecuting their abuser. If certain professionals are cognizant of elder abuse, they can put their own expertise to use but they can also contact special agencies that focus on the assistance of elder abuse

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