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Why Do Gangs Cause Gang Violence?

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All through the US there are gangs. The problem being, that these gangs often become violent, but what causes this violence? The list is seemingly endless, though some of the most prominent include, gun availability, drugs, addition of youth gang members, past experiences, and underprivileged communities. The availability of firearms may very well provoke violence among gangs. Though many believe that the leniency of gun laws in the South are making it easier for gun trafficking, closer inspection shows that a large part of firearms are purchased much closer to home. Studies in Chicago have shown that there is one particular supplier that many favor, Chuck's Gun Store, located in southern Riverdale. "From 2008 to March 2012, the police successfully traced the ownership of 1,375 guns recovered in crimes in Chicago within a year of their purchase. Of those guns, 268 were bought at Chuck's - nearly one in five" …show more content…
"Area characteristics, especially levels of disadvantage, have been linked to both the presence of gangs and levels of crime" (Short 48). "Research shows that gangs are more likely to thrive in broken neighborhoods, suffering from poverty and shifting populations" (Short 48). It is thought that such communities lack a sense of establishment, opening the gates for gangs to step in and assume control. Also, neighborhoods that already experience extensive gang violence, are more likely to have continuing issues with such chaos. "This is due to the misguiding allure it creates for younger generations, making it more likely for children and teens to seek out these gangs" (Short 46). It is also in part, because of the lack of security in these areas, providing little protection against such violence. Poorly established communities struggle to fend off the development of gangs in their neighborhoods, allowing for violence to erupt on their

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