... Summer 2008 Online 29 July 2008 Death and Resurrection of Jesus To get a clear understanding of the complicated events that took place leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus, it is first necessary to understand the background. Lots of things have been written about these courses of events. But it is sometimes difficult to combine all the details into a single story. The events of some days follow each other in calm sequence, while others are more of a swirling, splashing stream. Lots of things happen around the same time. We are dealing with two levels of events: things that actual happen and the intention behind the action. Along with the events leading to the death and resurrection, we also have divergent interests at work: interests of Judas, the Sanhedrin, the people and the disciples. Sometimes things coincide, sometimes they become entangled. For the sake of organizational purposes, we will interact: the plot against Jesus, the Passover Feast, Jesus’ trial, his approach to death and crucifixion, and the resurrection of Jesus. At first we might be lead to think only the plot to have Jesus arrested by means of a traitor (Judas). If you do more in depth studying, you will see that this does not do justice to the facts. After facing much opposition for his teaching, Jesus is betrayed by Judas Iscariot. Judas, like the other disciples expected Jesus to start a political rebellion and overthrow...
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...Abstract: Facing Death Thesis: “How did Jesus face and understand death when it closed in on him? Did he interpret his death in advance as the climax of his mission? Or did he experience panic and even succumb to the fear that ‘all might come to nothing’? We can glean some answers by taking matters in stages,” (147). I think this is the thesis because this chapter states how Jesus appear to have understood his death by exploring different “stages”. In each section, O’ Collins compares the differences in each Gospel and states his own points about each “state” in Jesus’ death. Methodology: Source: Mark, Luke, Isaiah, John, Matthew, Acts, the beatitude and the Lord’s Prayer, Paul, Exodus, Psalms, Wisdom, Maccabees, S. McKnight, R. Bauckham, Martin Hengel and M. Bockmuehl. Audience: In this chapter, O’Collins does not state what the audience is. It seems that the audience should be all religious followers. Argument and Summary of Main Points: What Jesus Said of Himself In this section, O’ Collins states that the Parable of the Vineyard and the Tenants (Mark 12”1-12) is the only parable in which Jesus spoke clearly about his own mission. In the parable, the vineyard owner is God, and the tenant farmers are the leaders of Israel, and the servants who try to collect the owner’s share in the produce are the prophets. However, the farmers mistreat these agents of the owner, and even kill some of them. Finally, the owner (God) sends his son who is Jesus, but farmers...
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...that salvation is Jesus sacrificial death. And the resurrection of Jesus as a moral sacrifice. Also, that the atonement of Christ is ethical and political. First, Cahill’s argument is that Christ death is with God and humanity. Suffering is not the main reason for incarnation. God is merciful. God doesn’t use Jesus as a puppet. The author uses the example of penal substitution. Jesus suffering on the cross isn’t the full plan for Jesus’s incarnation. Instead, God is with those who suffer. Jesus suffered on the cross to have a complete relationship with humanity. The reason for incarnation is Jesus connection with God and humanity. Second, through the life and teaching of Jesus gives incarnation purpose. Jesus was able to connect with humanity through his life. The incarnation is not only Jesus divinity but his humanity as well. Jesus can suffer with us and be humanity during the worst of times. Jesus resurrection brings justice to those who are guilty and oppressed. This also shows...
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...was first used in the story of the descendants. Saul was referred as a Messiah by Samuel in Samuel 1but he failed to please God and David was the one who was Messiah and even God favored him. In the New Testament: all the gospels like in Mark1:1, Mathew, 1:1, Jesus, were referred as Son of God and even Messiah. Peter also addresses to the crowd after Jesus’ death that Jesus, the crucified person was the King- the Messiah, who protected the people of Israel which was the Christianity message indeed. The son of god means in Hebrew bible that someone who is the King, basically the king of Israel and who is faithful to God. In the New Testament, Jesus was referred as Son of God as he used to do miracles by curing the sick and possessed. Jesus was the king of Jews. He proved this by sacrificing his life and forgiving all the sins of the people. Messiah mean anointed one, in Hebrew bible, Messiahs were priests and the kings like David was referred as Messiah and even son of God and even Cyrus was referred too. But Jesus was being called as Messiah in the gospels. After Jesus’ death, his death was referred as” death of anointed”. 2. We discussed how each of the gospels finds some salutary meaning in Jesus’ death by crucifixion. Briefly, what does Mark’s gospel...
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...This article was written in 2004 shortly after the movie directed by Mel Gibson, The Passion of the Christ, had made its way into theaters. This movie allowed people to see and experience Jesus’ death in a new way that portrayed the crucifixion as much more than just a victory; rather it showed how Jesus suffered on the cross. Through reading this article it is evident that Jesus’ death is a controversial topic; yet no matter how much debating takes place, everyone can see that Jesus had to die. The only question left it, why? One way to begin answering that question is through understanding atonement. During Jesus’ time on earth people offered sacrifices to the Lord hoping to receive atonement for their sins. When Jesus died on the cross he...
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...The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a complicated historical event which is discussed from many perspectives including the biblical perspective that includes Christian theology, with Jesus’ death being a necessary event for the atonement of humanity’s sins. A more historical perspective gives attention to the Romans, where we can look at why crucifixion was the chosen means to punish Jesus. Also, a Jewish perspective is also required to complete the picture. There are not many primary sources on this matter as it occurred 2000 years ago, so interpretations of the New Testament, more specifically the gospels, are the sources of information that can be used on this matter. The gospels were also most likely written in the Aramaic language and later translated to Greek, and now translated to English. So there is also a large possibility of misinterpretation through these translations. Because of these limitations, the truth of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is not entirely clear, though, a picture can be painted using these perspectives mentioned, however unclear. Despite the lack of clarity of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, there are still events we can say that occurred with a fair amount of certainty, even 2000 years ago. Even the existence of Jesus himself is argued by some scholars but we will agree he was a real man for the sake of this article. As for the crucifixion itself, we can also agree on some facts. Firstly, Jesus was crucified under...
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...One of the things that can prove that you existed in the first place is death for all lives are bound to die. Time is inevitable and each second that passes by is one step closer to death. Just the same, every moment we live is the reality and every moment that passes by becomes part of the forgettable past. We do not own time but on the contrary, time owns us. Schopenhauer would argue that life is pointless, a meaningless journey with one final end which is to cease to exist. What would then be the ultimate purpose of life if we will all die in the end? Everything that we invested will be gone and everything we have built will be worthless? I would like to argue that it is not necessarily the end that matters the most but the journey. Dying in the end should not mean that we have to live our lives miserably. I believe that death and factitious freedom are deeply intertwined with the thesis question "Why did Jesus die on the cross?" In this paper, we carefully examine not just the father-son relationship between Jesus and God but Jesus as both God-Man through the hypostatic union (As given in the thesis question) , its relationship to people and the very purpose of His and generally an individual's death vis-a-vis human freedom. It is very difficult to try to elaborate this issue that has been going on for years without being theological. There is a gap between theology and philosophy in such a way that theology's main ingredients are faith and belief and philosophy is sheer...
Words: 2521 - Pages: 11
...Easter is a festival which is celebrated between the end of March to the middle of April. According to our class information package containing information from: Lego clip Atonement text: Eugene H. Merrill Jesus as the Son of God: Salvation from sin: Holy week: Edexel GCSE Religious studies Christianity, Persson company 2009 Cartoon Religious studies Christianity: beliefs about God: BBC - GCSE Bitesize Easter is a christian tradition and in this religion christians only believe in one God. He is not ordinary, he is holy, which means special, different and separated. Trinity is the three different ways of being God, -God the son, -God the father and -God the holy spirit. The root of Easter starts far back in the Roman time with a women named Mary, who gave birth to a boy named Jesus. Mary became pregnant through the holy spirit. Jesus was born in a normal way and was born as God’s only son. Because Jesus was born to Mary, a human, and as God’s son. Jesus is divine, half human, half God/both human and God. The belief that God came down to earth as a human, as Jesus, is called the incarnation. The incarnation of Jesus is important because it showed God was Jesus father and it showed Jesus divine nature....
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...Christian Reasons to Oppose the Death Penalty Mainstream and Conservative Christian Theology Strongly Opposes the Death Penalty Presentation to the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s Committee for Alternatives to the Death Penalty Glen Anderson (360) 491-9093 glen@olywa.net ------------------------------------------------- 1. Jesus’ two experiences with the death penalty: (A) The woman being stoned. (B) His own execution under the law ------------------------------------------------- 2. Other biblical insights into murder and the death penalty ------------------------------------------------- 3. The basic Christian principles of forgiveness and grace ------------------------------------------------- 4. Quotations ------------------------------------------------- 5. Resources 1. Jesus’ two direct experiences with the death penalty Jesus confronted the death penalty directly and explicitly twice in his life, and both times he rejected it. (A) The woman being stoned John 8:1-11 says: Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came to the temple, and all the people came to him. He sat down and taught them. The scribes and Pharisees brought him a woman who had been caught committing adultery. They set her in the midst and said to him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us that she should be stoned, but what do you say? They said this to tempt him so they might be...
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...innocent. Romans 3:10-18 gives a detailed picture of what sin looks like in our lives. The second Scripture on the Romans Road to salvation, Romans 6:23, teaches us about the consequences of sin - "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." The punishment that we have earned for our sins is death. Not just physical death, but eternal death! The third verse on the Romans Road to salvation picks up where Romans 6:23 left off, "but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 5:8 declares, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Jesus Christ died for us! Jesus' death paid for the price of our sins. Jesus' resurrection proves that God accepted Jesus' death as the payment for our sins. The fourth stop on the Romans Road to salvation is Romans 10:9, "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Because of Jesus' death on our behalf, all we have to do is believe in Him, trusting His death as the payment for our sins - and we will be saved! Romans 10:13 says it again, "for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins and...
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...“It is Jesus who stirs in you the desire to do something great with you lives, the will to follow an ideal, the refusal to allow yourselves to be ground down by mediocrity, the courage to commit yourselves humbly and patiently to improving yourselves and society, making the world more human and more fraternal.” -- Pope John Paul 11 Christianity is the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ, or its beliefs and practices. Christianity is close to 2000 years old. It began in Judea, the kingdom of the Jewish people. There are four main religions that are apart of Christianity; they include: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and Anglican. Christianity develops the significance of Principal beliefs for Christian adherents (believers of a religion). Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is the centre...
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...Jesus and Muhammad Introduction Jesus and Muhammad have and had great influence on the world. To this day both men have a great impact on people throughout our nations. Muhammad is known as a great prophet to many Muslims and they worship him as one of the greatest. Jesus is known as God’s son, a man of wisdom and who was killed to save others of their sins. I will be writing about the life and deaths, and the differences between Jesus and Muhammad and what they mean to the religious people that follow them. Jesus Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary (0 BCE) in Bethlehem in a stable with animals. Jesus’s mother Mary was married to a man name Joseph who was a carpenter in Bethlehem. Jesus’s life and death were written in the Bible. As an adult he became a carpenter in the town of Nazareth. At the age of 30 Jesus was baptized by John and was said to have been followed by the first disciples. The names of Jesus’s disciples are Peter, Andrew, James, and John. Jesus informed his disciples that they had to give up all their material things in order to follow him and live the life the right way. He later became a public speaker and taught God’s word and was said to perform miracles. The miracles that was said Jesus had performed were turning water to wine, giving the blind their sight, walking on water, healing those who were paralyzed, turning fish and bread into enough food to feed many people, and to take the demons out of people who were possessed. He told the...
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...Jesus and Muhammad Judith Julian Axia College Jesus and Muhammad While many view Christianity and Islam as two totally different religions, their founders lived quite similar lives and each revolutionized their religions in a most profound way. The Prophets, Jesus, and Muhammad, led followers on a path of righteous living and even after death, they continue to influence people’s lives across the world. The following chronicles the birth, lives, ministries, deaths, and the impact each of these prophets have made on society, and religion in the world. Sometime near the first year of the Common Era, the angel Gabriel came to a woman named Mary and spoke to her, telling her she would conceive a son and his name would be Jesus. Jesus would come to known as the Messiah, the son of God. Jesus grew up in the small town of Nazareth with his mother and father, Joseph. His father was a carpenter and many times his family traveled to Jerusalem to sell crafts in the marketplace. It was on these trips that Jesus saw the struggles of the Jewish people; he saw the ways the poor people were treated, as well as, the extravagances of the Romans occupying Judea. After witnessing a prophet, John the Baptist telling stories of a new faith and the kingdom of God, he was baptized in the Jordan River. John had many followers and this angered the Roman leaders bringing about his death. This was the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus taught his people that they needed to give up their material...
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...Jesus vs. Mohammad “Compare and Contrast” Introduction The information contained in this document is to depict two highly religious idols, and how they influence many during their ages. Jesus was the center and founder of Christianity, while Mohammed was a great prophet of Islam. Christianity and Islam are the largest religions in the world. They account for over 2 billion of the world’s population. Christianity and Islam also share many things in common, but they differ in other aspects. Although, Jesus and Mohammed lived righteously by the principles that were created by them, they affected humanity like an echo in the past and present. This research is to compare and contrast the key elements of Jesus and Mohammed historically, respectively, and how their legacy is still being carried out in the world today (Wikipedia, 2008). (1) Trace the lives of Jesus and Mohammed historically The Life of Jesus Christ (**6** BC - **29-33** AD) Historians do not exactly know the birth date of Jesus Christ. It has been said his birth took place on or around December 25th 6 BC in the city of Jerusalem. This day is traditionally celebrated by Christians as the birthday of Jesus. Jesus was born unto a father Joseph, and a mother “The Virgin Mary. Other than shortly after his birth, little is known of the life of Jesus other than what is recorded in the “Four Gospels”. These events were written some fifty to eighty years after the death of Jesus. These Gospels are derived of an...
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...Jesus and Muhammad Student name HUM/130 Nicole Reale September 18, 2011 Jesus and Muhammad Jesus and the prophet Muhammad are two of the predominate figures that influence today’s modern religion. Both figures critics, they also have a large following of believers’. Both figure are the central focus of their respective religions. Both of these individual’s teaching have an impact on their religion’s and the secular world as well. Both Christianity and Islam are monotheistic and have several distinct similarities. Both individuals are well-documented historical figures as well. Jesus was born 6 B.C. (before Christ) in Bethlehem in a Roman province of Palestine to the Virgin Mary. An angel named Gabriel declared Jesus as the “Savior of Men”. Jesus led a sinless life that was admired by everyone and envy from the Jewish leaders. In a town called Galilean of Nazareth, Jesus worked as a carpenter. Jesus demonstrated his authority through his teachings, and his power through the production of many miracles. He did things such as walking on water, turning water into wine, and restoring life to the dead. About the age of thirty, after seeking out John the Baptist, Jesus went out to search and teach all the people about God and heaven. Jesus demonstrated through his actions God’s commands and led a righteous life. Jesus eventually returned to Jerusalem after all of his travels and tribulations abroad. The message of Christ is continually spread today be many people...
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