Premium Essay

The Decline of Animals Used for Scientific Research


Submitted By sundance769
Words 1783
Pages 8
A scientific revolution is underway that promises to spare millions of animals from suffering and death. Countless animals are used every year in the United States and abroad to assess the potential health hazards of cosmetics, soaps, household cleaners, pesticides, drugs, and other chemicals and products to which people might be exposed. In these assessments, chemicals are applied to the animals’ eyes and skin or injected into their bodies, or the animals are forced to ingest or inhale them. Crude animal tests have been the mainstay of medical research for decades. However, recent developments suggest that the quiet evolution of alternative methods will turn into a fast-paced revolution in research testing, without the use of live animals. For years, critics have been saying that animal testing is unreliable, that the reaction to a drug in an animal is different from the reaction in a human. (“Animal Testing” 2008) What do animal trials really tell us? The reason for animal trials is to determine two issues: safety and efficacy, whether a compound is safe for human ingestion and whether a product works for its intended purpose. The whole purpose of using an animal’s complex biological system in research is to learn how a compound will affect all the organs. Historically, it is clear that animals have played an important part in that determination. However, alternatives are now being developed for testing, which would eliminate the need for animals and speed up drug approval in the process. Scientists are developing strategies based on cell or tissue culture or computer modeling. The leader in the alternative testing field has been the United Kingdom, where there are more animal protection laws than any other country. Many countries, including the U.S., are trying to catch up with the U.K. in ensuring that the animals used in research are treated properly, and that

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