...Future of Printed Books in the Digital Age Name Institution Date of submission Once upon a time printed books were the undisputed medium of expressing literary culture, as well as source of information and knowledge. Books were a central part of the society acting as a vehicle for carrying and disseminating histories, ideas, stories, and pictures. However, over the centuries, the literary culture of reading and relying on printed books as the primary source of information has gradually changed. The digital age is populated with technology, which has revolutionized all aspects of lifestyle. Thompson (2005) notes that one of these aspects is the culture of reading printed material from books and other sources. In this digital age, information is readily available on the internet merely by a click of a button. This is not only convenient, but also consume less time as opposed to the earlier eras where one would take time and go to the library, search for a book, and finally read to get the required information. As a result, books are becoming less and less desirable as their future is overtaken by the digital sources of information. Today, e-books have replaced the printed version of books particularly with the invention and popularity of tablets and iPads that are perfect carriers of e-books. E-books are on the rise as the sales of printed books decrease, and soon they will completely replace the printed versions. For instance, in 2003, the sales of printed books decreased...
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...accomplished this by starting the Eastman Dry Plate Company, which was a global leader in mass producing dry plates for many years. Within four years of of the commencement of research, negative paper was introduced and would be used for the next century. Film became so efficient and cheap, Eastman invented the first commercial camera called the “Kodak” which revolutionized the “point and shoot” concept as the world know its today. 1 The Kodak camera was so popular that Eastman decided to integrated Kodak into the company name. The newly founded and named Eastman Kodak Company in 1892 became so big they had to expand their facilities to New Jersey for access to new trade routes. This was the beginning of Kodak and the start of photography. Kodak’s history is mainly responsible for making the Kodak name what it is today. The initial products invented by Kodak like the camera and film opened doors and provided a foundation for innovation and success in the photography and developing industry. Furthermore, Kodak’s business model, although a failure, taught the world of business how to run a business. In today’s world, cameras range from expensive professional models to dollar store disposables. In the late 19th century there was only one kind of camera. It was called the Kodak and was marketed along side the slogan, “You press the button, We do the rest”. 1 Soon...
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...Module 1: Digital Photography Critical Analysis Digital Photography 1. Introduction A sailor planting a wet one on a nurse, Man walking on the moon, a student standing up to a line of tanks, and the horrifying moment a plane crashed into a skyscraper. Figure 1 –"V-J Day, Times Square, 1945", a.k.a. "The Kiss" “Man on the Moon, Apollo 11, 1969” "Tiananmen Square, China, 1989" “9/11 Attacks, New York City, 2001” All of these iconic images from history would be nothing but memories without the invention of photography. The power of photography has allowed us to see distant places, events before our lifetime, people from foreign lands and tragedies including war; all through the view of a lens. In just under 200 years, photography has transformed the world we live in enabling us to see not only beyond the boundaries of time and location but also beyond the range of human vision through macro, infrared and high-speed photography. Figure 2 – High Speed Photography, Bullet shot through an apple 1 Module 1: Digital Photography Critical Analysis Photography has changed a lot since its inception, what once was a painstakingly slow process involving specialized equipment and chemicals has become a revolutionary digital medium accessible by virtually anyone. 2. A Brief History of Cameras While the founding ideas behind what would become photography date back as far as the ancient Romans, the real history of cameras starts in the 17th century. Photography’s...
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...museum in Colorado that like so many others around the world that is fighting a decline in business. In this age of technology, people all over the world, especially in America, are looking for quicker on the go consumption and 24/7 connectivity. Physical experiences such as reading a newspaper, going to the movies, or going to the museum are struggling to stay relevant in society today. The Problem Denver Museum of Nature and Science faces is declining business due to social trends mainly the transition into a digital age. Denver Museum of Nature and Science must decide if they want to maintain the current physical experience of going to the museum for as long as they can, transition to a digital experience with online exhibits and shows, or a combination of both. We recommend that they go with the combination of the two. This would incorporate preserving the historic experience of a museum, while integrating today’s technology through an interactive map mobile application and a revamped web site. Problem Statement In the current technology era, museum visits continue to decline and many museums all around the world are struggling to make ends meet. The Denver Museum of Nature and Science is facing that same scenario and the management team must make a decision to reverse the declining museum business. Coughlin has brought the point to her organization that digital is the new standard for consumption and that the museum needs to adapt to get the attention of the technology...
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...Digital Histories English Author Arnold Bennett once said, “Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts”. Change is hardly ever easy. Some people change for the better but are constantly being held back by their past decisions while others change for the worst. What would today’s society be like if change hadn’t ever occurred? The human race would most likely be extinct. So why hold back people who wish to change their lives? People should not expect that others are going to stay the way they are for their whole entire lives: most people change as they grow. It’s not like in before times where, “if a teenager went through ‘a phase,’ generally only his or her family, friends and teachers would know or remember. Those days are gone”(Gerwitz). It’s not necessarily the individual’s fault that his or her life is on display to the world, it’s a new digital age. This digital age is seeming to create an unforgettable history. It is not right to critique individuals on the basis of their digital histories, especially in today’s social media era where nothing can be permanently forgotten once it has been published on the internet. As time goes on, the social media gets broader. Everyone can know your waking movement and thoughts; just by the pictures posted online. People no matter who they are, are being exploited for the videos and pictures they have posted. Everyone goes through a rough phase and before social media no one else would...
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...The Digital Evolution of Audio Engineering and the Music Industry Technology is an ever-progressing part of life that never ceases to amaze. In this age of technology, advancement is never ending. What’s considered to be top of the line today could very well be obsolete tomorrow. In the music industry, everything has been flipped upside down. Technology has completely changed the way everything works—for better and for worse. Back before 1975, the world of music was in an age referred to as the “magnetic era.” (Wikipedia, n.d.) The era was named after the most important component in the audio-engineering industry at that time—the tape machine. A tape machine records audio onto magnetic tape, hence the name of the era. (Robjohns, 1997) Back then, a recording studio costed a fortune to create and maintain. To have one, or even work in one was an almost impossible dream. First of all, it was necessary to have a tape machine, which on its own costed about $140,000. (Jr., 1988) On top of that, the magnetic tape costs about $200 for 14 minutes of 24 tracks. The typical amount of tracks used back then was 48, meaning that for 14 minutes of audio, it would cost a about $400 in just tape. (Kagan, 2013) All of the equipment used was analog, which means that they record or process in real time. They record every measurable unit of time, whereas digital audio equipment records in sections. (Elsea, 1996) Below, there is a diagram of what an analog audio signal looks like compared to...
Words: 1949 - Pages: 8
...Convergence and the Digital Age Final Project Abstract With information technology advancements and a more computer savvy world, the audio recording medium and digital medium have merged, changing the sound recording industry forever. This convergence has blurred the line between professional and amateur sound recordings. Technology has made new products smaller, feature rich and more affordable where anyone can record their music and offer it on the web for the whole world to enjoy. This medium convergence has closed the gap between musicians and listeners and brought forth a famine in the recording industry, which in turn, has brought new opportunities to the dying market. What does this mean to us? In short terms, with new digital formatting software available to anyone, the compression of music waves, and the technological advances, the recording industry is struggling to stay afloat. This statement is pretty remarkable, being that the world’s leading recording engineers are having difficulties keeping business alive with the evolution of technology. It is evident, recording engineers need to step backwards to differentiate themselves and find better innovative ways to keep the recording business profitable. This transformation in the world of recording, is affecting all of us as both consumers and producers of audio content. The following research paper discusses these convergence changes with a short look into the history of the recording...
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...The Gilded Age ‘ The Gilded Age was a time of huge social change and economic growth in the United States. This time period brought a rapid development in urbanization, industrialization, the building of the railroads, innovations in science, and the rise of big business. New products and technologies improved middle-class quality of life for Americans. The rise of the Gilded Age in American History helped the American economy long-term to this present day. Economic development in the United Sates was made through the impact of transportation innovations. The Gilded Age brought upon positive changes in America there was a demand of manufactured goods that increased, therefore, needing an efficient way to keep up with high demand. This brought upon the construction of the first transcontinental railroad, connecting the Pacific and Atlantic lines, which would be used for centuries to come. The Pacific Railway Act passed on July 1, 1862 provided what was needed for the construction for this production. In the act it states: The question of "internal improvements" was constantly before Congress in the 19th century: Should Congress assist in improving the country’s transportation system? One such improvement was the dream of constructing a railroad that would cross the entire country. Railroading became a highly profitable business venture during this time period. The expansion of the railroads meant that goods and products could be more easily exported around the country...
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...Electronic and Digital Media Industry Paper 1 Electronic and Digital Media Industry Paper Loyre Allen Mass Communication / 255 September 15, 2014 Damiso Josey Electronic and Digital Media Industry Paper 2 In this paper I will cover the roles that technology in electronic and digital media has played in the evolvement of time. I will cover the historical and contemporary roles of the mass media in society and also describe how the chemical and electronic technology of photography, recording, and transmission has changed from the original discovery to present day. I will also cover hoe the media uses these technological innovations, analyze how the development of digital technology has affected the way the content, distribution, and the style of electronic media and finally discuss exactly how it has evolved over time and had made everyone depend on them. The history of the print media and the role that it plays with the government, and society as a whole has since aged and evolved at a consisting rate. In an age when innovation is constantly adding to how we define mass media, print media, and technology to maintain its role and presence in or world. In a very simply way, Businessmedia.com defines the media as” the industry associated with the printing and distribution of news through newspapers, magazines and books.” Newspapers, magazines and books are the oldest, most basic form of media...
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...contains anywhere from 8 to 64 gigabytes (GB) of storage space. On the Amazon Kindle Fire, for instance, 1,000 books take up one GB of space. 4. E-textbooks on tablets cost on average 50-60% less than print textbooks. According to a 2012 report from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), K-12 school districts spend more than $8 billion per year on textbooks. E-textbooks can save schools between $250-$1,000 per student per year. Tablet prices also continue to drop, making them increasingly affordable. Tablets cost on average $489 in 2011, $386 in 2012, and are projected to cost $263 in 2015. 5. Tablets help to improve student achievement on standardized tests. Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt tested an interactive, digital version of an Algebra 1 textbook for Apple's iPad in California's Riverside Unified School District. Students who used the iPad version scored 20 percent higher on standardized tests versus students who learned with traditional textbooks. 6. Tablets contain many technological features that cannot be found in print textbooks. Tablets give users the ability to highlight and edit text and write notes without...
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...of reaching a mass audience so information and knowledge stayed within the population or community. But when the alphabet emerged, written material began to develop; therefore, the writing era arose. Oral traditions began to be documented and the inscribed word conquered spoken. The oral and written eras in communication, defined the future expansions of mass media. Succeeding the oral and written ages was the print era, which was a vast change in mass communication. First printing was costly and only the rich could manage to pay for books and papers. Then printing equipment improved, and the cost of printed supplies went down, so they became obtainable to more people. Books became the first mass-marketed invention in history (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2012). When books began to reach a lot of people more rapidly and farther away, people began to write and spread new ideas that changed the culture. Books, pamphlets, as well as magazines helped spread knowledge and reinvigorated education. Literacy increased outside the wealthy and into the lower classes. After the printing age, there came the electronic period. The invention of the telegraph...
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...The speed of change in the digital economy • Marketing Myopia Page 1 of 2 The speed of change in the digital economy • Archive • RSS Marketing Myopia Many companies define themselves almost completely through the product or services they offer. This is a common approach that can seriously narrow the focus. Extensive attention on products rather than customers’ needs, create a “marketing myopia” resulting in business nearsightedness or shortsightedness. The most important question is therefore, “What business are we really in?” from the perspective of what customer want. What do people really want when they acquire a product or a service? This question directly impacts the strategy and the value proposition definition Companies need to understand the difference between a product and a commodity: • A product is what customer feels about your business • A commodity is anything for which there is a demand, but which is supplied without qualitative differentiation across a market Kodak is a great example in which marketing myopia was present. The digital camera was invented at Kodak in 1975. But instead of marketing the new technology, the company kept it under wraps for fear of hurting its lucrative film business. And when Kodak decided to get in the game it was too late. Kodak had the myopic view that the company was in the film business rather than the story telling business. But customers aren’t buying cameras and film as much as they are buying a record of their memories...
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...particular music CDs are on the way out as did the VHS tapes and the VCR. The causes of music albums diminishing usage is a result of advancing technologies, World Wide Web, production and distribution efficiency. Music downloads on the Internet created easier access, potential to reach larger audiences and the explosion in the new age devices that supported Internet based products (i.e., IPods, MP3s, and Phones with music output capabilities). Where the Compact Disk (CD) first got its start. James Russell invented the compact disk in 1965. He was granted a total of 22 patents for various elements of his CD system. However, the CD did not become popular until it was mass manufactured by Philips in 1980. The CD has been available on the market since October 1982, and remained the standard physical medium for sale of commercial audio recordings until it was passed in 2011. The CD and its subsequent variants have been extremely successful and by 2007 worldwide sales had exceeded 200 billion units. LeCount, G. (March 9, 2009). Citing Websites. In History of the Compact Disk. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from http://www.discmakers.co.uk/history-of-the-compact-disc However, the numbers are dwindling of who buys CD albums anymore. It's all about downloads. Downloading the MP3 file seems to be much more practical nowadays, given that you can have all your favorite music with you everywhere you go. Carrying an iPod is far easier than carrying a portable CD player with a...
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...Porter’s article suggests a reinvention of the rhetorical canon of delivery for the digital age. Porter provides the reader with a brief history of delivery’s place in “traditional rhetoric” and argues for delivery as a form of techne. Porter then proposes a five part theoretical framework for “digital delivery,” consisting of “Body/Identity,” “Distribution/Circulation,” “Access/Accessability,” “Interaction/Interactivity,” and “Economics.” I really like how Porter explains delivery that has evolved with the technology in the modern day. He explains that the gestures you make, your tone of voice, using pauses with your speech and perhaps a restrained tone will all help to convey your meaning and are all things that you don't usually see or hear online. I related to this a lot because as I am freelance visual designer, I have to present a lot to the client and marketing team, using hand gestures, body language helps me to convey the message to the clients more efficiently. He further suggests that in the new era (digital age), however, delivery is about the medium through which the message is given. There are so many different forms of writing online today. For example if we take Twitter, this is the most recent form of writing which lot of people are still getting used to it. Twitter uses a lot of hash tags and ampersand symbols, which never would have appeared before in writing, but is rhetorically correct for Twitter because they link to other information, allowing for...
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...information technology Henok Bekele, Individual Task One 1. Analyse your personal digital footprint. Identify potential security and privacy risks and their possible consequences. As we have covered in our group tasks, literary it is not possible to avoid digital footprints. It is possible to minimizing footprints, but if we consider how present day life routine goes everything is electronic. Even if we are aware of our active digital footprints, it is easy to find passive digital footprints for somewhere on the internet. I do not take myself as an active online user. For this task, I have try to check my footprints from Google download my data and Facebook personal data request. I consider myself to be not too active online at least in recent years, even though I have able to find a lot of digital footprints and some of the digital footprint are surprising....
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