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The Effects of Single Parent Homes on Children


Submitted By DubG13
Words 2206
Pages 9
Effects of Single Parent Homes on Children

Throughout the world, there are numerous children being raised in single parent homes. This paper is a summary of the increase of children raised by single parents and the effects it has on them. Single parent homes will consist of households with at least one child under the age of 18 and only one parent as a result of divorce, death, or parents having never been married. The effects on cognitive, social, and emotional development of these children will be compared to that of children raised in two-parent homes.

Effects of Single Parent Homes on Children
The American family dynamic has seen a drastic shift in the past few decades. The nuclear family structure, consisting of a father, mother, and children, has been rapidly decreasing as more and more children are being raised in single-parent homes. Divorce, parental death, or couples having never been married are some common circumstances leading to single-parenthood. Being a single-parent and sole provider for children can be a difficult and overwhelming task. Having to single handedly juggle all the responsibilities of career, maintaining a household, and raising children is hard on not only the parent but it takes a toll on the children, as well. When compared to their married-couple counterparts, the effects on cognitive, social and emotional development of children raised in single parent homes is made apparent. They are placed at a disadvantage and their well-being could potentially become compromised.
Nearly one-quarter of children born in the United States are being raised in homes consisting of only one parent. According to the 2009 U.S. Census, the number of single-parents residing with their children was 11.7 million. Majority of single-parent homes are headed by women. Single mothers made up 9.9 million of America’s single parents

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