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The Emotional Intelligence of Leadership


Submitted By btamaklo
Words 1111
Pages 5
Summary: The Emotional Intelligence of Leadership (Goleman 1998) The article makes reference to leadership as the ability to solve problems. It also states the emotional intelligence of leaders comprises of core competencies of human characteristics, and is evident in organizational leadership. In emotional intelligence leadership, there seem to be a direct correlation between a high IQ and a person’s leadership ability.
The article makes reference to emotions as innate at conception and can’t be separate from thought. Greater effectiveness is achieved when our ‘two brains; emotional and thinking, work together”. This is said to be the bases of emotional intelligence.
Five dimensions of emotional intelligence are also mentioned; self-awareness, managing emotions, motivating others, showing empathy and staying connected. These are said to be the foundation for leadership. All are used in conjunction with each other in order to be most effective.
Being emotionally conscience of thoughts and feelings puts one in a better position to make good decisions. Self-awareness; the capacity to make decision based upon our needs, values and beliefs, is important. Knowing ones strength and weakness builds the confidence necessary to be effective.
Understanding, managing ones emotions and controlling impulses is said to be an important life skill. It also creates an environment of integrity and trust-worthiness. Having self-control has many beneficial factors; stability, stress reduction, increased motivation, realization of goals and adaptability all are crucial when in the leadership role.
Having the ability to interpret others emotions is equally important. Humans are very emotional in nature. How one feels does not always coincide with what is being said or done. The ability to pick up clues and to determine the best course of action adds value in

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