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The Estimating Problem


Submitted By marthdec
Words 2663
Pages 11
Background-Case Overview
The Estimating Problem Case Study is the process of estimating the duration of a project. It is a significant part of the planning process of a project. Estimating is a best guess and it is well thought out based on using various estimating techniques as well as all available resources related to a project.
Barbara’s company successfully won a competitive bid. As the Project Manager on the project as well she was not part of the bidding process, but she had extensive knowledge and experience about estimating projects. Barbara immediately believed that the estimating technique used by the estimating group was inaccurate and would cause the project to have a late delivery. Thus she consulted with someone who had worked on a similar project to determine the best estimating technique to utilize for this project.
Analysis Process
In Barbara’s company, project managers are not involved in the bidding and estimating processes of some projects. Like her, some project managers are assigned once the company is awarded a contract. It is the Proposal Department of the company, and especially its estimating group, which is responsible for estimating from the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) all the work for a project. Overall, the estimating group process flow for each work package or deliverable is described in Figure 1. In this case, Barbara however, did not take for granted the provided estimate for this project. She noticed the Analogy estimating based upon previous projects, that a work package that is located on the critical path of the project was underestimated at twelve weeks while it should have been estimated at fourteen weeks. Therefore, she identified significant estimating pitfalls and major risks for the project. Investigations (Figure 2) unveiled that the type of estimate used is a PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)

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