Premium Essay

The Existence of an Omnipotent God


Submitted By moham11
Words 1530
Pages 7
"He is the One GOD; the Creator, the Initiator, the Designer. To Him belong the most beautiful names. Glorifying Him is everything in the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, Most Wise." This is the depiction of god in the Quran as well as in the Bible, Torah and many more. God can be simply described, as St Anslem said "nothing greater can be conceived". In essence it is the utmost supreme being and to be classified as a supreme being you must be the absolute of everything possible; such as love, knowledge, and existence. By definition a being must be omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent to be viewed as god, however if one or all of these attributes are proven impossible to achieve that must mean God does not exist if potrayed in Christian or Muslim perspective. Based on the theistic perception of God, this being cannot exist due to the countless issues that arises such as the paradox of hell, the problem of evil, the omnipotence paradox, the argument of freewill and lastly the dysteleological argument.
Before claiming God in nonexistant, we must first understand what it means to exist. To claim something exist is quite hard to prove given that there are many factors that can disapprove it such as senses. A materialistic philosopher would claim that by seeing colour shapes or feeling texture proves its existence however they are mere interpretations of our brain to create a sense and would colour exist if they were no light. These simple factors that we tend to take advantage of seem complex when scrutinized, furthermore how can weight exist if there is no gravity. Additionally sound is a mere interaction of ripples of subatomic molecules that are interpreted as sound. But these molecules are made of atoms and atoms can be reduced to barely nothing and in this atom consist subatomic particles where they a can be there or interchange wave flow and when

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