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The FARC In Colombia

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The FARC formed in 1964 as a military wing of the Communist Party in response to the establishment of a military government in Colombia that outlawed the Communist Party and marginalized the liberal left. During the Second Conference of the Guerilla Bloc of Southern Colombia, peasants officially founded the FARC in 1966. They believed they could defeat the Colombian government and increase the distribution of wealth. (Lee, 2012, p. 30)
In 1984, the FARC participated in peace negotiations with the government (Leech, 2011, p. 42). They agreed to a cease fire if Colombia would give FARC fighters amnesty and work towards reducing poverty. Allegations of violence and assassinations lead them to step away from negotiations and form a new political party called the Patriotic Union (UP). In 1986, during the national congressional elections, the UP won many votes but political assassinations killed 2,000-4,000 UP members, including 3 presidential candidates. After this, the FARC escalated their use of military force, committing to armed conflict. (Lee, 2012, p. 31)
Objectives and Goals According to the United States Department of State (2015), the FARC started with a Marxist philosophy intent on overthrowing the Colombian government (Wanted, para. 1). They initially wanted the Colombian government …show more content…
Pedro Antonio Marin, also known as Manuel Marulanda Velez and Tirofijo (translated Dead Shot), was born in 1928 to a peasant family in west-central Colombia. He led peasants against Liberal-Conservatism and government persecution in the 1950’s. He changed his political affiliation to the Communist Party following the assassination of the Liberal Party’s leader in 1948. In 1984, he participated in government talks for a ceasefire in exchange for modern institutions, government reform and social justice, and pardons for members of his organization. Tirofijo ended peace talks when the government failed to agree to his demands. (Gillespie,

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