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Ramzi Yousef Case

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In February of 1993, a truck bomb was detonated below the

World Trade Center in New York, NY. Ramzi Yousef was one of the

main perpetrators of this incident. Yousef was also a co-conspirator in

the Bonjika plot. The Bonjika plot was a well-organized Islamist attack

by Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed to have 12 large

airplanes blown up along with the approximate 4,000 passengers

inside them.
There are six characteristics that apply to this case. The first characteristic is no rules-no moral limitations on the type of violence terrorist’s use. Second is no innocents- everyone is looked at equally; guilty. Third is economy- kill one person to terrify thousands. Fourth is publicity- publicity is sought by terrorists, which in hand causes terrorism. Fifth characteristic is meaning- terrorist acts give meaning to the lives of terrorists. And the last characteristic is no clarity- although terrorists cause direct damaging acts, long-term goals are poorly conceived. …show more content…
Although the plan was to eliminate thousands of people they only killed six and injured more than a thousand people. Yousef, Mahmud Abouhalima, Mohammad Salameh, Nidal Ayyad, Abdul Yasin, and Ahmad Ajaj planned the attack. They were not worried about what the act was or how it was going down. Yousef and the rest wanted to knock down the North Tower into the South Tower by detonating a truck bomb. The explosion severely damaged the garage but did not knock the North Tower over onto the South

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