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The Feminist Movement Research Paper

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mong the various struggles for equal rights that have characterized US history, the Feminist Movement has had a profound impact on American culture and politics (Hooks 2-3, 15). Perhaps the most compelling element of the Feminist Movement is the emergence of Black Feminism, which aimed to reshape the structure and direction of the movement (Burrell 9-10). Although the Black Feminist Movement reached its peak in the 1960’s and 70’s (Burrell 10), many attempts had been made previously by African American women to highlight the persistent oppression faced by their counterparts (Simien 2). Most notorious are the words of activists Sojourner Truth during the Civil War; as she repeated “Ain’t I a woman”, she sought to emphasize the racism, as well …show more content…
According to Simien and Crensaw, studies done by several scholars have only been able to focus “either on race or gender consciousness” (Simien 22, Crensaw 1244-1245); such approach does not allow them to examine the “multiple jeopardy” that black women face in American society (Burrell 10; Crensaw). This approach is apparent in Shingles study of “black consciousness” and political participation (76), in which he only considers ‘race consciousness’ among African Americans (89). Shingles does not distinguish the experiences of black women from black men but gives a rather general account with regard to black political participation (89-90). To the contrary, other scholars such as Gurin concentrate on ‘gender consciousness’, as she draws attentions mainly to how women identify themselves as ‘women’ (149). Gurin examines this specific identification by testing women’s reaction to statements such as “women’s place is in the home” and “men and women should have an equal role in running business, industry, and government”(149). In similar fashion, Andersen asks the exact same questions in her study in 1972, in order to examine to what degree the examined women would agree or disagree with the statements (449). Consequently, Gurin focuses only on gender consciousness by further measuring solely whether women identified with the “label women” and to what extent they thoughtfully did so(149). Gurin concludes that women are becoming increasingly aware of patriarchy and the disadvantages they face in terms of being subordinate to men on different social levels, but they also realize that they have the ability to gradually erase these inequalities

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