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The Final Cause Of Homelessness In Hurricane Katrina

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Throughout the largest cities such as Los Angeles down to the smallest as in Des Moines homelessness is on a constant rise. Natural disasters happen all too often. These natural disasters cause many people to be without homes, thus they end up on the streets. Because of many people not being able to pay their bills, because of loss of jobs, whole families are getting laid off. A final cause of homelessness is untreated mental illnesses particularly PTSD. In 2014 there were 49,993 veterans living on the streets in the US alone. When someone is homeless their health suffers. They are at a higher risk of catching diseases such as respiratory. The children and teenagers that are homeless do not receive any sort of education or job training. This makes it so much harder to find work, especially in today’s economy. Another effect homeless has is on crime. Many people will turn to stealing food and other things needed for survival. Homelessness is a problem that can be helped through providing financial aid to …show more content…
Hurricane Katrina is not the only natural disaster to cause homelessness. Speaking outside of the US tsunamis and quakes throughout the world have forced already impoverished people on to the streets. The problem remains what should happen with the people suffering from natural disasters. There are some organizations such as the Red Cross put in place for when disaster strikes. These organizations travel to the place in need and help with cleanup, rebuilding, and medical needs. Such organizations are financially inept. This causes them to only help so much. The Red Cross is not a federal agency, because of this they rely solely on donations. Overall, because the United States is in so much debt it does not have he ability to help such organizations which in turn could help families find a

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