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The Future of Home Health


Submitted By mreed36
Words 1678
Pages 7

The Future of Home Health
Mary C. Reed
The University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of
N5311 Nursing Management in Health Care
Stephanee Thurman, MSN, RN
August 1, 2012

The Future of Home Health Home health has been the topic of several news discussions lately. Doctors and nurses are afraid that since Medicare fraud has taken place in so many home health agencies, that Medicare is going to start shutting down a lot of home health agencies so that they have less fraud to watch out for. The studies I have chosen discuss positive outcomes that are related to providing care in the patient’s home.
I have worked in home health for four years. In those four years, home health services have been through many changes. After obtaining my Masters of Science in Nursing I plan on continuing to work in home health. I would like to move up to a management position after graduation. Home health is interesting to me and I enjoy working with patients in their home environment. Patients seem to be more motivated in their home setting instead of being in a rehabilitation center or hospital. “In home nursing care, patient care activities focus on enabling patients to assume responsibility for self-monitoring and self-management through teaching, supporting, goal setting, and modeling decision-making” (Or, Valdez, Casper, Carayone, Burke, Brennan & Karsh, 2007, 201). Working in home health, communication is very important. The nurse is usually the discipline who sees and knows more about the patient than any other discipline. It is important for the different communication lines to stay open while the patient is receiving home health services. The nurse can communicate through phone calls, faxes and even

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