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The Future of Video Calling Is Now


Submitted By kaliyas
Words 906
Pages 4
I can still perfectly recall George Jetson been yelled by his boss Cosmo G. Spacely using video calling at the cartoon “The Jetson’s.” Ever since I watched this cartoon I was being enchanted by the idea of face-to-face conversations that challenge the barrier of been in different places. Other cartoons such as Dexter’s Laboratory or Superfriends reinforced the same idea -- In the future the traditional concept of phone conversation would not be confined to mere audio, but to vivid interactions with our counterpart. The future is already with us, and it has made cartoons’ technologies a reality.
“being yelled at by his boss, Cosmo…” “on the cartoon, …” Watch verb tenses “Ever since…I have been enchanted” (present perfect) “of being in different” (a gerund often follows a preposition) “the cartoons’” Good transition, but break to another paragraph.

Although the introduction of webcam in mobile devices does not solve every communication problem, mobile video calling has revolutionized the way we communicate in this new technology era. It is a fact that we do not “need” to communicate with video; however, it does sometimes add another useful and pleasant dimension by providing a much richer experience than a phone conversation. A video calling allows the users to perceive instant face expressions that can be understood as emotions. This is a great help at the time to adopt our voice tone and way of speaking since now we know how is our counterpart reacting. In doing so, mobile video calling has made the barrier of distance more flexible to help link people together, gave voices to the deaf, and provide for rapid live broadcasting feedback in the moment of a disaster.

“of webcams in mobile…” “technological era” (word form = adjective) “facial expressions” “in adapting our…” “how our counterpart is reacting” “in that it brings people closer together, gives voices to the deaf, and provides…” Not sure what gives voices to the deaf means. Some real examples of how it helps might be good here – especially the facial expressions part.

When you travel you are not always online in front of a computer, but most of the time your mobile phone is within “one pocket” distance. Traditional video calling not only requires both users to be stuck in front of a computer, but also to schedule it. Nowadays, mobile phones give the users the flexibility to have video callings when they are “on the run”. Life’s unique moments cannot always wait for you to reach a computer. The first steps of your daughter, the reaction of your soul mate opening the gift you sent, or the relief to see the faces of your relatives after a natural disaster, definitely cannot wait for you to reach a computer.
“is in one of your pockets.” At this point, the reader might be wondering about your overall purpose. Are you comparing phone video conferencing with that of a computer? These are two very different things and I’m not sure you can compare them. And, if you do compare them, aren’t the differences obvious? What new are you going to tell your readers?

Mobile video calling is giving voices to deaf people. In 2009 I worked as a volunteer on the Deaflympics in Taipei. It was for me the first time I had closed contact with hearing-challenged people. I noticed that in order to communicate, they use a lot of facial expressions and a more extreme body language than me. It made me think. In an emergency situation, where we need to call and give an accurate description of what is happening, the Deaf person's options for obtaining assistance are severely jeopardized. With mobile video calling Deaf people are not limited to convey emotions and body language.
Ok, now the deaf part is clear. “It was the first time I had close contact with the hearing impaired.” Don’t they use sign language? “…deaf people can convey their emotions through body language.” But, again, wouldn’t they just use sign language? Be precise.

Broadcasting in the place and in the moment of the event is within one mobile video calling distance. In a disaster event, move broadcasting equipment to “the eye of the storm” takes time and it can be dangerous as well. Mobile video calling users, who are near the event, can use their smart phones to broadcast and give a rapid and vivid live broadcasting feedback of the situation. This can save lives as well as provide a better response from the authorities.
Your first sentence here is a little confusing, and, anyway, probably unnecessary. “During a disaster, moving broadcasting…” Again, try to use real life examples (when there was a mass protest in Iran – or maybe even Egypt, for example)
Mobile video calling is bringing a more vivid and pleasant definition to communication. I have understood how important is this technology nowadays and how it has helped to improve our society. I am sure that mobile video calling will keep amusing us with its benefits and with it our life quality. There is no doubt that mobile video calling has come to us and it will stay with us to keep us closer, give a voice, and alleviate us in a moment of an emergency.
“pleasant definition” is a bit awkward here. Watch word choices. “how important this technology is…” “and improving the quality of our lives” “in moments of emergency.”

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