Premium Essay

The Glass Castle


Submitted By ilucas10ff
Words 794
Pages 4
1. “We laughed about all the kids who believed in the Santa myth and got nothing for Christmas but a bunch of cheap plastic toys. 'Years from now, when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotton,' Dad said,'you'll still have your stars.” | Adjective – CheapExplanation - This quote is very important because it characterizes how the Walls children are. This shows us that they are positive, by making a positive side of their situation. While small children want many toys for Christmas, Jeannette and her relatives are satisfied with their stars. | 2. "I just stood there looking from one distorted face to another, listening to this babble of enraged squabble as the members of the Walls family gave vent to all their years of hurt and anger, each unloading his or her own accumulated grievances and blaming the others for allowing the most fragile one of us to break into pieces." | Adjective – AngerExplanation - This is a significant quote because it characterizes and describes how all the members of her family have had to deal with rough situations. In this scene, all of the Walls family lets out their anger at one another. All of the emotions that Jeannette and her family have accumulated are now being revealed. | 3. "I had this crazy urge to scoop him up in my arms and charge through the doors- to check out Rex Walls- style one last time." | Adjective – CrazyExplanation - Regardless of the fact that her father is an alcoholic, Jeannette remains ‘Crazy’ dedicated to her father during her life, even though the rest of her family as lost faith. This quote shows the bond that Jeannette and her father share. This Characterizes how she still loves her father. | 4. "Mom told us that we were actually doing the animals a favor by not allowing them to become dependent on us. That way, if we ever had to leave, they'd be able to get by on their own." |

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