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The Great Ideas: The Age Of Enlightenment

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The Age of Reason better known as The Age of Enlightenment is a period of time during the 17th and 18th century, based in Europe, where people looked for ways to improve society by discussing political, religious, economic, and social questions. It was full of great new ideas which helped form the Democratic society we live in today. In this paper, I will discuss many of the great ideas some of the more famous philosophers had and the general idea they shared. The main idea of the enlightenment was natural rights (rights that are given people not by society but nature) and every person had the ability to reason. The most famous thinkers of this time where John Locke, Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), Adam Smith, and Mary Wollstonecraft. Voltaire believed that people had the natural right to practice whatever religion, you didn't have to accept the religion just be tolerant of it. By doing so this could be used as an economic boom, such as the Royal exchange in London in which people from all over Eurasia would come and exchange goods. By doing so it made products only available in one area available in multiple, giving greater access to these items. “If only one religion …show more content…
She thought it was a part of the natural rights that the sexes should be able to do the same thing and women's rights should not be restricted. One of her arguments is that until women have the same rights as men they will never be able to prove their equality. “Reason and experience convince me that the only method of leading women to fulfill their peculiar duties is to free them from all restraint by allowing them to participate in the inherent rights of mankind.” She believes that women are being held back from fulfilling their “inherent rights” or natural rights. She came up with her ideas by using reason just like the rest of the philosophers did, he thought that the only way to make an educated statement was to

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